Bubble Gang: Perks of Stupid Phone

  • last year
Aired (August 20, 2023): Ayaw manakawan, gustong maka-insulto? Buy this Stupid Phone now!
00:00 [music]
00:04 Smartphone?
00:06 Aren't you tired of smartphones?
00:08 You know, to be different, why don't you try this?
00:11 The stupid phone.
00:13 Just like what I'm holding.
00:14 Look.
00:15 It's just a short one, right?
00:17 It's already stupid.
00:18 And smartphones, how much does it cost?
00:21 This?
00:23 Just 1,000 pesos.
00:24 As in, 1 kilo.
00:25 It's too heavy, that's why it's too strong.
00:28 [music]
00:30 See?
00:31 [laughter]
00:32 Look at this.
00:33 [laughter]
00:34 See?
00:35 No scratches.
00:36 It doesn't have a screen protector.
00:37 [laughter]
00:38 The stupid phone is the most useless Android version of Android E1.
00:44 They say, "Find the ugly one and you'll fall in love with the real one."
00:49 The stupid phone has many advantages.
00:52 Just like this.
00:55 [music]
01:00 [doorbell rings]
01:01 Sir!
01:03 Sir!
01:04 Yes?
01:05 You left this at the table.
01:07 Is this a smartphone?
01:09 Does it look like a smartphone?
01:10 Stupid.
01:11 Huh?
01:13 Who's stupid?
01:14 This phone.
01:15 My stupid phone.
01:16 Look at it.
01:18 It's not interesting anymore.
01:19 Here's another advantage.
01:23 [laughter]
01:25 Give me your phone, quick.
01:27 Here.
01:29 What's that?
01:31 I'm asking you.
01:33 I said, "Your phone."
01:34 Quick.
01:35 This is a phone, stupid.
01:37 It seems stupid.
01:38 Stupid phone.
01:39 But it's forgivable.
01:41 Answer it.
01:45 Who's this?
01:47 Check it.
01:48 Police.
01:50 Police?
01:51 Quick, quick.
01:52 My stupid phone.
01:53 My stupid phone.
01:54 There are two companies that make this stupid phone.
01:58 The shameless OO Mobile
02:00 and the charming
02:02 partner of my stupid phone.
02:03 Buy a stupid phone
02:06 and you'll get
02:07 a free contact mirror.
02:09 See?
02:11 Ta-da!
02:13 It's not attached to the phone
02:15 so that when it's lost and stolen,
02:17 you'll just look at the mirror
02:18 and you'll know who's stupid
02:20 who lost it.
02:22 [phone ringing]
02:23 Hello?
02:29 Wrong number.
02:32 Are you stupid or something?
02:33 Who's stupid?
02:35 You!
02:37 Stupid phone.
02:41 [upbeat music]
02:43 [singing]
02:45 [singing]
02:47 [singing]
02:49 [singing]
02:50 [singing]
02:52 [singing]
02:54 [singing]
02:55 [singing]
02:57 [singing]
02:59 (upbeat music)
