Cornwall Insight للاستشارات.. سقف سعر الطاقة الجديد ببريطانيا هو الأدنى منذ مارس 2022

  • last year
00:00 The energy bill for the British model family is set to fall by 150 pounds annually in October,
00:10 to reach 1,925 pounds.
00:14 This means a 7% decline,
00:18 according to the three-month period from July to September this year,
00:22 when the ceiling was at 2,075 pounds.
00:27 Energy consultancy company Cornwall Insight says
00:31 the new ceiling, which will last for three months,
00:34 is the lowest since March 2022.
00:37 But it is still far from the ceiling of the prices at 1,162 pounds,
00:43 which was before the energy crisis due to the war in Ukraine
00:48 and the global energy crisis in August 2021,
00:52 which contributed to a large extent to the food supply in Britain.
00:57 The ceiling of energy prices in Britain contributes to a large extent to reduce the pressure on inflation,
01:03 and the government hopes to continue the downward trend of inflation levels
01:07 while reducing prices and reducing the cost of living.
01:12 The ceiling of energy prices in Britain recorded a peak in October last year
01:17 and exceeded 3,500 pounds annually,
01:21 but the decline in energy prices around the world
01:25 has affected its impact little by little.
01:28 The Energy Agency in Britain says
01:32 the maximum level guarantees a modest profit for energy suppliers from sales,
01:37 unlike the producers who made higher profits in the past two years.
01:42 Riyad Al Saadi, CNBC, London
