• last year
新闻报报看 | 过去几个星期,相信不少朋友在网上都看到原本就已经是寺庙和佛像林立的泰国首都曼谷,最近多了一尊摆在市中心某家酒店旁边的巨大黑色雕像,吸引了很多所谓的“信徒”去膜拜,还说拜了会走好运。当地的佛教团体还出面反击指这尊雕像和泰国大多数人的佛教信仰完全没有关系,甚至已经惊动曼谷市长下令,要对雕像的来历展开调查。(主播:梁宝仪、黄界錤)


00:00 In the past few weeks, I believe many of you have seen on the Internet
00:04 that there is a huge black statue next to a hotel in the city center of Bangkok,
00:09 the capital of Thailand, which is already a temple of Buddhist statues.
00:15 It has attracted many so-called believers to worship it.
00:18 Some students said that they would be lucky if they worship it.
00:21 We just said that it is a statue, not a so-called Buddha statue.
00:26 It is because there are local Buddhist groups who have come out to counteract
00:29 the fact that this statue has nothing to do with the Buddhism that most Thai people believe in.
00:35 It has even alarmed the mayor of Bangkok,
00:38 who ordered an investigation into the origin of the statue.
00:41 It is a reminder that if you are a timid person, you should be mentally prepared.
00:44 The report described that many people were shocked when they saw this huge black statue
00:49 on the street, which is about two stories high.
00:53 Maybe it's because the statue is black and it looks like a skeleton.
00:58 And there is a pair of wings behind it,
01:00 plus golden teeth and red feet.
01:03 The facial expression is also quite fierce.
01:06 This statue has a great difference from the general perception of the Buddhist statue
01:11 of the sense of harmony, which makes many people feel that it looks really scary.
01:17 But there is a report that the Bangkok government has not found that this statue is illegal,
01:23 so it is still allowed to be kept in place.
01:27 It's just that the order must be repealed to avoid scaring the passers-by.
01:32 Well, the Bangkok government now sounds like it's also starting a controversy with this one.
01:38 It even caused a panic once.
01:40 The huge black statue is not broken.
01:43 But the question is, which unit on the street in Bangkok erected this statue?
01:48 The report mentioned that the statue actually has a name.
01:52 Its name is Master Gaiqiao.
01:54 It was installed near a four-star hotel in Bangkok from the beginning of August.
01:58 And soon there was a wave of worship of so-called believers.
02:02 It is said that many of those who went to worship the black statue are just following the trend.
02:07 They don't even know what they are worshiping.
02:10 It was even said that there were so-called believers who wanted to take kittens and dogs to sacrifice.
02:16 Such an unusual practice.
02:18 Then the person in charge of the four-star hotel next to the statue told the media
02:22 that the statue was not installed in their hotel.
02:25 Someone rented the venue outside their hotel to erect this black statue.
02:30 Then a Thai Buddhist group came forward to accuse the so-called Master Gaiqiao of having an unknown origin.
02:36 He has never appeared in Buddhist texts.
02:39 Don't follow the trend easily.
02:41 Some religious scholars even believe that this is just a story made up by some believers.
02:46 They tried to create an image of a mysterious master.
02:50 But it's not much different from the blood of the other side.
02:53 Of course, this is just the opinion of some religious scholars.
02:57 And this controversy over the black statue attracted attention after it was published in the international news.
03:02 Thai media quoted the observations of local historians.
03:06 In fact, whenever Thailand faces social turmoil,
03:09 local people will have a similar religious worship trend.
03:14 This scholar cited the example that
03:16 after the former prime minister was overthrown by the military in 2006,
03:21 a wave of "Zedu Jin" arose in the country,
03:24 which is a belief in a new religion.
03:27 In 2018, many people lost confidence in the government
03:31 because of the corruption of the military government and the temple.
03:34 On the contrary, they put their hearts and souls in other new religions.
03:38 But historians explain that
03:40 although some blind believers look crazy,
03:43 they believe that as long as it is not a development of a terrorist cult,
03:47 but encouraging people to do good,
03:49 it can be regarded as a force to stabilize the people's hearts.
03:53 [Music]
