• 2 years ago
The Animal Husbandry Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Dharampal Singh Saini, drove his VVIP Toyota Fortuner onto the platform due to being delayed for catching a train. He was en route to the Lucknow railway station to board a train for Bareilly. His lateness prompted him to park the SUV on the platform, causing commotion.
A viral video captures the incident, leading to criticism on social media for the minister's action. After disembarking the car, he utilized the escalator to reach the platform, where he intended to catch the Howrah Amritsar Express train. This train usually arrives at platform number 4 within Charbagh railway station.
According to GRP officers on-site, due to the minister's time constraint, his car was guided onto the disabled ramp facing the railway court. He was then directly escorted to the platform via the escalator.
Dharampal Singh, known for drawing attention, had previously gained notoriety for remarks concerning stray bulls in the state. He stated that the average lifespan of a bull is 15 to 20 years, while his government had been in power for seven years, implying they were rectifying past shortcomings. His comments incited opposition backlash and public discontent.
During his journey to inaugurate a polyclinic for stray cattle in Bareilly, farmers in distress halted his convoy. Congress said that ""Farmers fed up with stray cattle in the Amla constituency of Animal Husbandry Minister Dharampal Singh ji made the stray cattle stand in front of his vehicle and said, 'Take them away!' The minister looked helpless in front of the people of his own constituency. The public's response aligned with the sentiment. Congress cautioned the government about the people's awakening and urged them to address animal welfare concerns.

#DharampalSingh #UPNews #YogiAdityanath #Lucknow #UP #Car #RailwayPlatform #ViralVideo #UttarPradeshNews #RailwayStation #BJP #CMYogi #Congress #RahulGandhi #AnimalHusbandryMinister #Howrah #Amritsar #CharbaghRailwayStation #HWNews
00:00 The animal husbandry minister of Uttar Pradesh, Dharampal Singh Saini, drove his VVIP Toyota
00:05 Fortuner onto the platform due to being delayed for catching a train.
00:10 He was en route to the Lucknow railway station to board a train for Bareilly.
00:14 His lateness prompted him to park the SUV on the platform, causing commotion.
00:24 The viral video captures the incident leading to criticism on social media for the minister's
00:28 action.
00:30 After disembarking the car, he utilised the escalator to reach the platform where he intended
00:34 to catch the Howrah Amritsar Express train.
00:37 This train usually arrives at platform no. 4 within Charbag railway station.
00:42 Let me show you the whole video.
01:12 According to the GRP officers on-site, due to the minister's time constraint, his car
01:17 was guided onto the disabled ramp facing the railway court.
01:21 He was then directly escorted to the platform via the escalator.
01:24 Dharampal Singh, known for drawing attention, has previously gained notoriety for remarks
01:29 concerning stray bulls in the state.
01:31 He stated that the average lifespan of a bull is 15 to 20 years, while his government has
01:36 been in power for 7 years, implying there were rectifying past shortcomings.
01:41 His comment incited opposition, backlash and public discontent.
01:44 During his journey to inaugurate a polyclinic for stray cattle in Bareilly, farmers in distress
01:50 halted his convoy.
01:51 Congress said that farmers fed up with stray cattle in Amla constituency of Animal Husbandry
01:57 Ministry, Dharampal Singh made the stray cattle stand in front of his vehicle and said, "Take
02:03 them away."
02:04 The minister looked helpless in front of the people of his own constituency.
02:07 The public response aligned with the sentiments.
02:10 Congress questioned the government about the people's awakening and urged them to address
02:15 animal welfare concerns.
02:20 "We are not going to let this happen.
02:21 We are not going to let this happen.
02:22 We are not going to let this happen.
02:23 We are not going to let this happen.
02:24 We are not going to let this happen.
02:25 We are not going to let this happen.
02:26 We are not going to let this happen.
02:27 We are not going to let this happen.
02:28 We are not going to let this happen.
02:29 We are not going to let this happen.
02:30 We are not going to let this happen.
02:31 We are not going to let this happen.
02:32 We are not going to let this happen.
02:33 We are not going to let this happen.
02:34 We are not going to let this happen.
02:35 We are not going to let this happen.
