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00:00:00 today. Mark chapter five, start at verse number 21. When you're ready to read, say,
00:00:04 "Yeah." You need a little time to find it, say, "Hold on." I heard it. I'll wait for
00:00:10 you. Mark chapter five. It says, "When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the
00:00:16 other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the
00:00:21 lake. Then one of the synagogue leaders named Jairus came, and when he saw Jesus,
00:00:26 he fell at his feet. He pleaded earnestly with him, 'My little daughter is dying.
00:00:34 Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.' So
00:00:39 Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him, and a
00:00:43 woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years. She had suffered a
00:00:48 great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet
00:00:53 instead of getting better, she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up
00:00:58 behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought, 'If I just
00:01:03 touch his clothes, I will be healed.' Immediately her bleeding stopped, and she
00:01:09 felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering." Now, once Jesus realized
00:01:14 that power had gone out from him, he noticed that power went out from him. He's
00:01:19 never out of power, but he knows when power goes out from him. He realized that
00:01:24 power had gone out from him, and he turned around in a crowd full of people
00:01:33 and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" "You see the people crowding against you," his
00:01:40 disciple said, "I'm thinking it's Peter. You gonna sit up here and ask who touched
00:01:45 me?" Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what
00:01:52 had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and trembling with fear told him
00:01:56 the whole truth, and he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in
00:02:01 peace and be freed from your suffering." While Jesus was still speaking, some
00:02:07 people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. "Your daughter is dead,"
00:02:12 they said. "Why bother the teacher anymore?" Overhearing what they said, some
00:02:18 virgins say ignoring what they said, Jesus told him, "Don't be afraid. Just
00:02:22 believe." He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James, and John, the brother
00:02:26 of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a
00:02:29 commotion with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, "Why
00:02:33 all this commotion and wailing? Girl ain't dead. She's asleep." But they did what you
00:02:41 just did. They laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child's
00:02:46 father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went in where the
00:02:48 child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talithicum," which means a
00:02:52 little girl, "I say to you, get up." Immediately the girl stood up and began
00:02:58 to walk around. She was 12 years old. At this, they were completely astonished. He
00:03:04 gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and then told them, "Go to
00:03:08 Chick-fil-A and get that girl something to eat because dying makes you hungry,
00:03:13 obviously." Oh, this is so good. This is so, so good. I know it's a lot of
00:03:21 scripture. Thanks for bearing with me. You wore those shoes. Come on. If your feet are
00:03:25 hurting, that's on you. But I want to put a title. I want to put a title on this
00:03:31 text. I want to put a title on this text. Maybe you were saying my title as I was
00:03:34 reading all those scriptures. I want to title this message today, "Hurry Up." Hurry
00:03:43 up. I know this is for somebody today, but let me first address who this message is
00:03:49 not for. If you're one of those people that every time you cry out to God, he
00:03:53 shows up for you on your time schedule, I ain't got a sermon for you today. Matter
00:03:59 of fact, you just leave, go get brunch right now. If every time you cry out to
00:04:03 God, he shows up and he shows up right on your schedule. I mean, you pray because
00:04:08 you said, "God, this rent is due on the 5th," and he showed up on the 4th or the
00:04:11 5th. This message is not for you. I'm talking to the people that you said, "God
00:04:16 is due on the 5th and now it's the 15th," and they send in letters and you don't
00:04:21 know what to do. I'm talking to the people that say, "God, I know you're a
00:04:25 promise keeper, but how come you're not punctual?" I'm talking to the people that
00:04:31 have ever cried out to God and said, "Could you please hurry? God, I would
00:04:38 like to get married in this century. Could you please hurry up? God, I've been
00:04:46 waiting for my breakthrough and my healing. Could you please hurry? God, we
00:04:52 have been in every venue in the city of Dallas. I would like to have my own
00:04:55 building. Could you?" Too personal, I'm sorry. Hurry up. Hurry up. If you've ever looked to
00:05:06 God and cried out, "Please hurry up," I want to talk to you today. Would you bow
00:05:13 your heads? Let's pray a long prayer. God speak today. Amen. You may be seated in
00:05:21 the presence of the Lord. Hurry. Hurry up. You know, every time that I stand on this
00:05:31 stage to preach the Word of God, there's something that you need to know that is
00:05:36 happening that you might not even be aware of. Every time I preach, there's
00:05:40 actually a clock that is in front of me, but it's behind you, and it's always
00:05:46 running while I'm preaching. Preachers tend to be long-winded. And for the
00:05:52 benefit of brevity and the sake of this sermon today, I thought I would just flip
00:05:55 the script. And instead of the clock being behind you and in front of me, I
00:05:59 thought I would put my preaching clock behind me and in front of you. So y'all
00:06:06 can watch how long the sermon is gonna be today. And if I'm running out of time,
00:06:11 make sure you let me know I'm running out of time. And just shout at me, "Hurry."
00:06:16 Hurry up. If for some crazy reason, every single Bible in the world was
00:06:24 confiscated and they would shut down the Bible app and you were only allowed to
00:06:28 pick one literary genre of the Bible to hold on to, I know what literary
00:06:34 genre I would pick. Let me first tell you what I wouldn't pick. I would not pick
00:06:38 the first five books of the Old Testament. Would not pick the Pentateuch.
00:06:43 I'm sorry. That's not me. Not the starting five. I wouldn't pick Genesis,
00:06:47 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, or Deuteronomy. I would not pick, although I love poetry,
00:06:51 I would not pick the Psalms. Would not pick the Psalms. I would not pick Proverbs,
00:06:56 although your boy needs a whole lot of wisdom. I'm a pastor, and I wouldn't even
00:07:01 pick the epistles. If I only get one literary genre, I wouldn't pick the
00:07:04 epistles, and Lord knows I would not pick the last book of the Bible.
00:07:10 No, I'm sorry. Book of Revelation? No, that's not for me. I graduated from
00:07:15 Bible college, and I'm still confused by the Book of Revelation. In fact, if you want
00:07:19 to scare me out in these streets, then come up to me out in these Dallas streets
00:07:22 and be like, "Hey, Pastor, real quick, can I ask you a question? I was reading the
00:07:26 Book of Revelation last night. If you want to see me run away from you, ask me
00:07:30 that question." I wouldn't pick any of the apocalyptic literature. I'm going to
00:07:36 pick the Gospels. Going to pick the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I
00:07:43 love the Gospels. The Gospels, to me, are the closest thing that we have of a
00:07:49 biography of the greatest man who ever walked the face of this earth. His name
00:07:53 is Jesus. I love the Gospels. The Gospels are pulsating with the personality of
00:07:58 Jesus Christ. Please believe this whole book is all about him, but it is crystal
00:08:03 clear in the Gospels. I love the Gospels. Matter of fact, if you're new to faith and
00:08:07 you want to start reading the Bible and you feel like it's so intimidating, just
00:08:11 start with the Gospels. Go to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I love the Gospels.
00:08:17 They are what one scholar calls Christology in narrative form.
00:08:23 Christology in narrative form. In other words, the Gospels are a mugshot of who
00:08:29 Jesus is. A mugshot. You ever been arrested? Can I see your hand? No, don't
00:08:35 raise it. You know what happens when you get arrested. You get arrested, you get
00:08:39 arrested, they take you in and they immediately confiscate your items. They
00:08:42 take all your items, they confiscate it, and then they take your fingerprint,
00:08:45 right, and then they take a picture of you. They call it a mugshot. How many of you
00:08:48 know they do not just take a picture in the front? No, no, no. We got to get your
00:08:52 whole profile. Make sure this is really you. So they take a picture of you in the
00:08:55 front, they take a picture of you on the side, then they take another picture in
00:08:59 the side, and if you're really crazy, they might even take a picture from the back.
00:09:02 They take your items, take your fingerprint, and then they take multiple
00:09:06 pictures. That's what happens. And then they say you have been booked. The
00:09:10 Gospels, they're a mugshot of Jesus. This is what happened to our Savior. You
00:09:16 realize that when he came from heaven to earth, he emptied his glory. He
00:09:20 confiscated his glory, his deity, and he said, "Let me put on human skin and feel
00:09:27 what they feel," and I love that he did signs and wonders and miracles, but how
00:09:32 many of you know one gospel is not enough to get the full picture of who Jesus is?
00:09:36 He had to get a mugshot. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We are getting different facets of who he is.
00:09:44 I love the Gospels, but do you know what my favorite book of the Gospels is?
00:09:51 Mark. Mark is my favorite. Mark is my favorite because it's the shortest. Mark,
00:09:59 if he had a theme for his gospel, guess what it would be? Hurry up. His theme
00:10:05 would be hurry up. There's nothing like the gospel of Mark because Mark moves
00:10:08 faster than Matthew and Luke, who are primarily concerned with what Jesus said.
00:10:13 John is concerned with who Jesus was. Mark is concerned with what Jesus did.
00:10:18 Mark is letting you know that Jesus is about that action, that he moves on
00:10:23 your behalf. That's why all throughout the gospel of Mark, you will hear this
00:10:26 word over and over, "Immediately, immediately," that Jesus moves on your
00:10:31 behalf. Immediately, he went from here to there. Mark don't even got time for baby
00:10:35 Jesus. He just starts off, read it when you get to the crib, with full-grown
00:10:40 Jesus. He's like, "I don't have time for all the foolishness. Hurry up." Love the
00:10:46 gospel of Mark, but Mark has something unique in his gospel. Can I just teach a
00:10:49 little bit today? Mark does something unique in his gospel that none of the
00:10:53 other gospel writers do. It's something they call the Mark sandwich. Mark makes
00:11:00 sandwiches, and he does it with his literary style. Mark will start with one
00:11:06 story, and then once he starts with that story, the bread, he'll then insert
00:11:12 another story. And after he inserts that story, he will finish with the story that
00:11:19 he started. It's called a Mark sandwich. And he does that because the story that
00:11:24 interrupts the original story is really what the whole story is about. Could you
00:11:30 give us some examples? Yeah, I'll give you one. It's about eight of them he does in
00:11:34 his gospel. One is in Mark 11, it's my favorite, is where Jesus pulls up on a
00:11:39 fig tree that has leaves but no fruit. And from a distance, it's kind of weird,
00:11:45 Jesus. He curses the fig tree. Curses the fig tree. He said, "Let nobody eat from
00:11:52 this tree ever again." You're like, "What is wrong with him?" Because if the fig tree is
00:11:58 supposed to have leaves, it should have fruit as well. But this
00:12:02 fig tree is fronting. It has leaves, but when you get up close, there's no fruit.
00:12:08 He starts that story, and then he goes to the temple and takes a whip and starts
00:12:14 running out all of the money changers out of the temple of God. And then he
00:12:20 comes back to the tree, and Peter goes, "Oh, Jesus, that tree that you cursed is
00:12:25 withered." "Mark, what are you doing?" Those stories are connected because the
00:12:30 temple was just like the fig tree. They had a form of godliness, but there was no
00:12:36 power. They were going through the motions of church, but they were actually
00:12:39 blocking people from actually worshiping in the first place. They were just like
00:12:44 that fig tree. Jesus cannot stand when you pretend to have a form of godliness
00:12:49 when you have leaves, but when we really investigate your life up close, there's
00:12:53 no fruit. What the fig tree was is what the temple was. And so Mark puts all
00:13:00 those stories together because Mark makes sandwiches. But our text today is
00:13:06 indicative of Mark's writing. He's doing another sandwich. You see what he did? He
00:13:11 starts with this dude named Jairus who comes to Jesus because his baby girl is
00:13:18 dying. And in the middle of that story, he talks about a woman who has an issue of
00:13:24 blood, and then he concludes the story with Jairus. And it's a sandwich. Why is
00:13:29 Mark making a sandwich? Because the stories are connected. And when you're
00:13:34 looking at a Mark sandwich, you cannot eat a Mark sandwich the way my kids eat
00:13:37 a Mark sandwich. They take off the bread, and they're like, "I don't want that. Is it
00:13:42 gluten-free?" No, no, no, no. You got to take the sandwich as a whole. You got to
00:13:48 do the whole...because to only talk about part of the sandwich and not the other
00:13:52 part of the sandwich is not to do justice to the text. They are deeply
00:13:56 connected. So the first thing I want you to see in this text is that Jairus, this
00:14:00 synagogue ruler, and this woman with an issue of blood, they are connected. Oh,
00:14:05 they are deeply connected. Now, here's what intrigues me about their connection,
00:14:10 is that if you look at the surface of their life, you will not see a
00:14:14 connection. But you can't look at the surface. You have to go deeper. But if you
00:14:20 look at the surface of their life, they could not be more opposite. Come on, if
00:14:23 you just look at the surface of Jairus, the synagogue leader, and this woman with
00:14:27 issue of blood, how many of you know one of these things is not like the other? They are
00:14:31 completely opposite. First of all, Jairus is a man. She is a woman. There is a
00:14:36 difference. Completely different. Jairus is named in this text today. We
00:14:42 don't even know sister girl's name. Jairus is respected and honored in the
00:14:49 culture in which he is. This woman is the complete opposite. She has been rejected.
00:14:53 She has been shamed. She is an outsider, if you will. Jairus works in the synagogue.
00:14:59 He is a pastor, if you will. This woman, she can't even come near the synagogue
00:15:04 because she is ceremonially unclean. She has never been to the temple to worship.
00:15:09 She has to scream out to people, "Unclean! Unclean!" every time she goes out in
00:15:15 public. Jairus, the text would tell us, actually has some money. He's probably
00:15:19 affluent because of his position. This woman is broke, busted, and disgusted. As a
00:15:24 matter of fact, the text lets us know that she spent all her money, she is
00:15:29 broke, spent it all on doctors who did not make her better. They made her worse.
00:15:34 They are completely opposite. They have nothing in common on the surface and yet
00:15:40 both of them find themselves at the exact same place and position at the
00:15:44 feet of Jesus. What is it about two people that on the surface have nothing
00:15:49 in common but all of a sudden find themselves at the same place? What would
00:15:53 make them do that? I'll tell you what would make them do that. It's called life.
00:15:57 It's called pain. How many know pain will push you to the feet of Jesus? Pain will
00:16:03 make two people that have nothing in common on the surface worship in the
00:16:07 same place. Pain will make a Democrat and a Republican lift up holy hands and say,
00:16:13 "God, this ain't got nothing to do with how I vote. I need you to do something in my
00:16:16 life right now." Pain will make black people and brown people and white people
00:16:20 come together in the same place. Whenever life hits you with something you can't
00:16:25 handle, it'll drive you to places that you never thought you would go and pain
00:16:30 has brought them to the same place. Oh people don't like to shout about that
00:16:36 because rarely do we come to Jesus in our pleasure. We come to Jesus in our
00:16:43 pain. Rarely do we come to Jesus after we got the bonus in the brand new Tesla.
00:16:48 That's generally when you skip church and say let's go get some brunch and
00:16:51 some mimosas but isn't it crazy when you get a bad doctor's report or when your
00:16:56 booth says I want a divorce I'm leaving you. Isn't it crazy how when life hits you
00:17:01 with something you cannot handle all of a sudden you find yourself at the feet
00:17:05 of Jesus. Pain will do that to you. Pain will push you into places that you never
00:17:11 thought you would be. Pain is a great usher. Pain has ushered more people in
00:17:18 the churches than any other regular usher could do. In fact the great thinker
00:17:24 C.S. Lewis says God whispers to us in our pleasure but he shouts to us in our
00:17:30 pain. You ever had pain push you to a place where you say God I need you? I've
00:17:38 seen some atheists be hit with some pain that made them lift up their hand and
00:17:42 say Jehovah Nissi fight your battle. Only pain, only pain would do it. Pain pushed
00:17:51 them to the feet of Jesus. No wonder they had to push their way through the crowd
00:17:56 to get to Jesus. Anytime you see somebody pushing you, pain is pushing them. That's
00:18:03 why they're pushing. You know it's not polite to push but Mark also talks about
00:18:07 the crowd being a hindrance in his text and no wonder the woman with the issue
00:18:11 of blood and gyrus both had to push people out the way to get to the feet of
00:18:17 Jesus. It was not a pretty pathway with rose petals laid out for them. Some
00:18:21 miracles you got to get desperate for. Some miracles you're gonna have to push
00:18:25 some people, some things, some mindsets out of the way and a lot of us are
00:18:30 trying to get miracles in our comfort zones. God says no I'm glad that pain is
00:18:39 pushing you to me. Can I just talk to y'all today? See this is why I couldn't
00:18:43 be Jesus. I'm a little too petty to be Jesus because if I'm Jesus I want to be
00:18:52 your first option. Come to me before the pain hits your life. But the text is
00:18:59 suggesting to us that this woman with the issue of blood and gyrus would not
00:19:04 have come to Jesus unless they went through this. The text said she had spent
00:19:11 all she had on every single doctor. Then she comes to Jesus which leads me to
00:19:17 believe if she had some more money or if there was another expert she would have
00:19:24 gone to them first. Oh y'all don't want to be real. See I couldn't be Jesus
00:19:28 because I don't want to be your last option. Gyrus he is a ruler in the
00:19:32 synagogue. The synagogue were the biggest haters of Jesus. His whole crew that he
00:19:39 ran with were the biggest opposition to the ministry of Jesus. What would make a
00:19:45 synagogue leader leave his crew? And say look I know we don't really
00:19:50 roll with him but this is different. My daughter is dying. That lets me know who
00:19:55 your daughter is your idol. Because it's your daughter that pushed you to him.
00:20:05 Otherwise you wouldn't have anything to do with him. You know what I wish the
00:20:08 text would tell us? I wish the text would tell us what happened after the woman
00:20:12 with the issue of blood got the healing. Did she keep worshipping? I wish we could
00:20:18 know what happened to Gyrus after his daughter got raised from the dead. Did he
00:20:23 go back with the rulers of the synagogue? See we get that story with you because
00:20:27 isn't it crazy when you need the breakthrough you worship with all that's
00:20:31 within you. But once God fixes it, I see you Easter. There's something about the
00:20:42 patience of our Savior who even allow you to come to him as the last resort.
00:20:49 And pain brought Gyrus and this woman at the feet of Jesus. They have nothing in
00:20:59 common on the surface and yet they found themselves at the same place. Their pain
00:21:05 is the same but their pain is different. It's completely different. It just so
00:21:10 happens that Gyrus, his baby girl, she is dying. She hasn't died yet but she is
00:21:20 dying. When he comes to Jesus, he's coming to Jesus like somebody that is calling
00:21:26 911 saying, "Jesus you gotta hurry up. Time is of the essence. My baby girl is dying.
00:21:33 It's an emergency." This woman has pain too but her pain is different because her
00:21:38 issue has been going on for a long time. There's a difference when you've been
00:21:44 dealing with something for a long time. When it is a chronic issue. When you have
00:21:50 built a whole lifestyle around this issue. Anybody that's been sick for a long time,
00:21:55 it becomes your identity. You know what pills you have to take every single day
00:22:00 and you don't even remember what it was like to feel whole again. This woman's
00:22:06 been dealing with it for a long time and she comes to Jesus too. Their pain is the
00:22:09 same but it's different and yet it's connected because Mark feels the need to
00:22:15 let us know that this little girl who is dying is 12 years old and this woman
00:22:22 with issue of blood has been dealing with it for 12 years. This is no accident.
00:22:28 This sandwich is strategically made. So you got a 12 year old dying daughter and
00:22:34 a 12 year old disease. That means the same year this baby girl was born is the
00:22:45 exact same year this woman was diagnosed with her disease. That means if
00:22:51 Mark chapter 5 was a movie and the producers of This Is Us were writing a
00:22:56 script, this is the scene where it would flash from the feet of Jesus. Then the
00:23:03 screen would go black. Can I paint the picture? And it would say 12 years
00:23:07 earlier and it would go to a hospital and in that hospital would be Jairus, his
00:23:13 wife and them holding a baby girl smiling with that goofy new parents
00:23:18 smile. And then down the hallway perhaps in the same hospital is a woman who a
00:23:28 doctor is looking across the table from her saying we don't know what to do
00:23:33 about this disease because we've never seen anything like it and maybe they
00:23:38 were in the same hospital that day but didn't even see each other. This is the
00:23:42 movie and the picture we would see. They're in the same place and one 12
00:23:46 years ago was shouting about a promise and the other one is beginning the
00:23:50 journey of pain. Ladies and gentlemen this is the power of church. This is why
00:23:55 you need community and so many of us are so preoccupied sometimes with our
00:23:59 promise or some of us are so preoccupied with our pain that we're oblivious that
00:24:03 there are people around us that are going through things, that are going
00:24:07 through circumstances and situations and you can't be so focused on you that you
00:24:12 miss out on the other people around you. This is why you need the community of
00:24:16 faith. This is why you need to be plugged in and connected. This is why you need a
00:24:20 connect group because there's something about the community of faith coming
00:24:24 together. This is why Paul says in Romans chapter 12 that you ought to rejoice
00:24:28 with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep because I need people to
00:24:32 shout with me when I got my promise but I also need people to weep with me when
00:24:37 I don't know what's hit me and pain. In my life now all of a sudden the two 12s are
00:24:46 touching. The two 12s are meeting and Jesus has brought the 12s together. Do I
00:24:52 have some time? Oh I still got time. 12 12 12. What is 12? Somebody say 12. Come on
00:24:59 say it like you had your coffee. Say 12. Come on say it with your chest. Say 12. Give God
00:25:04 just a 12 second shout of praise real quick. Come on 12. 12 12 12 12 12. Don't take my time. 12 12 12 12 12 is a 12 is an important number to God. If you go deeper and read your Bible you know that numbers mean
00:25:34 things. Numbers mean things. 12 is an important number to God. You don't have
00:25:39 to have a Bible college degree or be a student biblical numerology. Just start
00:25:43 reading your Bible and you will see this number 12 is important. 12 12 12 12 is
00:25:49 important. You remember when God began his covenant with his people and he
00:25:52 called Abraham. Remember father Abraham and began a covenant with his people
00:25:56 through father Abraham. That covenant continued from Abraham to his son Isaac
00:26:00 and then culminated in Jacob. Jacob had not one not two not three not four 12
00:26:04 sons and those 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel and represented the
00:26:10 power and the authority and the continuation of the covenant that God
00:26:14 gave with his people. 12 is an important number to God. You remember in the Old
00:26:18 Testament whenever the high priest would go into the holy of holies he was the
00:26:22 only one that could go on behalf of the people. He didn't walk in with whatever
00:26:25 he wanted to wear but he had to have a breastplate on that had 12 precious
00:26:30 stones that represented those 12 tribes of Israel. 12 is an important number to
00:26:35 God. I'm losing some of y'all fast forward to the New Testament. You know
00:26:37 Jesus he is our New Testament high priest. He is our New Testament high
00:26:42 priest. I'm thankful for the blood of Jesus that was enough. I don't have to
00:26:45 have a preacher or a high priest go before me because Jesus blood was
00:26:49 powerful and efficacious enough that we don't have to murder a lamb to come in
00:26:53 here to worship God but the lamb that was slain his blood was enough. But how
00:26:57 many of you know the first time we see our high priest is not just in Bethlehem
00:27:01 when he was born but the first time he's teaching is in the temple and he is 12
00:27:05 years old. 12 is an important number to God and then when that 12 year old turned
00:27:10 30 and he got ready to turn the world upside down but he had to pick his crew
00:27:15 his roll dogs. If it was me I would have stopped at 11 but not Jesus. He
00:27:20 understood that every hero needs a hater so he said come on Judas and he picked
00:27:23 12 disciples to walk with them. 12 is an important number. What is 12? 12 speaks
00:27:32 to government. 12 speaks to structure. 12 speaks to power but more importantly
00:27:40 hear me 12 is the number of authority. It is the number of authority. What is Jesus
00:27:47 saying to us in this text with the 12? He's saying what he's been saying all
00:27:51 throughout the gospel of Mark that I don't care whether it's a blind eye, a
00:27:56 deaf ear, demon possession, oppression, whether it is a storm, a sickness, or a
00:28:02 disease there is absolutely nothing that you are facing that is not under the
00:28:06 jurisdiction of my power and my authority. Never have the nerve or the
00:28:12 audacity to tell your God to hurry up because you don't tell the person that
00:28:16 has the power and the person that has the authority to hurry up. He is not on
00:28:21 our time schedule because he is not in time. He is God full of wisdom, full of
00:28:26 power, and full of authority. 12 is the number of authority. Do you know what
00:28:34 Jesus is teaching us in this text? He's teaching us that he has the final say.
00:28:40 That he is the ultimate authority. Now often when we preach this text and we
00:28:46 look at this passage we reduce it to faith because he looks at this woman and
00:28:50 says daughter your faith has healed you and don't get me wrong faith is
00:28:55 important. You need faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is
00:29:00 the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is
00:29:04 important. Faith is our anchor and you need an anchor. But how many know nobody
00:29:09 takes an anchor and just throws it in the water? You're gonna lose that anchor.
00:29:13 You better connect and attach that anchor to something and hear me my faith
00:29:18 has got to be connected to my understanding of his authority, the
00:29:23 authority of his word, the authority of his power. If you don't truly believe
00:29:28 that God is the ultimate authority then your faith is gonna struggle. But my
00:29:34 faith has to be rooted in the fact that God has all power. God has the authority
00:29:40 and it is my awareness of his authority that will usher me into deeper levels of
00:29:46 faith and ultimately will determine what I receive from him. Oh is this too much
00:29:52 for a Sunday morning? Some of you think you have a faith problem. You don't. Your
00:29:57 faith is cool. You know you don't need a lot of faith. You just need mustard seed
00:30:02 faith. Here's what you really need. You need an awareness that God is the
00:30:07 ultimate authority. Because some of you say he's the authority but as soon as
00:30:13 you get that doctor's report, as soon as your cousin and them say well I don't
00:30:18 see how this can happen, as soon as you see your circumstance that seems bigger
00:30:23 than your God when it's right in front of you, you think it has the authority
00:30:27 and God's saying your faith will only be as strong as your awareness of my
00:30:32 authority. Could you give us some scripture examples for that? I'm so glad
00:30:36 you asked. Do you remember when the disciples on the boat with Jesus prior to
00:30:41 this and he gave them a promise they're gonna go to the other side and they're
00:30:45 there on the boat and the winds and the waves are raging and all of a sudden
00:30:51 Jesus is not standing there in the water saying didn't I tell you we'd be on the
00:30:56 other side? Fear not my children. No homeboy is in the bottom of the ship
00:31:01 asleep. Mark says on a pillow, not down and they run to Jesus. Jesus don't you
00:31:10 care about us? Have you ever said that? Don't you care? How can you sleep? And he
00:31:16 gets up, cool calm and collected, goes to the edge of the boat. Peace. Be still. And
00:31:25 the winds and the waves stop and what do they say? Who is this man? No for real.
00:31:31 Who is he? We thought we knew but we didn't know. Who is he? That even the
00:31:36 winds and the waves obey him. They marveled at his authority and what did
00:31:44 he say to them? Oh you of little faith. The reason you had little faith is because you
00:31:49 didn't know who I was. You didn't know my authority but if you knew my authority
00:31:57 you should have been looking at me while I was sleeping in the storm and said who
00:32:01 is this man that is sleeping and snoring in the middle of a hurricane? If this
00:32:07 storm ain't bothering him, why should I let it bother me? It's good over Jesus.
00:32:11 Let me just sleep here with you because if you ain't tripping about this you
00:32:14 must believe what you said that we're gonna get to the other side so I'm not
00:32:18 gonna stress about it. I'm not gonna worry about it. I'm gonna trust the power
00:32:22 and authority that when you speak a thing it has to come to pass. Oh I'm
00:32:28 telling you, you want the storm to go. I want your eyes to open to the awareness
00:32:36 of his authority because hear me if if you don't trust somebody's authority
00:32:42 then you won't trust the validity of their words. Faith comes by hearing,
00:32:49 hearing by the Word of God. So if I don't believe you're the ultimate authority I'm
00:32:54 not gonna trust your word. You ever been there before? I have. You ever gone to a
00:32:59 hotel and you had somebody give you something less than great customer
00:33:04 service? You ever had that happen? Somebody? Okay just one person. You ever
00:33:08 had it happen? And my daddy taught me something which by the way it's his
00:33:12 birthday today. Shout out pops. Happy birthday.
00:33:16 My Nigerian daddy taught me something a long time ago. Did you make sure you
00:33:23 talking to the right person? Don't take what the person at the store on the
00:33:27 phone tells you as service level. Here's a line I've heard this man say since I
00:33:31 was a kid. Can I speak to your supervisor? Can I speak to a manager?
00:33:37 Well you cannot believe the things that have shifted and changed from speaking
00:33:41 to a supervisor, from speaking to a person with authority that can change
00:33:47 the situation. I never get one time I went to a hotel that I had a reservation, had a
00:33:54 reservation, was booked and laid the front desk and said, "Excuse me, Maydue, Mr. Maydue?"
00:33:58 "Madue." "But yeah I'm not seeing your reservation." I said, "Ma'am this has been
00:34:05 booked for several months." He's like, "But I don't see the reservation at all. I'm
00:34:08 so sorry and we are fully committed. We don't have a single room left." I
00:34:11 said, "Ma'am could you check again? I'm sure I had the reservation." "I'm looking. Maydue."
00:34:15 "I don't see. I don't see the reservation. I'm so sorry and we are
00:34:20 fully committed. We are so booked. There's not a single room left." I said, "Oh my goodness."
00:34:25 And I almost left but I forgot I got a Nigerian daddy. So I said, "Can I please
00:34:29 speak to a manager? Can I speak to somebody else?" She said, "Well I can get
00:34:34 them but I don't know what's gonna happen. There's not gonna do anything
00:34:36 because I don't see your reservation." She goes to the back, gets the manager.
00:34:40 Manager comes down and goes, "Hello Mr. Maydue! It's so good to have you back."
00:34:45 The girl moved. "I'm so sorry. She is new. Let me get that. Here's your reservation
00:34:50 right here. I'm so sorry. As a matter of fact, for the inconvenience, can I upgrade
00:34:56 your room to the executive suite?" I said, "Go on. Do whatever you need to do."
00:35:00 Isn't that crazy? How in the world did I go from about to be on the street to an executive
00:35:07 suite? Because I talked to the person that really had the power and the
00:35:12 authority to change the situation. Oh I don't know who this message is for but
00:35:18 you've been talking to the wrong person. You've been talking to your neighbors
00:35:21 and your friends. You better talk to the one that has the power and the authority
00:35:26 to change the situation. God, I'm bringing my issue to you. I need to speak to the
00:35:36 supervisor. I need to speak to the one that made the heavens and the earth. I need to
00:35:43 speak to the healer. I need to speak to the way maker. I need to speak to the
00:35:47 miracle worker. I need to speak to the one. God, the authority. I'm telling you, this
00:35:56 woman, this woman, watch this. I gotta hurry. This woman, this woman goes for 12
00:36:04 years I've been speaking to the wrong people. For 12 years I've been going to
00:36:14 people who are practicing medicine.
00:36:18 There's a reason why they say practice. That practice protects them. I haven't been
00:36:26 speaking to the great physician for years. I've been speaking to the wrong
00:36:34 people. I demand an appointment with the supervisor. My time ain't up yet. Don't be
00:36:41 saying that alarm. No, I'm playing. She, she touches the hem of his garment and
00:36:51 she's made whole. Wait a minute.
00:36:56 Authority is important because you'll approach with your awareness of
00:37:09 authority. Jairus approached Jesus with his awareness of his authority. He said,
00:37:19 "Jesus, come to my house. Lay your hands on her. She'll be healed."
00:37:24 That's my awareness of your authority. So come to the house. And Jesus
00:37:30 goes, "Okay, let's go to your house." This woman had a different awareness of his
00:37:36 authority. He ain't gonna come to my house. He ain't gonna touch me because
00:37:42 they said I'm unclean. But maybe if I touch him, I know he's not gonna touch me.
00:37:52 But I'm wondering if I just touch him, if I could be made whole. That was her
00:38:00 awareness of his authority. There was power in the hem of his garment. And
00:38:07 because that was her awareness, that's what she got. They should have talked,
00:38:12 both of them should have talked to this centurion. Who he pulled up on Jesus one
00:38:21 day and said, "Jesus, I got a servant that's sick. You ain't even got to come to my
00:38:26 house." Because I understand authority. I'm a man in authority and under
00:38:33 authority. And because I'm a soldier, when I tell somebody under my authority to go
00:38:38 do something, I don't follow them to see whether they did it or not. I just speak
00:38:43 the word. And they have to obey my command. So I'm wondering if it works
00:38:47 like that for me. Will it work like that for you? So Jesus, don't come to my house.
00:38:52 Just speak the word and my servant will be healed. And for the first time in the
00:38:58 history of the pages of your Bible, somebody got healed without Jesus even
00:39:02 being in the room because one person understood authority. And what did Jesus
00:39:12 say about that centurion? "I have never seen faith like this." You don't got a
00:39:20 faith problem. You don't believe he's the real authority. But when you know he is
00:39:29 the ultimate authority, miracles are happening. When you know he is the
00:39:36 ultimate authority, when you know he's not bound by your time clock,
00:39:44 he don't have to hurry up. He is God. He is out of time. He can't be late.
00:39:57 He's out of time. When you understand he's the ultimate authority, you'll stop going,
00:40:09 "Hurry up! Hurry up!" It is the arrogance and the self-righteousness of our
00:40:19 schedules, of our dreams, of our 10-year plans that we have put on him. And you
00:40:33 think you've been disappointed. And I dare say, who gave you that time schedule?
00:40:42 How can you hurry a God who is infinite, not just in authority, but also in love
00:40:50 and compassion? It's scary to have somebody that has authority but has no
00:40:55 love and compassion. That's a tyrant. But when you have somebody that has ultimate
00:41:01 authority and ultimate compassion, that is somebody to be trusted. That is
00:41:08 somebody you don't say, "Hurry up to." You just say, "I trust you. Can I land the
00:41:14 plane?" Watch this. All of a sudden, this woman gets healed. But don't forget, her
00:41:25 healing is an interruption to Jairus' miracle. Don't forget what happened. Go
00:41:33 there in your mind. Remember when he came to Jesus, said, "Jesus, hurry up! Hurry up!
00:41:36 My baby girl is dying. Would you please come to the house? Would you please come?
00:41:40 Please, please, please." And Jesus said, "I'll go." Can you imagine the joy that
00:41:43 filled Jairus' heart? He's like, "Okay, my baby girl is dying. Time is of the essence.
00:41:47 But Jesus said he's gonna come. It's gonna be all right. Okay, follow me, Jesus." And
00:41:50 the Bible says there's a crowd of people everywhere. You can see this place.
00:41:55 Crowded. You ever been in a crowd and you're trying to follow somebody through
00:41:58 a crowd so I can see Jairus trying to get Jesus to follow him? Come on, follow me,
00:42:02 Jesus. And he's trying to push through the crowd. And you know, Jesus, he was a
00:42:05 celebrity. Folks was trying to get out, follow him. I could see Jairus going, "Uh-uh, not
00:42:08 today. We're going somewhere. Come on, Jesus. Follow me." And he's pushing people out the
00:42:12 way. And he's moving because time is of the essence. He's got to hurry up. Come on,
00:42:15 Jesus, follow me. My house is this way. As if he don't know. But follow me. Come on,
00:42:18 Jesus. And he's going through the crowd of people. And the text subliminally
00:42:22 suggests to us that somewhere in the journey, he loses Jesus. You ever lost
00:42:29 somebody in the crowd? Jesus. And Jesus has stopped. And Jairus goes, "What is
00:42:35 he doing? We don't got time for this." And he pushes people to find Jesus. Paused.
00:42:40 Talking about, "Who touched me?" And Jairus is like, "Are you serious right now? I just told you. This is
00:42:49 emergency. You're pausing to play 21 questions and my baby girl is dying?"
00:42:53 Don't act like you ain't never been there before. Don't act like you have never
00:42:56 cried out to God and said, "God, this is an emergency. You need to hurry up." And he
00:43:02 seems to be pausing to ask questions. "Who touched me?" No, I'll wait. And he waits.
00:43:11 The Bible doesn't even tell us how long. He waits. Please keep in mind this woman
00:43:19 thought she was probably going to be stoned. She is the unclean touching the
00:43:23 clean. She is breaking the law. And Jesus will not move until she reveals herself.
00:43:31 Her body has already been healed. She was healed the moment she touched him. But
00:43:39 because he healed so holistically, her soul needs to be healed. Yes, I stopped the
00:43:48 issue of blood, but you've been sick so long you've identified yourself with
00:43:52 that issue. So I need to heal your soul. So I'm gonna make bougie Jairus wait.
00:44:01 Because he thinks he can buy a miracle. He thinks he's never had to wait in his
00:44:05 life. He's gonna wait today. And I'm gonna wait for you to come. And surely she came
00:44:12 trembling and she came scared until this beautiful, compassionate Savior looks at
00:44:20 her. And the only time he says this in the Gospels to somebody, "Daughter, your
00:44:28 faith has healed you." She needed to know she was a daughter because she had been
00:44:35 outcast for so long. Jairus, the way you feel about your baby girl, it's the way I
00:44:45 feel about her. This is my daughter.
00:44:52 So I don't mind sitting down and talking to her while you wait. And he sat and he
00:45:03 talked. The Bible says she told him the whole truth. Another version says
00:45:10 she told him her whole story. That lets me know how long it was. She told him her
00:45:21 whole story. Let me tell you something. If you are on a time schedule, do not talk to a
00:45:26 sister or a lady to tell you her whole story. If you're in a rush, talk to a dude.
00:45:31 He'd be like, "I'm good." Ask a woman to tell you her whole story. Get you a
00:45:37 comfortable chair. How long is this conversation? But he just talks to her,
00:45:44 sees her, unravels the damage of all those years of being outcast. I'm telling
00:45:53 you, those of you that just want God to heal a physical issue, he's so much
00:45:56 deeper than that. What good is a new house if you don't have a good marriage
00:46:02 in the new house? What good is you getting that spouse if you're not whole
00:46:09 enough to have the spouse in the first place? He wants to do deeper things in
00:46:17 you. Talks to her. Says, "Go in peace. Your faith has made you well." Can you see
00:46:28 Jairus? The whole time steam coming off his forehead. "Hurry up! My daughter!" It's crazy because Jairus
00:46:39 was not only waiting for his miracle, he had to watch her get hers.
00:46:48 It's not painful enough to wait on your miracle. What do you do when God makes
00:46:53 you watch somebody else get their miracle while you're waiting on yours?
00:47:00 You got that fake church smile. "Oh, you got healed? Hallelujah! Can we go home?"
00:47:13 No, I know you can't say it. I know you can't say it because you almost feel bad
00:47:18 to admit that you're sick of getting invitations to baby showers.
00:47:26 And you can't have a baby. Oh, it's a painful thing and a weird emotion to
00:47:36 watch somebody get their miracle while you got to wait on yours and try to be
00:47:41 happy for them. But you can't because you're going, "God, I know you can do it. You just
00:47:48 showed me. Why won't you hurry up and do it for me?"
00:47:54 Jairus, he finally gets Jesus to come on. He's thinking, "Okay, he took a long time
00:48:00 with her, but there's still hope. There's still hope. We can make it. Come on, Jesus.
00:48:04 Come on." Doesn't even get three steps maybe. And here comes the messengers from
00:48:11 the house. He can see it on their face before they say it.
00:48:17 Jairus, don't bother the teacher anymore.
00:48:22 Your daughter's dead.
00:48:26 When I read that text, I have two daughters. So I felt Jairus' pain.
00:48:35 But it also became so clear to me, Jairus got some jacked-up friends.
00:48:41 No, for real. You need the right people around you when you're going through stuff.
00:48:47 I don't know who these people from the house were, but he shouldn't have let
00:48:52 them in the house. Not because they brought the facts. She was dead. I don't
00:48:58 fault them for being the facts. It's the commentary they added to the facts. All
00:49:04 you have to say when she was dead, it's that, "Don't bother the teacher anymore."
00:49:09 Jairus, don't bother the teacher. She's already dead. In other words, saying, "Jairus,
00:49:13 this is the time to give up. This is the time to throw in the towel. This is the
00:49:17 time to walk away." How you gonna tell me to walk away? It's not your daughter. Be
00:49:22 careful of people who think they are the final authority. And they don't know who
00:49:27 the real authority is. And they proved it in what they said. Don't bother the
00:49:31 teacher anymore. You don't have a revelation of who he is. He's not just a
00:49:36 teacher. He can teach, but he is not just a teacher. He is the Savior. He is a
00:49:41 miracle worker. He is a healer. Matter of fact, he's the resurrection and the life.
00:49:46 So even death itself cannot stop him. And that's why Jesus overrode what they said.
00:49:53 And said, "Jairus, don't be afraid. Just believe. It ain't over until I tell you
00:49:58 it's over." Come on, Jairus. I don't know who this is for today, but maybe somebody
00:50:02 told you to give up and throw in the towel. And you've been saying, "God, hurry
00:50:06 up." And you've come to a dead end. I came to tell you it is not over until God
00:50:11 says it's over. He is the final authority. He has all power in his hand. He's the
00:50:17 resurrection and the life.
00:50:24 Keep adding my time. He gets to the house, and I love what he does, because
00:50:35 they've already started the funeral. He said, "Why y'all crying? That girl's not
00:50:40 dead. She's just asleep." And they laughed at Jesus. He said, "Oh, y'all think that's funny?
00:50:50 All of y'all, get out." I love it. It's only two times when Jesus got physical with
00:50:59 people. That "get out," he put his hand. Don't imagine a Savior saying, "Would you
00:51:02 please just exit?" No. It's forceful. Get out now, because you're messing up the
00:51:09 environment of faith. And you've already concluded it's over, but it's not. I don't
00:51:14 know who that's for, but there's some people you need to tell in your life to
00:51:16 get out. Maybe the reason what you've been believing for hasn't gotten up is
00:51:21 because you haven't got the wrong people out of your life and out of an
00:51:27 environment. Faith is contagious. Faith is contagious. You got to be in the right
00:51:32 environment. So you get away from these negative people that light up rooms when
00:51:37 they walk out. Get them out of your life. Tells them, "Get out." Then he goes to her,
00:51:46 takes her by the hand, and says, "Diluthaco, little girl, get up." Can I give you a preacher
00:51:54 confession? When I preach this text, I've preached this text before, I always
00:52:00 shouted this part of the message. Shouted it, "Get up! Get up from worry! Get up from death! Get up!"
00:52:10 Made for a good message, but not true to the text. Do you notice what Jesus said?
00:52:20 She's not dead. She's asleep. The vocal intonation that is implied by the Greek
00:52:30 text is that Jesus went to this little girl and said, "Hey, sweetheart. Hey, get up."
00:52:39 He told her to get up the same way we would tell our little kids to get up who
00:52:45 have been sleeping. His power is so great that death and sleep are the same to him.
00:52:57 And I don't gotta yell. My power, my authority is so strong that I can walk
00:53:05 up to a dead girl. Just say, "Hey, baby girl. It's time to get up." And again, because I heal so
00:53:13 holistically. Get her something to eat.
00:53:18 Came to talk to somebody that's been raising your fist to God saying, "Hurry up."
00:53:25 To tell you that he is not on your time schedule.
00:53:30 And that true trust, true faith, says, "God, I trust your authority. I'm not gonna stop
00:53:37 believing. I know you can do a miracle, but I refuse to tell you how it's
00:53:45 supposed to look. I'm gonna give you this and I'm done."
00:53:49 Jairus wanted what the woman wanted. Healing. But Jairus didn't get healing.
00:53:57 He got a resurrection. Try that one more time. Jairus was just believing Jesus for
00:54:07 healing, but he didn't get healing. He got a resurrection. I would like to not ever
00:54:14 get sick. I don't mind being healed, but if you really want a story, tell somebody
00:54:20 you were dead, but Jesus brought you back to life. I would take that story any day.
00:54:27 And we're still talking about this girl today. I'm saying, you don't even know
00:54:36 what to ask for sometimes. How about you just trust his authority and his
00:54:45 compassion? Would you stand to your feet all over this place today? Heads are
00:54:51 bowed, eyes are closed. I don't know if you noticed, my clock never went to zero.
00:55:03 I came to tell somebody, God is not limited to your time schedule. He has all
00:55:13 power and all authority. And he's compassionate. You can trust him. Heads
00:55:22 are bowed, eyes are closed. I need to talk to somebody who perhaps you've been in
00:55:27 the delay. You're about to walk away from the promise because it hasn't showed up
00:55:36 on your time schedule.
00:55:39 I don't know that my prayer is that you have more faith, but my prayer today is that
00:55:45 your eyes be opened to his authority. What they said about you is not the
00:55:52 final authority. What the doctor said is not the final authority. He is the God
00:56:01 full of power and love. If you're in here today and you say, I need supernatural
00:56:09 strength to keep trusting. Maybe your circumstance has gotten so big that you
00:56:15 think it's the final authority. I don't care how long it's been going on. He's
00:56:21 still able. If you trust him. If that's you today, you say, hey, would you pray for me
00:56:26 today? I need strength to keep trusting. He told Jairus, don't be afraid. Just
00:56:32 believe. If that's you today, would you just lift up your hand as a sign to say, I
00:56:36 need strength to keep believing. Father, thank you right now for every single
00:56:41 hand that is raised. Father, I come against fear. Lord, I don't want to
00:56:48 belittle the situation. God, I don't want to belittle the pain, but God open up her
00:56:54 eyes to see that you have all power and authority. There is nothing out of your
00:57:00 control. That it's not too late. That even when it seems over, when it seems dead,
00:57:10 you're the resurrection and the life. Lord, I thank you for every hand that's
00:57:15 lifted. Lord, I thank you that strength comes to them today. Even just by hearing
00:57:20 this word today. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by your word. Thank you today.
00:57:26 We are strengthened by the word today. God surround them with the right
00:57:30 community of faith that won't come with commentary to the facts. God, you can do
00:57:38 the supernatural. The facts are not final. Do it today for my brother, for my
00:57:46 sister. Heads still bowed, eyes still closed. If you've never surrendered your life to
00:57:51 this Jesus, maybe pain has brought you here. What you're going through, pain
00:58:00 brought both Jairus and this woman to the feet of Jesus. He's cool with that.
00:58:05 He just wants you to come. If you've never surrendered your life to Jesus, I
00:58:09 would love to include you in this final prayer to say, "Pastor Robert, I need to
00:58:13 give him my life." I'm not asking you how you come into church. I'm asking you, "Is
00:58:18 he the authority in your life?" He doesn't want lip service. He wants to be your
00:58:24 Lord. If that's you, would you just lift up your hand high enough, long enough to
00:58:29 where I can see it? Yeah. See that hand? Thank you. Even watching online, right
00:58:33 there on the Pando app, right there in that prison cell, God's meeting you. Can
00:58:41 we pray this prayer as one big family? These altars are going to be open if you
00:58:44 want some personal prayer, but can we pray this prayer as one big family today?
00:58:48 Would you say this? Say, "Jesus, I need you. Lord, I know that you have all power and
00:58:56 all authority, so I put my faith, I put my trust, all of my hopes in you. Lord, you're
00:59:08 the resurrection and the life, so I'll stop telling you to hurry up. I'll just
00:59:18 trust you. I give you my heart, give you my soul, give you all of me. From this
00:59:27 moment forward, I'm walking with you wherever you lead. In Jesus' name, amen."
00:59:36 Amen, amen. Come on, if you meant what you prayed, can we give Jesus praise today?
00:59:41 Come on, you can do better than that, social family.
00:59:47 Thank you, Jesus. These altars are going to be open, as I said, if you want personal
00:59:53 prayer. We ask that if you dropped off a social kid, you'll pick up that social
00:59:59 kid. Hear me, just pause real quick. We have social DNA happening right after
01:00:04 this service. If you've just been coming to church and you haven't got plugged in
01:00:07 or involved or you want to know more about the heart of this church, social
01:00:11 DNA is happening after this service. Next Sunday, don't come here. We're going to be
01:00:16 at the Windspear Opera House, 9 and 1130. But hear me, until next Sunday, may the
01:00:21 Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you, give you
01:00:25 grace and peace now and forevermore. God bless you, social fam. Love you so much.
01:00:32 (soft music)
