• last year


00:00 We were initially told that if he got six months, he would be lucky.
00:04 Monty has what's called hydrocephalus, which is excessive water in the brain.
00:14 The only treatment is to put in a shunt, but because of the severity of Monty's condition, he wasn't a candidate for that.
00:21 Are you the cutest baby that ever lived?
00:25 Yes.
00:26 When you take in a hospice dog, you're taking in a dog with the understanding that your job is to fulfill that dog with as much love in the time that they have left.
00:42 We got noodles for you.
00:44 After getting six months life expectancy, we just kind of decided to do what we could do on our own.
00:54 When he first came, he was mostly blind. He could walk in very small circles.
01:03 Initially, I was working with him multiple times a day, doing Reiki and crystal therapy, sound therapy.
01:12 When he came, we couldn't really walk, so I was guiding him through our house, showing him how to use the steps.
01:20 This way. Come on. One, two, three.
01:25 We've got three steps to our backyard, and now he just uses those all by himself.
01:31 It was ridiculous. He could have fit in Monty's mouth. Him and Monty just instantaneously had such a bond with each other.
01:46 Gru is like totally opposite personality than Monty. Monty is like really slow and gentle and super sweet, kind of like a manatee on land.
01:55 And Gru is like a little sunfish. He just like darts from place to place, and he's super active and always like jumping around.
02:03 It's really beautiful to watch them have these interactions.
02:06 We've seen tremendous development in Monty's from his daily interactions with Gru.
02:14 There's stuff that we've done, Monty really functions almost like a normal dog now. He's come a tremendous way.
02:20 He is doing amazing with his potty training. He goes in and out and runs around the yard and plays with the other dogs.
02:27 We will be celebrating Monty's one year anniversary of joining our family, so we are already double past the six month life expectancy.
02:37 Our vets have said that he is a miracle. He will be beyond I think any expectation that anybody ever had for him.
02:43 Monty has been probably the single biggest joy in my life. I think the single most important thing that I've learned is that love is more powerful than anything in the universe.
03:00 We just want to give him every day that we have with him and see how long we can take our journey.
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03:23 you
