The Dick Tracy show - ep. 117 - Crooksters last stand

  • l’année dernière
Production : UPA
March 24, 1963


00:00 [musique]
00:08 The Dick Tracy Show
00:11 [musique]
00:29 Ok, chief. I'll get on it right away.
00:31 Dick Tracy calling Gogo Gomez, calling Gogo Gomez.
00:35 Si, senor Tracy.
00:37 Gogo, we have just received a fantastic report from out west.
00:40 It seems that a couple of renegade Indians are raiding and looting buses.
00:44 I want you to get out there and investigate.
00:47 Si, senor. I will get right on it.
00:49 Gogo is not afraid of wild Indians.
00:52 [bip]
00:53 Hum?
00:54 [explosion]
00:55 Hai, chihuahua!
00:57 [explosion]
00:59 This sure was a good idea of yours, Mumbles.
01:02 Dressing up like Indians.
01:04 Nobody will recognize us in these outfits.
01:07 [gobbling]
01:09 You see a bus coming?
01:11 [gobbling]
01:12 Yeah! What are we waiting for?
01:15 Hi-ya! Yahoo!
01:17 Hey, this was a plenty cool idea of senor Tracy's.
01:21 Having me ride shotgun.
01:23 This is one bus that's safe from Indians.
01:26 Or my name ain't Manuel Tijuana Tampico Guadalajara Gogo Gomez, Jr.
01:32 [barking]
01:34 [barking]
01:37 Indians!
01:39 [tires screeching]
01:40 Pardon me, senors, but are you hombres bad Indians?
01:44 [explosion]
01:45 [bubbling]
01:46 Hai-hoo!
01:48 Some peoples are sure touchy.
01:51 [gobbling]
01:54 What did chief say? I don't understand Indian talk.
01:58 He said, "Get down off the bus, Gogo, and pass your hat among the passengers."
02:04 Hey, how come you know my name, chief?
02:07 [explosion]
02:08 [tires screeching]
02:09 Shut up and pass that hat.
02:12 Okay, okay, I pass hat. What I do now?
02:16 [gobbling]
02:19 What? Pass over the hat and stand against the bus.
02:22 Like this?
02:24 Right, flatfoot.
02:25 [gobbling]
02:27 [screaming]
02:28 Who did you go and get on my foot?
02:31 [laughing]
02:34 That flatfoot will really have flat feet now.
02:38 Geronimo!
02:40 Hey, come back, you crooks.
02:43 Gogo Gomez calling the Tracy.
02:46 Tracy here. How's it going, Gogo?
02:48 Two Indians held up bus.
02:50 I'm sure Indians are not Indians, but are stooge and mumbles.
02:55 Well, what do you plan to do now?
02:57 We'll get on their trail as soon as I get a load off my feet.
03:00 Good, Gogo. I'll fly out by helicopter and we'll close in on them together.
03:04 [laughing]
03:05 A few more raids like that and we can give the territory back to the real Indians.
03:10 Hey, mumbles?
03:11 [gobbling]
03:13 No kidding. A real wagon train?
03:16 Let's go!
03:17 [imitating train]
03:23 Indians?
03:25 Indians, everybody! Indians! Circle up!
03:30 Yahoo!
03:32 [imitating train]
03:36 Gee, wow! They have struck again.
03:39 [screaming]
03:42 Which way did they go, Mr. Survivor?
03:45 Out!
03:47 They went that-a-way.
03:49 Gracias.
03:51 Now, mumbles, we get rid of these duds and wigs and...
03:56 Hey! That's the nosy cop again. Quick, after him.
04:01 [whistling]
04:05 Hey! He threw up a roadblock on us.
04:08 [gobbling]
04:10 You're right. It's a trap. That's Dick Tracy.
04:13 We gotta blast through that roadblock.
04:16 [gobbling]
04:18 Okay, you two. This is the end of the road for you.
04:22 Nice going, Go-Go. I had a bird's-eye view of the crook's last act.
04:27 Thank you, Senor Tracy. I guess this phony Indian game, she is over.
04:32 Yes, you certainly showed them what the score is.
04:35 Si. Indians nothing. The law won, I think.
04:43 [theme music]
04:46 [gobbling]
04:50 [gobbling]
04:52 [gobbling]
04:55 [gobbling]
04:58 [Bruit de la télé]
