Atlético indica mudança importante na Arena MRV para 2024

  • last year
O CEO do Atlético, Bruno Muzzi, disse, em entrevista coletiva nesta segunda-feira (21/8), que é provável a troca do gramado natural da Arena MRV para o piso sintético. Ele afirmou que a avaliação da grama plantada no ano passado será feita até o fim da temporada.

Leia mais:

“Desde o início da obra, sempre falei que minha preferência era o gramado sintético pela arquitetura da Arena MRV. Mas a gente não tinha orçamento para isso, o que a gente deixou foi fazer a infraestrutura para acomodar as duas modalidades de gramado”, disse.

“Em 2019 e 2020 (quando o estádio estava em construção), ainda tinha muito preconceito com a grama sintética, mas esse preconceito diminuiu. Tem uma discussão sobre lesão, qual causa mais lesão. Os estádios europeus estão cada vez mais naturais e menos sintéticos, mas eles têm poder aquisitivo e podem trocar de grama para sintético, eles podem tirar o gramado do estádio, e a gente não tem essa prerrogativa”, acrescentou Muzzi.

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00:00 I think that from the beginning of the project, I've always said,
00:02 those who followed me, I've always said that my preference
00:04 was the grassland, the architecture of the arena.
00:10 Obviously, we didn't have...
00:12 We would have to increase this value even more,
00:15 we didn't have the budget for that.
00:16 What I did was leave the infrastructure,
00:19 which didn't increase in price at all,
00:21 to accommodate both modalities.
00:24 In the end, I also thought it was important to put the grassland,
00:27 which was already within the scope of the Racional,
00:29 so if I changed the scope of the Racional,
00:32 it would bring another dynamic to the contract.
00:35 There was still a lot of prejudice about synthetic grass,
00:39 back in 2018, 2019, when we started.
00:44 And today we've been noticing that this prejudice is decreasing.
00:48 And there's still a question,
00:50 "Is synthetic grass good? Does it cause more injury?"
00:54 There's a broad discussion on this issue.
00:57 American or European states
01:01 are becoming more natural and less synthetic.
01:05 Yes, but they have the power to acquire and have the states.
01:12 The states can exchange grass and synthetic grass,
01:17 they have both flexibility.
01:19 The states even take the field out
01:23 to get the right brightness, and then they take the field back.
01:27 And depending on the game, they can still put synthetic grass
01:31 to make the game. We don't have this prerogative.
01:35 And the current stadiums, the characteristics, are very closed.
01:39 You can see there, they're very closed.
01:41 And there's a serious problem with the brightness.
01:45 So, when there's no sun, the grass is significantly brighter.
01:48 How is the grass in the MRV Arena today?
01:51 If you look there, it's beautiful.
01:54 The problem is that in the north, we're in winter,
01:58 we've replaced the winter grass.
02:02 We sow high grass instead of bermuda grass.
02:07 And the bermuda grass, without sun and at a lower temperature,
02:11 it dies.
02:12 You sow high grass because it stays green,
02:16 but it's a thin grass, it doesn't have that twist
02:20 that bermuda has.
02:21 So, for example, the athletes trained there,
02:23 the grass suffers.
02:26 We have the lighting,
02:29 the lighting is working fully,
02:32 but it doesn't recover all the time.
02:33 And we're using the light indiscriminately.
02:40 That is, we're using it without any restrictions.
02:45 We're using it to control it.
02:48 The training is over.
02:49 I went there, I walked around the grass,
02:53 I called the maintenance team, I was there on Friday,
02:57 so we could start organizing.
03:00 But I think that, starting next year,
03:03 with the shows, we'll see the behavior now,
03:06 we have the game, if God wants,
03:08 we have the shows,
03:10 the MRV and Jota, Bivete and Jorge Matheus,
03:14 we'll cover the grass, we'll see the behavior,
03:17 but I think that, most likely,
03:19 we'll replace it with synthetic grass.
03:23 So, you have...
03:26 Synthetic grass is another science.
03:31 You have different types of synthetic grass.
03:33 You have a grass like Aliexpress,
03:34 you have a grass like Atlético Paranaense,
03:36 you have a newer grass, like Botafogo,
03:39 you have grass with a thicker grass,
03:42 higher, what level of cut,
03:43 what kind of rubber you put underneath.
03:46 Atlético Paranaense uses coconut,
03:49 like Strade Coco,
03:52 Allianz uses only synthetic,
03:54 those synthetic rubbers.
03:56 Botafogo has a mixed one.
04:00 So, we have to define the cost,
04:02 what is the best grass.
04:04 But I think it's a trend,
04:06 there's nothing defined yet,
04:09 but I think it's a trend and it will lead us to that.
04:11 [BEEP]
