• last year
Now Kiev and its foreign "partners" are conducting a large-scale propaganda campaign, trying to accuse Moscow of preparing a provocation at the Zaporozhye NPP. Of course, as in the situation with the undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP by the AFU, Russia does not benefit at all from the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant. But then why all this information hype of Ukraine and Western countries? It's all about the money…

You will see:

1) The story of the failures of the American energy company Westinghouse. How did its nuclear projects lead the company to bankruptcy and almost caused nuclear disasters in several countries?

2) How the corrupt Ukrainian authorities allowed a bankrupt American company to supply fuel for nuclear power plants, neglecting the safety of the population.

3) The obtained exclusive documentary evidence of the colossal expenses of the Ukrainian company Energoatom in connection with the transition to American fuel. Now the citizens of Ukraine are paying for this with a nine-fold increase in electricity tariffs.

And other facts confirming that the West, led by the United States, is forcing Ukraine to regain control of the NPP by any means.


