Happy Birthday, Usain Bolt!.
Usain St. Leo Bolt
turns 37 years old today.
Here are five
fun facts about
the athlete.
1. Bolt ran a record-breaking
100-meters in the 2008 Olympics
while his shoe was untied.
2. His winning pose after races is called
“To Di World” or “Bolting.”.
3. He’s a huge
Manchester United fan.
4. Bolt initially wanted to
play cricket before he started running.
5. He’s known
for his nickname,
“Lightning Bolt.”.
Happy Birthday, Usain Bolt!
Usain St. Leo Bolt
turns 37 years old today.
Here are five
fun facts about
the athlete.
1. Bolt ran a record-breaking
100-meters in the 2008 Olympics
while his shoe was untied.
2. His winning pose after races is called
“To Di World” or “Bolting.”.
3. He’s a huge
Manchester United fan.
4. Bolt initially wanted to
play cricket before he started running.
5. He’s known
for his nickname,
“Lightning Bolt.”.
Happy Birthday, Usain Bolt!
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