The Big Stories || NPP Primaries: 961 delegates to decide fate of aspirants on August 26

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00:00:00 So welcome back and let's do some politics now. The NPP is heading into its
00:00:07 special delegate Congress this weekend to prune the number of flag bearer
00:00:13 aspirant from 10 to 5. Now ahead of that we take a look at the aspirant and
00:00:18 assess what they uniquely bring to the fore. We're asking who'd make the top
00:00:25 five. So go on to Facebook and let us know which of the 10 will make the first
00:00:30 five for you. So who will be will make the list on your five. Our guest this
00:00:36 morning is Evans Nimakon. He is director of research and elections for the NPP.
00:00:43 He will be with us. Evans good morning to you. Trust you're well. Kindly unmute so
00:00:53 we can we can hear what you're telling us. Hello. Yeah now I can hear you. Yes
00:00:59 thank you my brother for having me and good morning to you. Great for you for
00:01:05 time to join us. Yeah also joining us is political scientist Kwame Asa
00:01:13 Sante. He is a political scientist with the University of Ghana. He's director of
00:01:18 the Center for European Studies at the same institution. Now let me start with
00:01:23 you Mr. Nimakon. If you look at the 10 candidates I'm sure you've you've done
00:01:29 your research and you know what each of them brings to the table. So what does
00:01:35 each of them represent? Thank you for for having me once again. I think as a party
00:01:44 there's a mandate emanate from our Constitution that says that the party
00:01:52 will have to select for itself a presidential candidate. And where after
00:01:58 the voting there are more than five of them the party will then have to conduct
00:02:04 what we call special electoral college. So that the general election will have
00:02:10 no more than five in the contest. So after the party put together the
00:02:17 elections committee which was chaired by Professor Eran Michael Kwe, all the 10
00:02:23 prospective presidential aspirants were vetted. The report was accepted by the
00:02:31 National Council that gives them the the mandate to campaign across the parties
00:02:40 rank and file to seek their mandates. And so afterwards the party has put
00:02:47 together what we call the presidential elections committee which again is
00:02:52 chaired by Professor Eran Michael Kwe and supported by other senior party
00:02:56 members. And their work is simple to ensure that there's a conduct of this
00:03:03 process with the support from the Electoral Commission and Ghana Police
00:03:11 Service with the engagement of all the prospective candidates to have a free
00:03:18 fair transparent presidential primaries conducted. And I think the party is on
00:03:23 course. What I will say that as a party for those who have the boldness the
00:03:30 confidence to put forth their strength their energy resources to drive the
00:03:36 party's campaign towards election 2024, we acknowledge all of them. It is that
00:03:42 reason that the National Council said that they approved the report of the
00:03:47 vetting committee. And so they are all in there. The party is of strong conviction
00:03:53 that any of them who emerges as the presidential candidates will be sold
00:03:58 across the length and breadth of Ghana and that person will become the next
00:04:03 president in January 7 2025. Oh you have confidence that a person will? It is
00:04:12 not in doubt at all. The new Petrosi party has numbers across all the 275
00:04:18 constituencies from Adanso to Zebila, Elembele, Ebuaka South and you
00:04:26 can name it. The new Petrosi party I can tell you is confident that come
00:04:31 December 7 2024, majority of the voters on the ballot will once again vote for
00:04:39 the new Petrosi party. I mean for you and maybe other colleagues, you've seen
00:04:46 elections 2012, 2016, 2020 and we know our opponents. Nothing good will come
00:04:54 out of them. I can assure you the new Petrosi party is supporting this
00:05:01 government with all the necessary support for for the government to
00:05:08 provide the necessary leadership and drive Ghana's development out of this
00:05:15 difficulty, the whole world finds itself. And I can assure you that by
00:05:19 the time we get to December 7, you will be here and you see what the
00:05:24 good people of Ghana will do to the new Petrosi party. Massive endorsement.
00:05:28 You had an even bigger conviction that you are going to win the 2008
00:05:36 election because of the stellar performance of the then president John
00:05:41 Ejekunkufo, but you lost it to the NDC, Professor Atameu who won that
00:05:45 election. And when the economy is in such a turmoil, you still have have
00:05:53 similar conviction that you win. I mean, if you listen around, the thought
00:06:00 of the general public doesn't seem to sync with what you're telling us now.
00:06:04 Okay, so I disagree with you. And let me start in 2008. And let me make
00:06:11 the point that no two elections are the same. Okay. And if you look at the
00:06:15 2008 elections, the new Petrosi party won the first round with over 102,000
00:06:23 votes. Except that we couldn't meet the constitutional threshold. And so
00:06:29 that was 2008. We learned our lessons. And then we go to 2012. You saw what
00:06:35 happened in 2012 to the extent that when the party petitioned, we saw life
00:06:40 and color, the proceedings at courts, and all that came out of it. So the
00:06:46 new Petrosi party was so certain and sure that the 2012 election, we won
00:06:50 it. But whatever happened is history now. We got into 2016 and massive
00:06:57 endorsements. 2020, the good people of Ghana said, Yes, we will still endorse
00:07:04 Nana Adudanko Kifu Ado. We will split parliaments. We will give half to
00:07:08 NDC and half to the new Petrosi party. And we've all seen the performance
00:07:14 and the posture and scope of the current parliament. And I think that
00:07:18 for every stage, each stakeholder is learning from the challenges that
00:07:24 confront us. And so for us, we are very certain that even though there's a
00:07:30 general difficulty that across the world and Ghana is not out of it, going
00:07:35 into the next elections in December 2024, the story will be different.
00:07:44 Now, some of your party executives, I mean, the national organizer, the
00:07:50 former organizer, Samia Okudivuo said that it will be very, very difficult
00:07:56 for the party to win. Samia Okudivuo, for example, says MPP has to work
00:07:59 twice as hard to win the 2024 elections.
00:08:03 You agree with him or you disagree?
00:08:09 I don't disagree with him. No election has been won on a silver platter.
00:08:14 And no competition. You won't go into any competition and win with that
00:08:20 hard work. And so, yes, we'll brace ourselves for the difficulties around
00:08:25 it. And I'm saying that winning elections requires some strategies. And
00:08:31 the new Petrosi party is ready to put on the table. We are going to go
00:08:36 through all the 38,622 polling stations. We are going to go through
00:08:42 all the 6,272 electoral areas. We are going to go through all the 275
00:08:50 constituencies. And I can assure you, the new Petrosi party will pull the
00:08:54 numbers. And by the time you collate the results, you will be our witness
00:09:02 that majority of Ghanaians will once again endorse the new Petrosi party.
00:09:07 Yes. So, yes, the former organiser, Mr Samia Okudivuo, said that we need
00:09:11 to work harder and harder, twice the effort we've put in previous
00:09:15 elections. That's why I said no two elections are the same. We are not
00:09:19 going to just sit in our rooms and expect that people will cast their
00:09:23 vote for us. Whoever the party is elected as the presidential candidate
00:09:27 will be sold across all villages, all constituencies, room to room,
00:09:36 voter by voter, will preach our message. And we are confident that
00:09:42 we will get the numbers to constitute the next government in 2025.
00:09:48 What qualities should the flag bearer of the party, going into
00:09:57 such a very hard election 2024, have in order to help you and match
00:10:03 the vote that would make you form the next government?
00:10:07 The same presidential aspirants of the party who went through the
00:10:16 party's rules and regulations put together by the National Council
00:10:22 are the vets. Meet all the constitutional requirements by the
00:10:27 1992 constitution that for you to be a president of Ghana, you must
00:10:33 be about 40 years. You must meet these constitutional threshold. You
00:10:39 must be of sound mind. You must ensure leadership as debated in all
00:10:46 your actions and inactions. And we've seen these gentlemen across
00:10:51 the Ghana's political landscape. We've known them and we are so
00:10:58 confident that the kind of leadership that Ghana would need to
00:11:02 drive us to the next step, they have them. And so we will first
00:11:07 conduct our internal elections and select them. People with integrity,
00:11:12 people with leadership acumen, and you can name it across the first
00:11:19 candidate to the thing that the new Petrosi Park is ready to bring
00:11:24 on board somebody who will lead the developmental drive. The other
00:11:31 issue that confronts the whole of the world, as I've said earlier,
00:11:36 Ghana is not out of it. And so you need the person who put together
00:11:42 the united front and build a team that will help Ghana come out of
00:11:51 its challenges. And that is what the new Petrosi Party is up to.
00:11:55 The main opposition party, the NDC, has a former president, John
00:12:00 Romani Mahama, who seemed to be gaining more ground, if you listen
00:12:06 to the generality of the people out there, because of what's
00:12:12 happening to the economy. And on top of that, the EIU is also
00:12:18 predicting that the NDC is likely to win both presidential and
00:12:22 parliamentary elections at a 2024 polls. Now, it says, and quote,
00:12:27 our baseline forecast is that the economic hardships, the fallout
00:12:31 from the debt restructuring, and poor governance will create an
00:12:34 anti incumbency wave and push the electorate to seek change. The
00:12:38 NDC therefore stands a strong chance of winning the 2024
00:12:41 presidential poll and securing a legislative majority, unquote.
00:12:46 So the EU is saying this, the NDC has John Mahama as their
00:12:52 presidential candidate. How then do you intend or you know, what
00:12:59 kind of qualities are you looking at to be able to match John
00:13:03 Mahama and to eventually win the election?
00:13:07 Thank you. You know, research reports are for me, an advice,
00:13:11 and is there a way to advise us now, that before the NDC went
00:13:16 into the internal elections, EIU had come out with their baseline
00:13:20 reports. They are said that it is the NDC may win the 2024
00:13:26 elections, but they will have to change their presidential
00:13:29 candidates. We've known Mr. Mahama, we contested him in
00:13:34 2012, 2016, and 2020. And in order, the new patriotic party
00:13:40 is confident that these are elections he lost. He's not
00:13:44 coming with any new policy, and name it if the NDC and Mr. John
00:13:50 Mahama has been able to give to Ghana any policy that would
00:13:55 drive Ghana's development agenda. Yes, I appreciate the
00:13:59 challenge that the world is going through same as Ghana.
00:14:02 And I've said that I've been I've been candid to say that we
00:14:05 are not out of the challenges that the world is going through.
00:14:09 The internal challenges we've had, have had to do with
00:14:13 economic issues. And so the elections ahead of us is going
00:14:19 to be in December 2024. When the new patriotic party took over in
00:14:25 2016. It wasn't rosy. It wasn't smooth. The party put together
00:14:32 the team, the government worked very hard. And we saw Ghana's
00:14:38 economy becoming the fastest growing economy in West Africa
00:14:43 and in Africa. Okay, I cannot show you that the challenges
00:14:47 that we are going through will soon be a thing of the past. And
00:14:52 nobody is going to build Ghana for us, but for NDC, well, they
00:14:58 can consume the EIU report, take care of themselves and lab, the
00:15:03 new patriotic party is not going to rest. We are going to work
00:15:07 very hard to support the government to come out with a
00:15:10 program that will take us out of the challenges that we are going
00:15:15 through. I don't think anybody is happy that we have a
00:15:18 situation where the economy is going through these
00:15:21 difficulties. But largely, if anybody will be candid to
00:15:26 himself or herself, it hasn't been the cost of the government
00:15:29 to have this situation, Ghanians going through the
00:15:34 difficulties. And so the government is working day and
00:15:37 night to ensure that we get out of this situation. And I am very
00:15:41 confident that a new patriotic party would devise the solution
00:15:46 and we'll soon get out of it. And the EIU report subsequently
00:15:51 will not be as this and I take it that this is an advice, we
00:15:56 have to work very hard, go to the very length, make contact
00:16:02 with voters, do the needful and will come with ideas, programs
00:16:07 that will shape the world meaning of Ghanians and not just
00:16:12 to throw in tantrums and propaganda.
00:16:16 What is your own research telling you? You are the
00:16:20 director of research, I'm sure you've done, you know, your
00:16:24 research into your party's prospect. What is it pointing to?
00:16:27 Because EIU says, from the look of things, it's not yours. But
00:16:31 you say they may be wrong. What is your research telling you?
00:16:33 Today as we speak is 21st of August 2021, 2023, isn't it? We
00:16:41 are going to go into the elections, God willing, in
00:16:44 December 7, 2024. There will be overtimes. The new patriotic
00:16:50 party will overcome this situation. EIU is saying that
00:16:54 the challenges has to do with the economy and some
00:17:00 governance style. What else do you expect from the
00:17:05 government? And the government works every day and night to
00:17:09 ensure that we develop programs to transform Ghana's
00:17:13 development. That the government has not rested. And
00:17:18 so I will not solely rely on the EIU report. And my brother,
00:17:24 let me tell you, before the 2016 elections, the EIU were
00:17:29 coming out with their usual baseline reports, but we're not
00:17:33 taking a back. We worked hard and we're saying that, yes,
00:17:39 these reports are supposed to advise us. We'll take it on and
00:17:43 work hard and win the December 7, 2024 election. With respect
00:17:48 to parties' internal research, it's not everything we put out
00:17:52 there for public consumption. As and when, we will do that. But
00:17:55 I can assure you that victory awaits us in December 7, 2024.
00:18:01 If demands are work, we are ready to work harder and harder
00:18:04 to retain power.
00:18:06 So, so as we speak, you haven't done any research about your
00:18:10 prospect, right?
00:18:11 That's not what I said. I said that what we do as a party in
00:18:16 terms of going around, seeking views, taking concerns, putting
00:18:21 them together, helps us to restructure the way we plan.
00:18:25 Okay.
00:18:25 And the party is going to put together activity that will
00:18:29 ensure that we win majority of presidential votes and majority
00:18:34 of parliamentary seats to change the dynamics. You've seen how
00:18:38 we are conducting our internal elections. It's not out of
00:18:41 place. Leadership is informed by concerns from the base, and we
00:18:46 are enlisting leadership and we are ensuring that everything we
00:18:50 have to do will meet the aspirations of our stakeholders.
00:18:55 And we are working towards that.
00:18:57 All right. And grateful. Stay with me. Let me bring in Dr.
00:19:01 Kwame Asante. He is a political scientist at the University of
00:19:04 Ghana. Doc, grateful for joining us here.
00:19:07 Good morning, Kodjo. How are you?
00:19:09 I'm well. I'm well. I hope you're well, too.
00:19:11 I'm very well.
00:19:12 Okay. Looking at the state of the economy, the NDC has its own
00:19:20 flag bearer. The NPP is going to elect, you know, they are going
00:19:23 to choose five out of the 10. What do you think should be the
00:19:27 focal point for the NPP delegate in choosing someone they know
00:19:32 is going to go against someone like John Mahama?
00:19:34 One, they need a candidate who appeals to the rank and file of
00:19:43 the party in the first place. And that person, by extension,
00:19:48 is also well received by Ghanaians. We need that type of
00:19:52 candidate. That candidate will be in a position to pull votes
00:19:57 to them. And you and I know that election in election, the
00:20:03 numbers are very critical. And one vote will move a candidate,
00:20:07 somebody from a position of a candidate to what a president.
00:20:12 And the same thing is extended to what a parliamentary candidate
00:20:16 to what an MP. So aside that you need somebody who has little
00:20:25 baggage, little or no baggage. Why am I saying this? Because if
00:20:30 you elect somebody with a baggage, one, you will not be
00:20:34 able to do campaign meaningfully because your opponent will dwell
00:20:38 on that, and then develop messages that will always leave
00:20:42 you to be answering questions why he or she is undertaking
00:20:47 campaign effectively. So you try to have people with little or
00:20:52 less baggage. So as to little or no baggage, I'm sorry, who has
00:20:57 to be able to plan so that whenever they develop anything
00:21:01 against that person, you have what it takes to respond to
00:21:04 that. You need somebody also who is well-advanced with the
00:21:09 problems of this country, not only the problems of the MPP,
00:21:13 but the problems of this country. So that the person has
00:21:18 a superior understanding of the issue, and has solutions to the
00:21:22 problem. You don't want to put in any ordinary person just
00:21:27 because he's a member of your party and all that. But you will
00:21:30 need people who have what it takes to be able to understand
00:21:34 the dynamics within the country's problems. And then
00:21:37 they have the wherewithal to address the problem at home.
00:21:40 Besides that, you also need somebody who has whose vision
00:21:48 go beyond the party MPP into what a country at large, and
00:21:55 even beyond that person becomes the rallying, you know, point
00:22:00 behind all the political actors within the political space of
00:22:05 Ghana. And the last aspect is that you also want somebody who
00:22:10 is marketable, and can rupture that with any other flag bearer
00:22:16 who emerged from the other political party. So it's a whole
00:22:23 lot of a tall order that the party needs to go through,
00:22:28 without pandering to issues such as what ethnicity that this
00:22:34 person, the bulk of the people believe that he belongs to this
00:22:37 ethnic group, but I'm at I want to vote along that line. issue
00:22:41 of loyalty is important, but we want somebody who has what track
00:22:47 proving track record, okay, and can deliver competence is
00:22:51 critical, because the person can be as loyal as your mother or
00:22:55 your wife to you. But if the person is not competent, I'm
00:22:59 afraid you are wasting your time because at the end of the day,
00:23:03 election is about what a contest of what ideas and what a
00:23:07 friend of your work, and the work here we are talking about
00:23:10 your record, and your your actions and all that. So it is a
00:23:15 huge tax on the shoulders of the delegates, which they have to
00:23:19 discharge and discharge very carefully.
00:23:22 But amongst the 10 don't they all have these qualities you're
00:23:30 talking about? I mean, be somebody marketable have vision
00:23:34 beyond the party and someone can really, you know, compete with
00:23:38 the opposition party.
00:23:40 All of them, I must say that they have at least some of these
00:23:46 qualities, but some have more than others. And that is where
00:23:51 the difference comes in. You have some who have wealth of
00:23:56 experience, they are knowledgeable, they have
00:23:59 solutions. And they have, you know, what it takes to be able
00:24:04 to lead a party like this, and then contest for election within
00:24:09 20 in the year 2024. And there are people like that. The
00:24:15 baseline, they all meet the requirements, but on specific
00:24:21 terms, some have more than others. And that is how the
00:24:26 whole thing is going to be.
00:24:27 Okay. Now, I mean, several reports, and if you look at the
00:24:33 general populace, the reaction from the general populace, it's
00:24:37 sort of saying that I'll point to the fact that the MPP is not
00:24:42 likely to retain the seat, but the MPP party is confident that
00:24:45 because no election is the same, I mean, the director of research
00:24:49 and elections was telling me this morning that because no
00:24:51 election is the same, and then they are confident of turning
00:24:55 the economy around, they will be able, they will win the 2024
00:24:59 election. From your own, you know, analysis of the situation
00:25:03 of the country, does it look like it?
00:25:06 This is a million dollar question. The issue is that it's
00:25:12 early days yet. And for you to be able to speak and speak
00:25:16 authoritatively on this matter, you should hit the ground and
00:25:20 pick some data to be able to convince yourself that this is a
00:25:24 situation. I haven't done that. But I can infer and look at
00:25:28 existing literature and then make use of them and then give
00:25:33 some commentary relative to that without necessarily sticking my
00:25:38 neck out as to who will win and all that. Yes, if you look at
00:25:42 MPP, the answer that the parties are reset, that I gave you is
00:25:48 nothing but what you expect from a political party. They will not
00:25:51 tell you they are going to lose. Every party is in to win. It
00:25:55 follows from the rational choice theory, and all that. So that we
00:25:59 can understand that the real issue is that we have to address
00:26:03 our minds to add the following one, for you to win election in
00:26:07 this country, convincingly, the economy is that number one
00:26:11 priority of voters, irrespective of party ideology, irrespective
00:26:16 of party tradition, irrespective of wherever they find themselves
00:26:21 and their groups and all that the economy is key to them, the
00:26:25 one somebody or the one at government for that matter, who
00:26:28 will be able to address the economic challenges of the
00:26:31 country and create a means of livelihood for them. Failure to
00:26:36 which I'm afraid you are going to incur the wrath of what
00:26:39 will say this is going to be a daunting task for the MPP
00:26:44 related to the variable I'm talking about about the economy.
00:26:48 Because yes, we have seen how the party has managed the
00:26:52 economy to the extent that we are in IMF at the rest of them
00:26:56 irrespective of the fact that we are trying to defend in a
00:26:59 defending hat that the attributes is to what the forces
00:27:02 of Russian, Ukraine war and the rest of them, which that
00:27:06 argument you and I know that cannot hold water because their
00:27:09 own have also plunged us into this direction. But that aside,
00:27:13 you realize that the economy is critical, even if they fix the
00:27:17 economy today, and then we go to the elections, the economy is
00:27:21 on the right footing. The question the million dollar
00:27:24 question to them is that, are they the one who did it? Or it
00:27:28 is the hand of the IMF and all that is a difficult question for
00:27:32 them to answer. Because if they were the one who did it, they
00:27:36 wouldn't have gone to the IMF in the first place. And that
00:27:40 voters always want to see if a political party will be able to
00:27:45 address that problem. So that is a going to be a big challenge
00:27:48 for them. As far as the economic variable is concerned. To the
00:27:54 issue of infrastructure development also occupy the
00:27:58 attention of voters when they are voters. They want to have
00:28:01 infrastructure development in their constituencies. And if you
00:28:05 look at the directive principle of state policy, it affirms that
00:28:10 infrastructure must be developed in every aspect of what the
00:28:14 country so that every portion of the country will have its fair
00:28:18 share of that type of development. In this difficult
00:28:24 equation, we'll find ourselves economically, is it the case
00:28:27 that the MPP will be able to deliver infrastructure
00:28:31 development to the people around this time, before the election,
00:28:36 that's a difficult one, because where are the resources to push
00:28:38 this thing is going to be difficult. And that will always
00:28:42 be used the things that MPP will not be able to do. The
00:28:46 opposition it will serve as what raw materials for building
00:28:50 campaign messages against them. And so that is another
00:28:53 difficulty for them. Apart from that issue of corruption is a
00:28:57 critical index of what measuring voter choices in this country.
00:29:04 The corruption fight has been difficult for the government. And
00:29:08 we have seen a lot of example in the second and if you look at
00:29:12 transparency international report, you and I have no doubt
00:29:16 in our mind that the government has not been able to manage
00:29:19 corruption. Well, and that is why we are where we are. We are
00:29:22 not doing well. So all these things will also feature and it
00:29:28 will be part of the calculation of voters in deciding who to
00:29:32 give your mandate to. Then you move to the issue of, you know,
00:29:37 rule of law. Is it the case that Ghana, there exists rule of law
00:29:42 with with a component of equality before the law and due
00:29:45 process? Are the two working the way they ought to be? And these
00:29:49 are some of the considerations. And then they move on to look at
00:29:52 what the health education and the rest of them have to issue
00:29:57 of transparency, accountability. So it's a whole
00:30:00 whole order. And all these things, if you look at the
00:30:04 current happening is going to be difficult for the party to
00:30:08 defend some of these things and articulate their views clearly.
00:30:11 And navigating the process to make sure that they win the
00:30:16 sympathy of Ghanaians and then the other thing is a difficult
00:30:19 one. But as I've said, I'm not hit the ground to pick data to
00:30:25 speak with my chest out saying that it is this party that will
00:30:28 lead and this party that will take a trail at the end of the
00:30:33 day. I'll hold my fire for now. And then we'll look at it from
00:30:38 a more quantitative perspective. And later when we get a
00:30:41 quantitative data, we can make more sense of what's happening.
00:30:44 So in the face of all of these that you've enumerated and the
00:30:48 challenges that confront the nation, who amongst the 10 I
00:30:54 mean, can really bring the party together, face the nation and
00:31:00 say, well, even if we are not able to turn the corner, count
00:31:05 on me and I'll be able to do it.
00:31:07 That's another difficult one. Research should be able to prove
00:31:12 this, but I've not gone to the field. But I can also look at it
00:31:17 from the same perspective as I've discussed the earlier one.
00:31:20 If you look at the 10, I can see without your contradiction that
00:31:24 they are men of substance, and they are what it takes to lead
00:31:27 the party. But of course, some have more than others in terms
00:31:31 of the quality of leadership that we require for this
00:31:34 country. I can see that looking at them. I believe that the
00:31:39 first five, you can have people like what you got from
00:31:42 featuring from me. This is somebody who has a wet with a
00:31:46 whole class of experience from the New York bank. And then from
00:31:50 his, you know, position within the party, I demonstrated the
00:31:55 your approach, that is a man of what a width and competence and
00:32:00 have what it takes to lead a society such as Ghana, with a
00:32:05 wealth of history, guiding him to be able to be a good leader
00:32:10 for the party, the party would for him on that day. So it's a
00:32:16 material worth considering. And I believe I have no doubt in my
00:32:19 mind that he can also be part of what the fight that will be
00:32:24 selected for the grand finale. Alan Sharma King has also is
00:32:31 somebody who has what it takes to leave this country. And I have
00:32:35 no doubt in my mind that he was what feature within the fight.
00:32:38 He's a man who has served and service country very well. He's
00:32:46 without, you know, there's nothing that you can say against
00:32:50 him in terms of corruption. He has wet and then demonstrated
00:32:55 his competence in the area of innovation. Remember the issue
00:33:01 of what Friday where and a lot of things that he did in the
00:33:04 industry. He had there for the wealthy. He has a lot of ideas.
00:33:09 And he has what it takes to be part of the fight. If you look
00:33:16 at Balnia, there's no doubt in my mind that irrespective of
00:33:20 policies with people have bastardized him as somebody who
00:33:23 is incompetent and all that I have a different view that yes,
00:33:27 he's competent. He has ideas. But the bigger question for him
00:33:33 is that in spite of all his economic ideas and all that, how
00:33:38 far we have arrived in terms of the economy today, is a question
00:33:41 a million dollar lot of things that are with him. And that of
00:33:45 what a land claim I think we have been part and parcel of the
00:33:48 economic system of this country. But I'm sure that he
00:33:51 has what it takes to be able to explain this. But by me, I have
00:33:55 no doubt in my mind that it's solid and it's good. And he can
00:33:58 lead the country. Kennedy is a grassroots man. And he appeals
00:34:03 to what the masses that rank and file. He has what it takes
00:34:06 because he has demonstrated as a single individual within the
00:34:10 business world that he's successful and continue to be
00:34:13 successful. He's a man who speaks practical issues. And
00:34:17 then he's also a darling boy of the party. So I have no doubt
00:34:21 that he will also feature in the party's five people who will be
00:34:28 selected on 26. My next question, but I also believe
00:34:35 that he will also feature in the is Mr. Pablo de Pong. As your
00:34:40 phone has been a very serious party man, he has served the
00:34:46 party through thick and thin. He has all the experience from the
00:34:52 time that he lost power in 1979 up to the time before gain
00:34:58 power. And then his position as somebody close to the president,
00:35:02 he acquitted himself so well. And then he did his best to
00:35:05 serve his country and continue to do is a known person within
00:35:09 the MPP fraternity. And I have no doubt that you'd be a good
00:35:14 material if the party also selected. So for me, from where
00:35:17 I sit, without hitting the ground for research and all
00:35:21 this thing, if you look at the issues from information I take,
00:35:26 and then the literature and the rest of them, my analysis is
00:35:30 that I will, you know, pin down the five, Bwache Jakun, Alan
00:35:35 Chiamantin, Bawumia, Kenny Neje Pong and Pablo de Pong as five
00:35:39 who definitely feature. And then we go to the last header for
00:35:44 them to put the whole figure to one. And that is the crux of
00:35:48 the matter.
00:35:49 Interesting. All right. So that's that is for MPP
00:35:54 delegates. I mean, Dr. has presented as five, Bwache Jakun,
00:35:59 Alan Chiamantin, Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia, Kenny de Pong,
00:36:03 Kwame de Pong. So that that is that is what he thinks and he's
00:36:08 giving, you know, the things that should guide you in this
00:36:12 election. But when the MPP is done, it has to think then about,
00:36:18 you know, uniting the party about, you know, how the party
00:36:23 will be united to go into 2024 to face John Mahama, who amongst
00:36:29 the these five can really unite the party.
00:36:33 If you look at Bwache Jakun, I'll take them individually.
00:36:39 Okay.
00:36:39 He's a unifier. If you look at his demeanor, his action, and
00:36:44 he's a very strong man on the ground. His no is no and yes is
00:36:48 no. Yes. In other words, he's very firm. And the party needs
00:36:52 such a person to be able to see wrongs that have been committed
00:36:56 against certain people or be able to what pick up the pieces
00:37:00 and then bring everybody to board. Bwache Jakun has that
00:37:04 quality. Alan Chiamantin is also what in that direction in that
00:37:09 bracket. He's a faithful servant of the party. He has lived all
00:37:15 his life working with his heart and with all his might for the
00:37:21 party. He's somebody that people listen to in terms of what
00:37:25 deliberation discussions within the party. So Alan has what it
00:37:28 takes. Bahumia is another fantastic man who can also lead
00:37:33 the party. Even though he joined White late, but I tell you that
00:37:40 he has endeared himself to the hearts of many within the party.
00:37:45 And then when he speaks, people will listen. Kennedy Ajepong
00:37:52 fantastic. You can do this thing with ease by bringing all the
00:37:57 party people who are affected one way or the other and
00:38:00 disgruntled. And so is what Kwame Ajepong who the party see as
00:38:06 a rallying point and all that. They all can do that. But the
00:38:12 way and manner they can handle this is where the distinction
00:38:17 will come as to who will be able to do it best. But I believe
00:38:21 that the party over the years have worked with these people
00:38:24 one on one. And they know from their records from their
00:38:28 engagement from their activities that this particular person will
00:38:32 be able to do that one. I will not be able to pinpoint the
00:38:35 exact person who will be able to do that. All of them have the
00:38:39 qualities but I tell you, the parties don't underestimate
00:38:43 their capacity. They will be able to pinpoint out of the
00:38:47 people I've mentioned one who will be the rallying point
00:38:54 behind any peaceful process to unite the party. I have no
00:38:58 doubt in my mind.
00:38:59 Let's look at the campaigning so far. Do you get the impression
00:39:09 that it's been a bit, you know, outside of clean, such that it
00:39:18 will take more to unite the forces after the election?
00:39:22 Campaigns are always riddled with problems. And I'm not
00:39:26 surprised that the NPP through this process, confirm my thoughts
00:39:35 and what I've read over the years. But the early days yet,
00:39:41 if you look at the way it started, and then people started
00:39:46 talking, now you realize that the temple had gone down. And
00:39:51 they are now coming back to base to realize some of the cause by
00:39:56 the public. To the extent that they have told them that look,
00:40:00 if you continue on this side, then at the end of the day, you
00:40:03 are going to what destroy each one of you who has the potential
00:40:08 to lead the party. And when it comes to what repackaging that
00:40:12 person, who has won the election, it becomes so
00:40:16 difficult. So I'm sure that who has are prevailing now, they
00:40:21 have learned from the public that if they intend to undertake
00:40:27 character assassination of each one, they will end up destroying
00:40:31 all of themselves. And that whoever will make the tutorials,
00:40:35 it will be difficult to market that person. So you realize that
00:40:38 at the tail end, when we are getting to the election, the
00:40:42 phone down in terms of the attacks in terms of the way they
00:40:48 handle issue. We saw from the initial series where they were
00:40:54 attacking each other. They were bringing out certain issues
00:40:59 which some of us feel that you're necessarily they are going
00:41:02 to be raw material for campaign against them. They brought all
00:41:06 those things out. They were also in a habit of, you know,
00:41:10 attacking the current government about what its performance and
00:41:15 the difficulties that the government find itself and all
00:41:17 that. You realize that these were some of the naive
00:41:21 positions that it could let me put it that way. Because if you
00:41:24 don't attack the record of your party, when and then rest in the
00:41:30 hope that you are willing to stand on it to campaign, it's
00:41:33 going to be difficult even if you want to handle that you want
00:41:36 to be a bit tactical in such a way that you can always have an
00:41:40 exit to run away from or through. And that did not, you
00:41:46 know, happen. Initially, you saw them instead of also giving out
00:41:51 the real message, some of them to what kicking people on without
00:41:55 telling us what they want to do. Some of them, their messages
00:41:58 were nothing but also repetitive, and then telling us
00:42:03 one thing that we know already and all that. And it didn't
00:42:07 point to something meaningful that you and I can put our
00:42:11 fingers on. But gradually, as we are getting to the day this, you
00:42:17 realize that the campaign are gradually being shaped by the
00:42:21 public opinion that is impinging upon the activities, you see
00:42:26 them more little decorous now. And let me also be fair to the
00:42:30 party that it announced. I don't know whether that group has been
00:42:36 put in office and they are working. They announced that
00:42:38 you're going to have an ethic committee that is going to look
00:42:42 at the campaign and all that. If it exists, then I'm believe I
00:42:45 believe that it is part of the result that we are seeing that
00:42:49 they have they appear to be measured and tempted with regard
00:42:52 to the way they go about the campaign and all that. So for
00:42:57 now, is gradually taking shape. And then you see the issues
00:43:02 people are taking people on, and then making sure that it's a
00:43:07 point of what policy is the point of what ideas and it's the
00:43:11 point of loyalty to the party and how will you serve your
00:43:14 party and the rest of them. These are the issues that should
00:43:17 really occupy the attention of those who really want to
00:43:20 campaign. You want to see the problems of the party and by
00:43:24 expanding the problems of the country, and that you want to
00:43:27 develop message around and then you have what questions are
00:43:30 answered in that regard. You want to also see a party's
00:43:34 record and how far you can take it to campaign meaningfully to
00:43:40 be able to win power want to see your track record and how it
00:43:43 will going to impact on the work that you are going to do as a
00:43:47 leader if you are voted at the end of the day. So we are seeing
00:43:52 that but it is my hope and prayer that they will be able to
00:43:54 maintain the status quo as we are getting to the dying end of
00:43:59 the period again, so that the political terrain doesn't get
00:44:04 bastardized and change abruptly. Okay, any deviation of that
00:44:08 nature will really affect their chances, of course, to affect
00:44:13 some people more than others. So I believe that they need to
00:44:17 look at this direction and look at it critically.
00:44:19 The party's director of elections is with us. So how's
00:44:24 the ethics committee coming up?
00:44:26 Evans, are you with me?
00:44:38 Yes, I'm with you.
00:44:42 Yeah, so I wanted to find out from you how the ethics
00:44:45 committee is coming up.
00:44:46 Well, thank you. And let me say good morning to Dr. Asante. I've
00:44:53 listened to him. I'm happy that he's been able to tell us that
00:44:59 he's not gone to the field yet to pick qualitative data to
00:45:04 support some of the issues running around. But the party is
00:45:11 oblivious of these facts. At the moment, we are conducting our
00:45:17 internal elections. When we are done, when we have our
00:45:20 presidential candidates, we will draw the balance sheet. We draw
00:45:26 the balance sheet between the NDC's presidential candidate,
00:45:29 Mr. Mahama, and the New Petrosia Party's presidential
00:45:32 candidates. So we will get there. But I appreciate those
00:45:36 issues he has brought forth. On the issue of the campaign style
00:45:43 and management of the various presidential candidates, the
00:45:47 party, after adopting the elections committee's report or
00:45:51 the voting committee reports, reminded the presidential
00:45:55 aspirant and the party of the code of conduct that has been
00:45:59 put together by the National Executive Committee. So the
00:46:02 party has the chairman of the Council of Elders, Honorable
00:46:06 Huckman Osuagiman, as the member of the committee, the chairman
00:46:11 of the legal and constitutional committee, eminent lawyer, Mr.
00:46:15 Frank Davis, and the general secretary of the party, lawyer
00:46:19 Kudia, as the three-member committee to coordinate the
00:46:24 conduct and ensure full compliance of the code of
00:46:29 conduct. And I think that after successive engagement with the
00:46:36 presidential aspirants and their agents by the elections
00:46:41 committee and other stakeholders, we've all come to
00:46:46 the conclusion that we need to conduct an exercise that will
00:46:53 meet the party's set rules, our constitution, our rules of
00:46:58 engagement for the conduct of these primaries. At the end of
00:47:02 the day, the new patriotic party is going to submit and sponsor
00:47:06 a presidential candidate who is going to be the next president.
00:47:09 We are mindful of the terrain, the contours of the democratic
00:47:15 landscape. And I will once again assure you and viewers that the
00:47:22 new patriotic party is ready to do the needful, to conduct
00:47:28 campaign towards the 2024 elections and come out
00:47:32 victorious. After our internal elections, we will draw the
00:47:36 balance sheets. And I am convinced and confident that...
00:47:42 - Babasena Mako, the viewers, I mean, if you go by the feeling
00:47:48 of the public, they are not really concerned about, you
00:47:52 know, you saying that you would win. They are concerned about
00:47:55 their pockets and how living is for them. That's their
00:47:59 concern, whether you win or lose is not their problem.
00:48:02 - So I've said that we are not oblivious of that fact, that the
00:48:06 economy will have to be improved, that issues of security
00:48:10 will have to be taken care of, that workers will have to be
00:48:13 paid, that we will have electricity and have food, that
00:48:17 you go out to the market and you are able to buy consumables
00:48:21 and live a life of a human being. The party is aware of
00:48:25 that, the government is aware of that. That's why we put our
00:48:29 support behind the government to develop programs that will
00:48:33 take us from the challenges we are going through. Depending
00:48:36 on where you sit, you appreciate it or otherwise. But at the
00:48:40 end of the day, we must make life meaningful for all
00:48:43 Ghanaians. And that is what the government is working
00:48:46 towards. I mean, I said that I'm happy Doc has mentioned
00:48:50 issue of economy, issue of corruption, infrastructure, rule
00:48:54 of law and all that. I'm also saying that issue of security
00:48:58 is a concern, employment is a concern, workers' salaries are
00:49:03 issues of concern to the government and to the party. And
00:49:06 we'll do things that will make sure that we enhance the living
00:49:11 standards of people.
00:49:12 - Okay, so the party wants to wait after the election, then
00:49:19 they will support the government to come up with programs to
00:49:21 deal with the, you know, the challenges of the economy, or
00:49:25 it's something you're doing now?
00:49:26 - I'm surprised about this question you are putting now.
00:49:30 The government works every day.
00:49:33 - No, I'm asking based on the response you gave me.
00:49:36 - Don't get it wrong and don't put out...
00:49:39 - No, no, no, no. I mean, your response was that the party
00:49:43 will work hard to support the government to come up with
00:49:47 policies to turn around the economy after the election. I'm
00:49:50 asking that, is that not something you're doing now? You're
00:49:53 waiting for the election before you do it? That was just...
00:49:55 - That, the government is operational, is working day and
00:50:01 night. I said that as a party, we are concentrating on our
00:50:07 internal election. It doesn't mean that the government has
00:50:10 halted its activities. I said that the party is also
00:50:14 supporting the government to fucking out programs and
00:50:18 policies that will transform the challenges that we are going
00:50:22 through. To the extent that the good people of Ghana will be
00:50:25 convinced that when we got into December 2024, the story will be
00:50:30 different as being told now by Dr. Asante. And I said, I'm
00:50:35 happy that he said he has not kept the grounds to fake
00:50:39 qualitative data, but I appreciate this challenge. And
00:50:43 I'm saying that we are not oblivious of that fact. And we
00:50:46 work hard to overturn the situation. When the party took
00:50:51 over in 2016, things were not just as easy as that, but the
00:50:59 party put together a team that transformed it. And I'm saying
00:51:02 that there's going to be turn around of these challenges we
00:51:05 are going through. And I'm saying also that when we are
00:51:08 done with our internal election, when we have selected our
00:51:12 presidential candidate, we will draw the balance sheet between
00:51:15 the MPP's presidential candidate and Mr. John Mahama, who has
00:51:20 been around since 2012 to 2016. We've known him. And as we
00:51:25 speak, the new Petroleum Party keeps on coming up with
00:51:28 programs and policies. Let the NDC also put forth policies
00:51:32 that will transform Ghana. Where are the alternatives? And so
00:51:36 that's what I'm talking about.
00:51:37 Okay. So what's the plan of healing the party after the
00:51:44 special delegate?
00:51:45 The new Petroleum Party has done this before. We went into the
00:51:54 2007 presidential primaries. Our Council of Elders are ready to
00:52:03 engage all stakeholders. And I can tell you, even before this
00:52:07 process will come to an end, the continuous engagement by the
00:52:13 elections committee and the presidential candidates and
00:52:16 their agents have given the party enough hope that we are
00:52:20 ready to go through this process. If you've seen our
00:52:24 guidelines for the conduct of this special electorate, it
00:52:28 tells a lot. And it just didn't come from heaven. It is
00:52:32 something that has been fastened out by engagement with
00:52:36 all key stakeholders, i.e. the Ghana Police Service, the
00:52:41 Electoral Commission, the presidential assignments, and
00:52:44 the party's presidential elections committee. And so we
00:52:48 continue to work hand in hand and do things that will put us
00:52:53 in the light and make sure that the people have the confidence
00:52:57 in us to win 2024 elections.
00:53:00 Right. Now you were talking about the fact that after this
00:53:04 election, you draw the balance sheet between the MPP, your
00:53:08 candidate and Mr. John Mahama. Now you're asking for
00:53:11 alternatives, which is quite good. We're waiting for
00:53:14 alternatives to see where and how we even go about, you know,
00:53:18 questioning both of you. But you're going to draw the
00:53:21 balance sheet between someone who left you, you know, the
00:53:24 exchange rate around four, you know, now it's above nine. How
00:53:32 are you looking at convincing the Ghanaian that your candidate
00:53:35 is the best one compared to someone who left the exchange
00:53:39 rate, for example, at four?
00:53:41 Okay, so my brother, at this stage, we are not going to give
00:53:47 the NGC or the opponent the parameters within which we draw
00:53:53 those lines. And if you want us to discuss the issue of the
00:53:58 exchange rates, first, as Ghana, we need to look at the
00:54:03 consumption patterns of the Ghanaian. And we need to look
00:54:06 at what is running around the world. I mean, for the first
00:54:11 time in UK, their inflation had gone up. Most economies have
00:54:17 suffered post COVID. And within this Russia, and Dr. Asante
00:54:22 said that that argument cannot hold Russia. And I'm saying
00:54:27 that if you sit at where you need to put together all these
00:54:31 figures, you appreciate it. And I'm saying even in these
00:54:34 difficulties, workers have had to be paid on a monthly basis.
00:54:39 We have had to have electricity running. We've no run out of
00:54:44 fuel. At least we have some consumables. Things are tough
00:54:49 though, but the government is working hard to ensure that we
00:54:53 will attain them. It is not getting any easy in a day. But
00:54:58 we need to work hard and ensure that we have programs that will
00:55:02 take us out of this quagmire. And so I appreciate them. But
00:55:06 I'm saying that when we have settled on our candidates, we
00:55:10 will draw the balance sheets.
00:55:11 Okay, I'm looking forward to this balance sheet really.
00:55:16 Because then the Ghanaian will question that. You've done well
00:55:20 to make fuel available to us in this difficult time. I mean, we
00:55:24 have power. But then the question will be purchasing
00:55:28 ability. These are not, I mean, fuel is the price of fuel is
00:55:31 going up day in, day out. And so the Ghanaian will question that
00:55:36 the price of fuel, the price of electricity, and all of that,
00:55:40 you know. So we're really waiting for that balance sheet
00:55:44 and how you convince us that, well, even though prices, the
00:55:49 price of petrol is high, but you have to look at me making it
00:55:54 available to you, you know. So it will be an interesting debate
00:56:00 going into 2024. But I'm really, really waiting for that one to
00:56:04 see how it goes. So this Saturday, what are the
00:56:08 procedures? I mean, what are the processes for this special
00:56:12 Congress that's coming up?
00:56:14 Well, thank you. So, so just, just I'll keep you in that
00:56:18 suspense, but I'll come along with you in assessing a
00:56:23 candidate as against the NDC's non-presidential candidate,
00:56:28 whom we defeated in two elections, 2016 and 2020. And
00:56:35 we are going to do the same in 2024. We know how to do it.
00:56:39 Back to the issue of our special electoral college that comes up
00:56:44 Saturday, the party in each of the regional centres have
00:56:49 created voting centres that will be manned by the Electoral
00:56:54 Commission's regional directors. It commences at 9am and will
00:57:00 close at 13 hours, that is 1pm, after which the EC will do the
00:57:08 counting and announce results at all the regional centres and
00:57:12 transmits the results to the EC's headquarters for collation.
00:57:18 There will also be another voting centre at the party
00:57:21 headquarters to take care of the Council of Elders, our external
00:57:25 branch delegates, our wings, our national executive committee,
00:57:32 our ministers of state who are not MPs. And at the regional
00:57:37 level, we'll have the regional representation to Council of
00:57:42 Elders, our foundation members, our regional executive committee
00:57:46 members, our members of parliament and regional
00:57:50 ministers voting at the regional level. You know, we have a total
00:57:55 of 958 delegates voting across the regions and the nation. The
00:58:06 party's constitution is clear that where there are more than
00:58:10 five of them, these are the people who have to vote to see
00:58:14 the number to five. So we have the national council members,
00:58:19 the national executive committee members, the regional
00:58:22 executive committee, MPs, ministers who are card-buying
00:58:26 members, our external branch, 27 of them are bringing three
00:58:31 delegates each, our wings are having to bring three delegates,
00:58:36 our wings include the youth, the women and the Naxa wing will
00:58:39 bring three delegates each. All our Council of Elders are
00:58:44 delegates to this special electoral college. And so that
00:58:48 is how the party's constitution article 1319 defines those who
00:58:55 are delegates to this special electoral college. And so having
00:59:00 met with the presidential candidates and their agents, the
00:59:05 electoral commission and the Ghana police service, all issues
00:59:08 bordering on security will be handled by the Ghana police
00:59:13 service. The party has handed over as determined by rules of
00:59:19 engagement, issues of the conduct of the elections in the
00:59:23 hands of the EC. We have a register of these people, a
00:59:27 photo album given to all the aspirants, we have them and the
00:59:32 EC on the 26th, the Saturday ahead of us, use the register,
00:59:38 candidate will have their agent, two each accredited, one at a
00:59:43 time, stationed at the polling station to monitor the process.
00:59:48 And when we are done, each will be given a copy of the
00:59:52 resource sheet. And there are do's and don'ts in these
00:59:56 elections. Even though these elections being done by the EC,
01:00:00 the participants are senior party members, we are still
01:00:04 reminding them that nobody should go in there with anything
01:00:10 that will take a picture or photo of where the person would
01:00:15 have voted. And nobody will also do anything that will show that
01:00:19 where anybody voted is being determined. We are doing this
01:00:23 between 9am and 1pm. And so the EC is in charge of that when
01:00:31 the election process are all done, the ballot papers will be
01:00:35 put into tamper proof envelope sealed in the ballot box. All
01:00:40 candidates are allowed to put their personal seals on all the
01:00:44 ballot boxes, the ballot boxes will be transferred and
01:00:47 transported to the EC headquarters in Accra for
01:00:50 safekeeping. I think when this is done, the results will
01:00:54 finally be declared at the EC, at the party headquarters at
01:00:58 Asalamu Naam. And so we are hoping that for all that the
01:01:04 prospective candidates have done in terms of being
01:01:07 presidential candidates, visiting party constituencies,
01:01:12 meeting polling station executives, electoral
01:01:15 coordinators, constituency executives, and other
01:01:18 stakeholders. The kind of energy excitement that they've
01:01:22 brought to the base, I think is very commendable. And we must
01:01:28 say that in all this, we said the battle has been the loss.
01:01:31 They've been traveling around the country with their vehicles,
01:01:35 with their team and all that. And thankfully, issues of
01:01:38 accidents have been out. We continue to thank God and
01:01:43 commit them to the hands of the Lord Almighty, that as we
01:01:46 prepare to go into Saturday's program, we are still
01:01:49 protected by the Almighty.
01:01:51 Okay. So, but the coalition and announcement results will
01:01:56 be happening at the polling station before they are
01:01:57 transported to the National Headquarters office, right?
01:01:59 Yes, the results was, it is 1pm and no polling station
01:02:06 presiding officer will open the ballot until it is one
01:02:10 o'clock and where the delegates have all cast their
01:02:12 votes. So after one o'clock, when that is done, it will be
01:02:17 counted and then the results will be shown, announced at
01:02:22 that voting center. And then agent giving copies of the
01:02:27 results sheets and all results will then be transmitted
01:02:32 electronically to the EEC's coalition center in Accra.
01:02:36 When the EEC is done with the coalition at their
01:02:39 headquarters, they will move to the party's headquarters
01:02:43 at Salamda to announce the final results for us to know
01:02:49 who the first five are for the next round of elections in
01:02:54 November for 2023.
01:02:56 Zayvan Sinemakwa, I'm grateful to you for the education
01:02:59 you've given us this morning. All the best.
01:03:01 My pleasure.
01:03:02 And Dr Kwame Asa Asante also joined us. I'm grateful to
01:03:06 you too for joining us with your perspectives. There's
01:03:09 still the AM show. We have more to come. You're welcome to
01:03:12 stay with us. We will be right back.
01:03:14 [MUSIC]
