Parcel Corps Traversal Gameplay Trailer

  • last year
A trailer for Parcel Corps
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:09 Ever arrive at your favourite artisan cheese seller to find they've just closed?
00:13 At Really Good Entertainment, we know a thing or two about running late.
00:16 Just ask our publisher.
00:18 Gah! But tardy, timekeeping need not be a problem anymore with these top traversal tips from our new game, Parcel Corps.
00:25 Rather than sit in traffic like some zombie sheeple, why not skid through a pedestrianised zone?
00:30 Encounter a perilous bone-crunching drop?
00:32 Just hop onto a piece of masonry and effortlessly wall-ride to the other side.
00:35 Stairs slowing you down? Grind along railings to maintain your momentum.
00:38 Looking to move up in the world? Use a curved surface to propel yourself to new heights.
00:42 Hurtling towards a parked articulated vehicle that's blocking your way?
00:45 Ha! Just slide under it.
00:47 You see? There's nothing to it.
00:49 Now, sign this waiver and give it a go.
00:54 [Tires screeching]
00:56 (dramatic music)
00:58 (whooshing)