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Julia Vignali bientôt aux commandes d'Affaire conclue : l'étonnante réaction de son mari Kad Merad

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00:00 More than a few days before discovering the new version of the case concluded on France
00:12 2 with Giulia Vignali.
00:15 The animator has indeed agreed to walk in the footsteps of Sophie from before and, if
00:21 she did not have a long time to think, she still took the vice of her husband Kademerad.
00:26 And the actor made him a funny request.
00:31 On August 28, Giulia Vignali will make her return on France 2.
00:37 The animator will present on that day her first number of cases concluded, thus giving
00:43 her place to Marie Portolano in Telematin.
00:46 Because after two years spent waking up the French, Giulia Vignali is exhausted,
00:54 morally and physically.
00:58 Taking up the business flame concluded after Sophie from before is therefore imposed as
01:03 an evidence for Luigi's mother.
01:06 And for her premiere, Giulia Vignali will be able to count on the support of her sister,
01:12 who will accompany her to operate a power transition.
01:16 The return of the show will therefore certainly be very much scrutinized by the viewers,
01:23 of which Kademerad, Giulia's husband, will undoubtedly be part.
01:27 But what does the actor of the adventure in which his companion starts think?
01:34 In an interview for TV two weeks, she brought her great enthusiasm.
01:38 "When I was made this proposal, he assured me that I absolutely had to accept,
01:47 to trust her.
01:54 And that was not without a little idea behind the head of Kademerad.
01:58 And as I'm re-typing an old house, he told me that we needed beautiful objects.
02:02 But I reminded him that this was not the concept of the show, stop having fun throwing Giulia
02:13 Vignali.
02:14 " Also present during this interview, Sophie Davant added that Danny Boone's acolyte
02:20 was very happy that she got up earlier.
02:22 "He told me he was looking to conclude before or after nap, I don't know,
02:30 apart from revealing the one who joins Europe 1.
02:35 No doubt that Kademerad will be even more faithful to the show with his darling in charge.
02:40 Giulia Vignali and Kademerad reunited on the screen completely gaga of the brunette,
02:48 the actor has also invited her to be part of his next film, Papa Mobile, made by
02:54 Sylvain Estival.
02:55 The shoot took place during the summer as Giulia Vignali learned on Instagram by sharing
03:04 photos.
03:05 "Chasser le naturel.
03:09 Quel plaisir de jouer le rôle d'une journaliste, a telle légende et sa publication.
03:14 "
03:15 "I'm not a fan of the show, but I'm a fan of the show.
03:33 I'm a fan of the show, I'm a fan of the show.
03:57 I'm a fan of the show.
04:06 I'm a fan of the show.
04:10 I'm a fan of the show.
