Perthville Public students talk about what they love about school.

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Perthville Public students talk about what they love about school. August 22, 2023.
00:00 My name's Lachlan Bonham.
00:02 Lachlan, how old are you?
00:03 Ten.
00:04 Alright, what year are you in at Perth for?
00:06 Year five.
00:07 And what do you like most about this school?
00:09 That there's a bunch of different sports that you can play and the teachers are all encouraging for you to play sports.
00:18 Excellent, what's your favourite sport?
00:20 Probably soccer.
00:21 Excellent, do you play it on the weekend?
00:22 Yes.
00:23 And play it at lunchtime as well?
00:24 Yes.
00:25 Excellent, thank you.
00:26 Mate, what's your name?
00:27 David.
00:28 And what year are you in?
00:29 Year four or five.
00:30 Okay, and what do you like most about Perth for Public?
00:34 The teachers are really nice and supportive.
00:37 Great, who's your favourite teacher? Do you have one?
00:39 No.
00:40 You like them all?
00:41 Yes.
00:42 My name's Rhys Pears.
00:43 Yeah, what year are you in, Rhys?
00:44 Year four.
00:45 Okay, what do you like about Perth for Public?
00:46 I can play with my friends at break time.
00:48 Yeah, what do you play?
00:49 I play handball usually.
00:51 Excellent.
00:52 What's your name?
00:53 Piper.
00:54 And Piper, how old are you?
00:55 Ten.
00:56 What do you like most about Perth for Public?
00:58 How everyone's kind and happy to play.
01:01 Excellent.
01:02 And is there anything you like to do at lunchtime or recess?
01:05 I play soccer.
01:06 Soccer as well?
01:07 Yeah.
01:08 Great, thanks guys.
01:09 [no dialogue]
