Is President Arif Alvi doing politics on election issues? Senior Analyst Hasan Ayub's big statement

  • last year
Is President Arif Alvi doing politics on election issues? Senior Analyst Hasan Ayub's big statement
00:00 In the beginning of the program, I told you that the letters between the President of Pakistan and the Chief Election Commissioner are being written.
00:08 The latest development is that the President of Pakistan has written to the Law Ministry for advice on the issue.
00:18 But the more important issue is that all our friends in the country are very worried about us.
00:25 Today I was watching a news report that the US Ambassador to Pakistan met with the CEC.
00:33 If we look at the current situation in Pakistan, it is very unprecedented.
00:38 This does not happen in any country in the world.
00:40 But the world is worried. Pakistan is a big country.
00:42 What is happening in Pakistan?
00:44 Before this, Chinese Ambassador also gave advice on the current situation in Pakistan.
00:51 China is our closest friend. What did he say?
00:56 Stability is the premise of development, which is in turn rooted in security.
01:08 As Pakistan's good neighbor, good friend and good partner,
01:12 we sincerely hope that the political forces in Pakistan will build consensus, uphold stability,
01:19 and more effectively address domestic and external challenges, so that it can focus on growing the economy,
01:27 improving people's lives, and bring the country into a fast track toward development and rejuvenation.
01:36 Chinese Foreign Minister and Saudi Ambassador also commented on the political situation in Pakistan.
01:49 We have a lot of hope. We just need stability in the political situation.
01:59 And God willing, many things will be solved by God's will.
02:04 Australian Ambassador met with the heads of all political parties.
02:11 He tweeted, "I have met everyone and I wish that stability is created in Pakistan."
02:17 Hassan, the story is that there is a fight.
02:21 We have legal points on this.
02:25 I was listening to the story yesterday. You are seeing a majority of experts.
02:35 The President of Pakistan has the power under 48 subclass 5.
02:40 On the other hand, the Election Commission has the power under 51.2, which has been notified.
02:47 So, wouldn't it be better if the President of Pakistan wrote a letter to the Election Commission,
02:55 and told them that this is their right, and they should follow it?
03:01 So, what should be done?
03:03 Instead of tweeting that the country is in a state of war, and the President is tweeting,
03:10 the stock exchange is down, the world is in a state of war, and the head of the state is saying this.
03:17 The problem is that the President is doing politics.
03:20 He is not acting like the head of state.
03:23 He is doing his job as a member of the PTI.
03:28 He had two options when he tweeted, and he adopted the third option.
03:34 This time, he has a clear idea that this is not his right.
03:39 Article 48 does not address this situation.
03:45 The President has to act on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Chief Executive.
03:49 What advice did the President get?
03:52 He is a head of state, but he is a ceremonial head of state.
03:55 He wrote a letter.
03:57 Article 51 has already been invoked and triggered.
04:00 After the census, the delimitation process has started, and the President is still writing letters.
04:05 He is telling the Chief Election Commissioner to meet him.
04:08 The President has a role.
04:10 He has to act on the advice of the President.
04:14 In this situation, the President can only give the date of the elections on the 9th day.
04:20 When the government is determined by a vote of no confidence,
04:23 no one can get the number 173, and the assembly cannot exist, and the assembly is dissolved.
04:29 In that situation, the President can give the date on the 9th day.
04:35 The Law Ministry has asked for an opinion.
04:39 Article 51 and Article 48 have been discussed.
04:44 Article 17 is also a right to vote.
04:47 Which party is the Pakistan Bar Council doing politics on this issue?
04:51 It is talking about the CSA.
04:53 The President of Pakistan is also talking about the elections on the 9th day.
04:57 Article 17 is saying that you have to elect your own representative.
05:05 Article 17, Article 51, and then the election of 2017.
05:13 Let's take a comment from Mr. Choye.
05:15 Mr. Choye, you have to talk.
05:19 Yes, Mr. Choye.
