Imágenes muestran desalojo a familia de Robeisy Ramírez en Cuba

  • last year
El activista cubano Raúl González expuso en sus redes sociales imágenes que muestran el desalojo del que fue parte la familia del campeón olímpico Robeisy Ramírez, luego de que el boxeador abandonara el equipo cubano en México en 2018.
Según informa en la directa, la casa había sido otorgada por el gobierno cubano al deportista, como premio a sus resultados en el cuadrilátero.


00:00 First of all, I want to send a greeting and a hug to our brother Robert C. Ramirez,
00:05 world champion who is currently in the United States.
00:09 A hug, brother. Remember that in an alert that you were doing,
00:14 you came in and I told you that I had the video when your family was evicted
00:20 from Punta Borda residential area.
00:23 A house that the government had given you for your performance
00:26 and for the money you had through the fights you performed.
00:31 That means that they didn't give it to you for free,
00:33 they gave it to you because you won it.
00:35 So gentlemen, share the video.
00:37 Nothing, a greeting and a hug, as I said before,
00:41 I come back to the redundancy for our brother Robert C.
00:44 First of my family and of the entire group of the Cibano-Paco consensus movement
00:49 and Cuban promoters of the Civil Society Forum.
00:52 My name is Raúl González González, I am the coordinator.
00:57 I wanted to let you know, so that you know what the murderous tyranny of Raúl Castro and Diaz-Canel does
01:05 against those who leave the country looking for an improvement
01:10 and how they are evicted from their homes simply for thinking differently.
01:15 Our brother went out in search of freedom, mainly,
01:18 and in search of an improvement for his family.
01:21 Leaving the country, his family was evicted, as I said before,
01:26 in residential areas, point A to point B.
01:29 A family with three children, there are the old ones.
01:33 First I have to put the photo of our brother so that everyone can see it.
01:38 There is our brother Robert C. Javier.
01:48 Put this photo here.
01:51 Put it forward.
01:52 Leave it there.
01:53 These were the belongings of the Robert family, who lived here inside,
01:58 in this part here, in point A.
02:01 Take it out for a moment.
02:04 Put the other photo here, this one here.
02:07 Put it forward so that the instigators can see your faces.
02:09 This car belongs to the provincial government.
02:12 Put it a little further forward so that they can see your faces.
02:15 This is what the investigators were doing,
02:17 look at the documents in their hands.
02:19 Run a little back so that they can see that this is the Robert family house.
02:22 Because the dictatorship says that this is not the Robert family house.
02:24 Look here.
02:25 A little further forward, there was the Robert family house.
02:27 Now we are going to show you the videos.
02:29 Close it.
02:30 Put this other photo.
02:33 This one here.
02:36 We showed this one, right?
02:38 This was the truck where the belongings lived.
02:42 Put this one here.
02:43 Put it forward so that they can see it.
02:45 Look at the number of the work, look at the Robert family.
02:49 Close it.
02:50 Put this video.
02:56 I was making a video.
02:59 Prepare it well at the beginning.
03:02 Put it in the stop.
03:03 When I started making the eviction video,
03:08 the Robert family and I were filming a friend.
03:13 The neighbor next to his house,
03:15 it seems that he is a security guard,
03:17 surely he lives.
03:18 Some boss of the Milim delegation,
03:21 here he went,
03:22 called me to the State Security.
03:24 A white car came,
03:27 in that came Raúl,
03:28 the repressor that I used a little while ago in a photo.
03:31 And Anseu came,
03:33 better known for ...
03:35 I don't remember,
03:40 I don't remember,
03:41 for the State Security repressor.
03:43 They caught me,
03:44 but they couldn't catch this little video I made,
03:47 because I left and I was able to save the eviction.
03:51 Here you will see,
03:53 when I was making the video,
03:55 and I had to leave quickly,
03:57 because I could not finish almost making the video,
03:59 because the lady,
04:01 or I, when I was talking,
04:02 here the families of Robert and Ramirez were being evicted.
04:05 When she saw that,
04:06 she automatically started shouting
04:08 that we were against the eviction.
04:10 And we had to leave quickly.
04:12 Let's put this video.
04:14 Good afternoon.
04:16 On that day, the eviction of the families of
04:19 the representatives of the Milim delegation,
04:22 Ramirez and Casamuel, was evicted.
04:24 This is the house where he lived,
04:26 where his family was evicted,
04:30 and three younger children.
04:32 At this moment they are living in a place,
04:35 in a residential area,
04:37 in Turin.
04:39 We are going to put the image
04:41 so that the world can see the conditions of this country
04:44 and not the conditions of this family in the city of Uruguay.
04:47 Put the other video,
04:55 the one of the families, there it is.
04:57 Open the video.
05:00 Put the one from the beginning.
05:02 Put the one from the beginning.
05:04 This was the house,
05:06 first close the video
05:08 to put the front part.
05:10 Look here, this.
05:12 Put the photos.
05:14 That was the hotel.
05:16 This is the hotel
05:20 where the families
05:22 Robles and Ramirez were sent.
05:24 A hotel, look at this,
05:26 in terrible conditions.
05:28 A "bocilla", as we Cubans say.
05:30 Where these families were sent,
05:32 look at this.
05:34 (The family is in the hotel)
05:36 Go a little bit down
05:40 to see the hotel.
05:42 Go down.
05:44 Look at this.
05:46 For this, they sent the families of Robles and Ramirez.
05:48 Look at what the dictatorship does,
05:50 simply because they think differently
05:52 and because they do not agree
05:54 with a dictatorship, a swindler, a bloodthirsty thief,
05:56 like the dictatorship of Jadul Castro and the Cameles.
05:58 Take the photos away.
06:00 Put the video of the families there,
06:02 look, this is how they arrived.
06:04 And they threw away all the things.
06:06 The families of Robles and Ramirez.
06:08 Look at this.
06:10 I'm taking the video
06:16 of all the things that are not there.
06:18 Look at this.
06:20 Where is the
06:26 computer cable?
06:28 It's there.
06:30 (The family is in the hotel)
06:32 Go a little bit back,
06:42 look at this.
06:44 Go a little bit back,
06:46 look at this.
06:48 Go a little bit back,
06:50 look at this.
06:52 Stop.
06:54 No, it's over.
06:56 It's here.
06:58 Put it there.
07:00 There is the picture of Robles.
07:02 Where are the families?
07:04 Stop, stop.
07:10 Let me see. This is the photo.
07:12 Put it there and you'll see.
07:14 (The family is in the hotel)
07:16 Stop.
07:18 (The family is in the hotel)
07:20 (The family is in the hotel)
07:22 (The family is in the hotel)
07:24 (The family is in the hotel)
07:36 (The family is in the hotel)
07:38 That's where they sent
07:56 the families of Robles and Ramirez.
07:58 For a collective group
08:00 you can practically call it that.
08:02 This is to show the world
08:04 what the bloodthirsty tyranny
08:06 of Raul Castro and Diaz-Canel
08:08 is doing.
08:10 Simply because this young man
08:12 came out of Cuba
08:14 with the aspiration
08:16 to help his family
08:18 and the first thing he did
08:20 was to take away the house
08:22 that he had won with his sweat
08:24 fighting.
08:26 And they saw it.
08:28 I think they say they had given it to him.
08:30 Now I'm going to put the house
08:32 where Robles and Ramirez
08:34 were evicted.
08:36 No, get out of here.
08:38 Look at the house.
08:42 This was the house
08:44 where Robles and Ramirez
08:46 were evicted.
08:48 That's where the family
08:50 of Robles and Ramirez
08:52 was evicted.
08:54 They took everything away.
08:56 They took everything away.
08:58 They took everything away.
09:00 They took everything away.
09:02 When they took the family
09:04 out of the house,
09:06 they automatically painted the house.
09:08 Look at it.
09:10 This is a big spot.
09:16 Near the horses.
09:18 During the horses.
09:22 Stop there.
09:24 Put the second video.
09:28 Look at it.
09:30 No, this is the first one.
09:32 Look at it.
09:34 This is the house
09:36 of Robles and Ramirez
09:38 where his family was evicted.
09:40 [Video]
09:42 [Video]
09:44 Marco,
10:06 do you remember
10:08 when I started with you
10:10 and when I started with you?
10:12 When you want, contact me.
10:14 All these evidence I have,
10:16 raw, this has never been edited.
10:18 Because the Castrista-Sacinas tyranny
10:20 later says that we manipulate things.
10:22 That's the same as saying it.
10:24 Contact me
10:26 to send you all these evidence.
10:28 And I'm making a call
10:30 to the international opinion,
10:32 to all the brothers who fight for freedom,
10:34 to share this live,
10:36 to see if it reaches our brothers,
10:38 to raise awareness
10:40 to all those who defend communism,
10:42 to see what communism does
10:44 to those people who think differently
10:46 and who want to seek
10:48 a better well-being for their families.
10:50 This is what the Castrista-Sacinas dictatorship
10:52 does, and it's the same as the Castrista-Sacinas.
10:54 It de-enrages you
10:56 and if it makes you a little dangerous,
10:58 it imprisons you.
11:00 Out of respect
11:02 to the brothers and the families of Robles and Ramirez,
11:04 I had not put this video before.
11:06 Do you know why?
11:08 Because my brother came and spoke to me
11:10 and told me, "Brother, don't publish this,
11:12 because of the eviction of my family,
11:14 my father has a strong chest pain,
11:16 and he had a heart attack
11:18 from so much insult
11:20 when he saw that they were being evicted
11:22 without any reason."
11:24 So, brother,
11:26 share this live
11:28 so that the whole world can see this,
11:30 what the Castrista-Sacinas dictatorship does,
11:32 that they say that Cuba is not evicted,
11:34 and that Cuba is not evicted.
11:36 There are the proofs
11:38 of what the Castrista-Sacinas
11:40 and the Camarillas do.
11:42 Down with communism,
11:44 freedom for all political prisoners,
11:46 freedom for José Daniel Paredes García,
11:48 our leader, freedom for Márquez Osorio,
11:50 for Amara Nieto Muñoz,
11:52 for Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara,
11:54 and for all our brothers
11:56 and political prisoners.
11:58 Down with the dictatorship,
12:00 homeland, life and freedom.
12:02 Oh, fuck!
