Echosmith Plays Never Have I Ever | Billboard

  • last year
Echosmith siblings Sydney and Noah Sierota play Never Have I Ever.


00:00 Hey, we're Echo Smith and we are gonna play Never Have I Ever.
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:06 >> Never have I ever made a fake social media account.
00:10 >> Definitely have.
00:11 >> I have. >> You have too?
00:13 >> Yeah.
00:13 What do they call it, like a finsta?
00:15 Where you make a private Instagram for your friends and stuff?
00:18 I don't know if you're invited to it though.
00:20 >> Never have I ever lied to get out of a speeding ticket.
00:23 >> Well, I have sort of a funny joke, or story.
00:27 It's not a joke.
00:28 I just got my license and I just wasn't the best driver.
00:32 So I think the officer thought that I was drinking and
00:37 driving because I was just swerving, so I just wasn't a great driver.
00:40 I legit, I had never even tried alcohol at this point, for real.
00:43 Anyways, and he was like, ma'am, have you been drinking?
00:46 And I was like, no, I'm only 17.
00:48 He's like, that's not what I asked you.
00:49 [LAUGH] I did get a ticket and
00:51 I thought they would send it to you in the mail.
00:54 Apparently you needed to initiate to pay it yourself and
00:58 it became a very expensive ticket cuz I didn't pay it for too long.
01:01 >> Never have I ever fallen on stage.
01:04 >> I have.
01:05 >> Yeah, I fell on Warped Tour.
01:06 >> Never I have.
01:07 >> I rolled on the stage.
01:09 I never have.
01:10 >> Never I have.
01:10 [LAUGH] >> Never have I ever overdrafted a bank
01:14 account.
01:15 >> I did do that once.
01:16 I accidentally transferred all of my money into a wrong bank account.
01:20 And I wrote a check for someone and they were like, this doesn't have any money.
01:24 And I'm like, I think I have like 50 bucks, I don't know.
01:26 >> Thank you guys for watching.
01:28 That was Never Have I Ever.
01:32 That's not on the signs, never mind.
01:34 Never, okay.
01:36 That was Never Have I Ever with Billboard.
01:38 [LAUGH]
01:40 Ever.
01:40 [MUSIC]
