Bulldog Has Refined Taste And Interests + Pets With Unique Personalities The Dodo Top 5

  • last year
00:00 (roaring)
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00:58 (playful music)
01:02 (playful music)
01:08 (playful music)
01:10 (howling)
01:19 (howling)
01:28 (howling)
01:36 (howling)
01:38 (howling)
01:43 (howling)
01:50 (playful music)
01:55 (playful music)
01:58 (playful music)
02:09 (playful music)
02:14 (playful music)
02:23 (playful music)
02:26 - Whenever you see a beast whale or seal.
02:30 (playful music)
02:33 I mean, whenever he's on his back, paws up,
02:41 I think that's Carl.
02:42 (playful music)
02:52 He'll do anything to get comfortable.
02:54 - Yeah, no boundaries for Carl.
02:56 (playful music)
02:59 - Oh, hi, Walter.
03:05 (playful music)
03:08 But the puppies really test him.
03:13 They climb all over him, they bite his ears,
03:15 they bite his jowls, and he doesn't seem to mind at all.
03:20 He's the best big brother.
03:22 (playful music)
03:25 - He really changes people's minds in terms of
03:34 what they think about when they hear the word "pup ball."
03:37 (playful music)
03:48 - Yeah, his head muscles are kinda contracting
03:50 and creating this weird pyramid, so.
03:52 - Apparently it's totally healthy and normal and fine.
03:55 The vet told us very nonchalantly that his head was deteriorating.
03:58 (playful music)
04:01 - She's so attached to the stroller
04:10 that sometimes she doesn't always wanna get out of it.
04:13 (laughs)
04:14 I call it her little princess chair again.
04:16 (playful music)
04:19 I said, "We can't keep her, so do you wanna take her home?"
04:24 I realized she's not going anywhere.
04:27 (laughs)
04:28 She's a beach babe.
04:29 She can run along the water's edge.
04:31 It's always been our zen time together.
04:34 (playful music)
04:36 She wanted to be really close to me, and she was whimpering.
04:39 The next morning, when she got up, she couldn't stand up.
04:43 So I immediately brought her to the vet.
04:45 (playful music)
04:47 It changed from just going on a regular dog walk
04:50 to scheduling physical therapy.
04:53 She's always had this really strong will to live.
04:56 (playful music)
04:58 Come on, nutmeg.
04:59 We didn't go to reach that person here,
05:02 and I think it really made her sad.
05:04 (playful music)
05:06 She just ran around smelling everything,
05:10 digging holes in the sand.
05:12 What really motivated her to pull herself forward
05:15 and even stand up at times and use her hind legs,
05:18 the beach has been our saving grace, for sure.
05:21 (playful music)
05:23 I even took the stroller and dragged it onto the beach.
05:27 I'd do anything for her.
05:29 Just knowing that we might have her,
05:32 and that she's okay, means the world to me.
05:36 (playful music)
05:38 (upbeat music)
05:41 (upbeat music)
05:43 (upbeat music)
05:45 (upbeat music)
05:47 ♪ I got ♪
