Between The Eers: Previewing WVU's Defense

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Between The Eers: Previewing WVU's Defense
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Good morning everybody and welcome to another episode of Between the Ears.
00:13 I'm Scott Kelly and joining with me again today is Christopher Hall.
00:17 Yesterday, we broke down the West Virginia offense,
00:20 what we can expect from that side of the ball.
00:22 Today we're diving into the defensive side and Jordan Leslie.
00:26 >> Chris, last year, let's just be honest, it was a train wreck.
00:30 It just, it spiraled out of control, really, when Charles Woods went down,
00:34 who's now obviously not here anymore, he transferred out of the program.
00:37 But it seemed like that injury kind of was a snowball effect or
00:42 a domino effect, if you will, for a lot of miscommunication.
00:46 Guys playing out of position in the back end of that defense and
00:50 felt like they never really found their footing until late year where they won
00:54 two of the last three games.
00:57 I guess just from a personnel standpoint, what do you like about this defense or
01:02 do you not like about this defense?
01:04 >> Well, I think they've had, they didn't have a lot of depth last year, so
01:09 we kind of just touched on that with the defensive backs.
01:11 But I think they have more depth this year, so
01:14 I think that's put one in the pro column for them.
01:17 But I think, what I still don't like about this defense is they still seem
01:21 undersized in the box.
01:24 Now, just talking about corners, they've got length, they've got speed.
01:28 They are bigger on the outside, so I think that's positive.
01:31 You always hear them talk about length and get to the ball quicker,
01:33 you have that little bit of reach.
01:35 It definitely helps, but they're still unproven.
01:40 I know Beanie Bishop comes from Minnesota.
01:42 He was just kind of in a different scheme than where he was at Western Kentucky, so
01:45 he didn't have the production.
01:46 But it's still an unproven lot back there, so
01:50 you kind of look at them as a whole.
01:52 That's kind of what you can say about a lot of them.
01:54 You have the names like Lee Koba.
01:56 It's amazing that he was able to get bigger off what he was last year,
02:00 physically bigger, kid's just a monster.
02:03 But I think some of the surprise is really from the defensive line.
02:08 I know we talked about it going into camp,
02:10 you're not gonna have a Stills along the defensive front.
02:14 It's been first time for 2017 or whatever it was.
02:17 Been a while, not have an All-American up there.
02:20 So I think that's a plus.
02:23 It's not that they have a Dante Stills, but they have more depth.
02:26 So being able to rotate, you still like to see some more size up front.
02:29 But I'm kind of to see,
02:31 I think they're maybe more athletic than they have been in years past as a whole.
02:35 So maybe that kind of makes up for just being able to rotate guys,
02:38 keeping them fresh, being able to use their athleticism to get in the backfield.
02:42 >> So let's start with the defensive line, we'll work our way back.
02:47 You kind of mentioned it there briefly, never Dante Stills.
02:51 First time in a while, there's no Stills builder up there.
02:54 The one guy that I've kind of heard about a lot in fall camp, or
02:57 maybe it's just because I was watching the video the other day, but is Eddie V.
03:02 I feel like we're on the verge of an Eddie V outburst.
03:08 I don't know why that is.
03:10 It seems like the coaching staff really loves the way he takes to coaching and
03:14 how fundamentally sound he's kind of become since arriving here.
03:18 Because obviously when he played overseas,
03:20 it was a completely different type of game.
03:24 But it feels like we're on the verge of an outburst from Eddie V.
03:27 You've got other guys up there like the former MOBA,
03:30 who's a Penn State transfer has been a pleasant surprise.
03:34 Just talk about that mix up front.
03:36 Do you see anybody really stepping up as kind of the alpha?
03:40 I mean, maybe it's a Sean Martin who had four sacks last year.
03:43 But is there an alpha along that group or
03:45 is it gonna be, they have to be strong by committee.
03:49 >> Yeah, I think it's really gonna have to be by committee.
03:53 Mike Lockhart's come a long way from last year.
03:57 He can kind of be that guy.
03:58 >> And Russell too.
04:00 >> So yes, that's the tone right in the middle.
04:02 Eddie V, they really do like him.
04:06 I think it's maybe a year early before we see that kind of breakout season,
04:11 which you kind of expect, get a season under his belt.
04:14 I'll let him get comfortable, but he may really start get going later in the year.
04:18 And don't forget Jalen Thornton, he's been in the program for quite some time now.
04:22 They've definitely liked him since he was a freshman.
04:24 He's finally starting to get the reps he needs to be able to be a rotation guy.
04:29 So Sean Martin is definitely that dude.
04:31 He's had to battle, he's really come off that injury throughout last year,
04:37 into this year.
04:38 So I haven't got to see a lot of Sean Martin, but yeah,
04:41 I think Sean Martin definitely can be that guy.
04:44 But maybe it's a slow start since he hasn't really got to go full at a lot of
04:50 the scrimmages, but he can definitely be that guy up front.
04:54 And I like Torah Simmons as well being up there in the mix,
04:57 just because another program veteran knows how to be in the atmosphere.
05:02 Another guy that can kind of settle things down maybe late in the fourth quarter and
05:05 still make plays for you.
05:06 So to me, it's really gonna be by committee.
05:08 You can see maybe a hot hand.
05:10 And it's really, I think with a lot of this team this year,
05:14 just because they had so much turnover after COVID.
05:16 And these are a lot of young guys coming up, a lot of unproven talent right now.
05:21 It's kind of a wait and see.
05:22 But when you kind of look going into the season,
05:24 you kind of can lean on a Mike Lockhart and a Sean Martin,
05:27 who's just physically gifted.
05:30 Those are the guys can lean on, those are the guys going to season like, all right,
05:33 these are the guys that's got to set the tone, game one at Penn State.
05:37 Let's see what happens.
05:38 And I think it was Neil this week, when he's talking about the defensive line,
05:44 how they have gone up against this offensive line,
05:46 always makes you worry a little bit.
05:47 Is the offensive line taking a step back possibly?
05:52 I doubt it, but it makes you worry.
05:54 So that maybe is a good sign for this group, just the fact that they, again,
05:57 can rotate two or three units out there and keep them fresh.
06:02 They can continue to use their athleticism because they're not very big when you're
06:06 talking about the rest of the Big 12.
06:08 So if they can keep their speed up, especially in that fourth quarter, and
06:11 also put Mike Lockhart back out there and he's fresh in the fourth quarter,
06:14 that could go a long way.
06:16 So going into the season, I don't think West Virginia had the depth.
06:20 I think that was a big concern, like, all right, these guys are small.
06:23 They're not gonna be able to hold on to it to fourth quarter.
06:26 But now you're looking at, okay,
06:27 now they may have enough depth to get you through the season.
06:31 >> Yeah, so there's one thing I wanna point out before I ask you another question
06:35 about the D-line is I think, even though there is a lot of new faces up there,
06:39 you're placing three starters along that D-line.
06:41 The good thing is, it's not like these guys are just now being thrown into
06:45 starting roles, they have played a little bit, whether it was here or somewhere else.
06:50 So I don't think that an Eddie Vesterinen or a Sean Martin or
06:54 Mike Lockhart or even a Hammond Russell, and obviously, Fatouma Mouba,
06:59 who will be going back to his old school next week.
07:02 I don't think any of them are gonna be like deers in the headlight when they go
07:06 to Penn State and there are 110,000 people.
07:10 Well, number one, because it's gonna be quiet when they're off the field.
07:12 But still, I don't think that there's gonna be that nervousness or
07:16 that pressure from those guys because they have played in those crazy
07:20 atmospheres before, they just did it last year with the Pitt Virginia Tech game.
07:24 So along that defense line, there's three transfers.
07:28 You got Tommy Wadderjie from Kentucky, who they were hard after out of high school.
07:33 You have Mouba, who we mentioned a couple times, and
07:35 then Day Day Hawkins, who's a transfer from Tennessee State.
07:38 Of those three, do you feel like any of them will kinda separate themselves
07:44 as one of the key impact guys along that front or is it too early to tell?
07:51 >> It's really too early to tell, but if you kinda look at who's in front and
07:56 kinda the rotation again, you kinda look at Day Day, extremely athletic kid.
08:00 So I think that if he could probably get his name called earlier than the other two,
08:05 just looking at who's in front of him.
08:07 But yeah, I mean, when you're talking about Mouba,
08:11 yeah, I mean, he can definitely make an impact.
08:12 >> He can.
08:14 >> Yeah, that knows that, that's somebody, hey, go lean on them in the second,
08:17 third quarter, all right, might go in there and get around them.
08:21 So yeah, that's somebody that can definitely lean on the defense.
08:24 And I 100% think he's gonna play a lot of snaps, but at the same time,
08:29 I think so much of it, especially in the big club, there's so
08:32 many different offenses.
08:34 You go to Penn State, it's gonna be a heavy run where you see a lot of Mike Lockhart,
08:37 where you see a lot of Mouba.
08:39 Who you gonna see, how they gonna attack?
08:41 I think so much of it is really just gonna come to how they're game planning for
08:46 that week.
08:47 >> One of the biggest things about this defense, I think,
08:50 that maybe not everyone is thinking about, but
08:54 they need a big time season for Jared Bartlett, okay?
08:59 Like this kid has been really good, really, since he was a freshman.
09:04 And it's kind of slowly and steadily got better.
09:07 But he's a guy that they've been almost waiting on to just absolutely blow up.
09:13 And it just hasn't happened yet.
09:15 When you lose the production that they lost along the defensive line last year,
09:18 you're losing that pass rush.
09:20 I feel like they're leaning on the bandit position this year,
09:25 with Jared Bartlett, Tyron Bradley, and the true freshman James Herr, Jr.
09:30 To kind of generate that pass rush.
09:32 I mean, are you kind of getting that same feeling?
09:34 Like this has got to be where that pass rush comes from,
09:36 because there's guys up front on the defensive line.
09:39 I don't know that there's a true pass rusher there.
09:42 One may emerge, Sean Martin may be a decent pass rusher, but
09:47 I don't get the sense that he's that guy that maybe Dante Stills was.
09:51 >> Yeah, I mean, they're really looking for more.
09:54 I mean, they've been looking for that production out of that position the entire
09:58 time they've been here.
09:59 And really, this has to be one of those years that they've got to get it.
10:03 They have to find that production.
10:05 They've got to create some pressure in the backfield from that position.
10:08 So yeah, they're gonna lean on Bartlett.
10:10 He has all the tools.
10:12 Just trying to, something that they've lacked in every position the last few
10:15 years is consistency, just got to be consistent.
10:18 He had his four sacks against Virginia Tech a couple years ago.
10:21 He's shown that he can do it.
10:23 Just got to be consistent.
10:24 Yeah, he can be that guy.
10:25 He might be up there in double digit sack range this year.
10:29 Again, it's just another kid that's been in the program.
10:33 It's just time for him to take that next step.
10:35 For him, it's gonna be a big step.
10:37 If they can get seven, eight sacks out of him, I think that's a good year.
10:40 But I think they're really pushing him to get 10, 11 sacks that year.
10:43 And it's also a position as well that the staff, and
10:48 you can see it with your own eyes, it's the biggest they've been since they've been here.
10:53 It's the body type that they want, or they all look kind of similar body size wise.
10:59 So they're really starting, after years of trying,
11:02 really starting to get the body types they want at each position.
11:07 And that's one of them.
11:08 Bartlett's been here long enough that he knows the scheme.
11:11 And I think with everything that's kind of shaped up on the front and
11:14 back, he really could be set up for a good season.
11:17 >> I mean, if you think back to Neil and that whole defensive staff and
11:22 their success at Troy, it was a lot of because of that position, the bandit position.
11:26 They got a lot of production out of that and they really haven't had that year.
11:30 But I think you could attribute that some to the body types that they've had,
11:34 maybe the skill sets they've had at that position.
11:35 They've kind of had almost different guys playing there.
11:39 I mean, Jarrett Bartlett's been a mainstay there, but behind him and
11:42 when you rotate in other guys, it's kind of been a mixture of different skill sets
11:47 and heights and weights and all that stuff.
11:49 So I think you're starting to see some consistency there with what they want.
11:53 It's been what they've been wanting, they just haven't been able to get those bodies
11:56 and their skills sets into this building.
11:58 So moving to the linebackers, I feel like this is the biggest question mark.
12:06 And I know people will say I'm crazy because they probably should be the
12:09 cornerback spot or the safeties.
12:11 But to me, it's the linebackers because Lee Koba,
12:16 I think, can be as good as anybody in this league.
12:19 I really do.
12:20 But for me, it's a consistency thing.
12:22 Can he be good enough in pass coverage?
12:24 That's something that he was kind of struggling in a year ago.
12:28 And you obviously have the big question mark at Will Linebacker.
12:33 And Spear, they're moving land sticks and over there.
12:35 He played Will last year.
12:37 They've talked about the idea of moving him back to Will if somebody doesn't emerge
12:43 as the starter there.
12:44 I mean, what's your sense on the linebackers?
12:47 Is there a valid reason to be concerned about the depth at that position or at that
12:52 level of the defense and even the starters?
12:55 - Yeah, this is another area where you have a lot of unproven talent.
13:00 But I think with the linebackers, there's enough skill there that they've really
13:06 just kind of moved guys around.
13:08 I think it's another area where it's going to be who starts is who they're playing
13:12 against, what skill sets that they're needing.
13:15 So it's obviously concerning.
13:18 You want your middle linebacker, you want your Will, and you want the band.
13:24 You want all those to be the similar communication problems.
13:27 But I think there's enough veterans there at this point that it's not too big of a
13:32 concern.
13:32 What they can kind of do with Anthony Wilson on the back end and some of the guys
13:36 they've picked up from the safeties can kind of help them, especially in pass
13:40 coverage.
13:41 And that's kind of what that band did as well.
13:43 That's something that, you know, they've really had to work on in that position in
13:46 pass coverage.
13:47 Like when they're in there, they're reliability.
13:49 So it's kind of the same thing with COVID, something you had to work on.
13:52 So I think just kind of the way they're going to match things up, I think they can
13:55 not necessarily hide their weaknesses, but really use their strengths in a lot of
13:59 different areas.
13:59 Because when you talk about Lance Dixon and some of these guys that's been here for
14:02 a while, they've all played multiple positions.
14:05 Most of these guys all rotate within those linebackers.
14:10 So it's really, again, I think it's a lot of it's just going to be who they face
14:14 that week.
14:14 COVID's going to be in the middle, without a doubt, he will be in the middle.
14:18 But really some of it, you know, you may only have two linebacks, you may be really
14:22 only poor two, that's it.
14:23 You know, you may just have a couple, an extra safety in there at times.
14:26 So I think a lot of it, quite frankly, is who does step up at will, who is going to
14:33 be that will linebacker, it's going into the final week before they make that
14:38 decision.
14:39 So I don't think there's a lot of confidence in it, as far as, hey, this is
14:43 going to be our such that whoever wins a starting job, that's going to be the
14:47 starter all year.
14:48 I think I think it might be fluid.
14:50 And again, some of it may just be scheme wise.
14:54 Yeah, I mean, and you'll talk earlier this week that like, that's that's position
14:59 they've been putting a lot of stress on.
15:01 And I think that's the second or third time he's mentioned that fall camp.
15:04 That's another reason why I'm kind of concerned about it, because it just seems
15:08 like they don't on paper, they didn't have the depth.
15:12 And now that you're hearing some of these things that you're hearing the concerns,
15:15 and definitely raised the eyebrows a little bit.
15:18 But I mean, with the will spot, I mean, you have Jai Favres, who's really not
15:23 played a whole lot of defensive football, you have Trey Lathan, who, in my opinion,
15:28 was one of the top recruits in that recruiting class that he came in, but he's
15:32 still trying to figure things out.
15:34 So a lot does depend on that position.
15:36 And a lot does depend on Tyreek Austin Cave as the backup to Lee Covett, the
15:41 Mike, how can he push not to overtake Coba at the starting position, but to just push
15:48 to get on the field, push to get Lee Covett some reps off the field.
15:53 And then, again, at Spear, it's kind of a mixed bag of, you know, you've got some
16:00 different body types there, Landstix, and Hershey McLaurin, Raleigh Collins, can
16:03 those guys step up to form some sort of rotation?
16:07 Neil talked about Landstix needing to take that step.
16:10 So a lot of question marks at linebacker.
16:14 One spot, in my opinion, where there's not a whole lot of question marks, and you
16:18 may disagree, is that cornerbacker.
16:20 You got Andrew Wilson-Lamb and Malachi Ruffin, they're coming back, Jacoby Spell's
16:27 coming back, they add Montre Miller from Kent State, Beanie Bishop from Minnesota.
16:31 I'm really high on Beanie Bishop.
16:34 I really like that kid a lot.
16:35 I think that he's going to add a lot.
16:37 Montre Miller, I'm kind of up in the air on.
16:39 But, interestingly, on the preseason depth chart, now, again, this is before fall camp,
16:44 this is back in Big 12 media time, there was fours listed at both of these positions.
16:51 Do you feel like there's been a starter that has emerged at either side of the field
16:56 for those two spots?
16:59 Not really.
17:01 I think they may lean heavy, I think they may lean on some veterans there, but I
17:06 really do, I've liked Andrew Wilson-Lamb since he arrived, just because of his size
17:11 and his speed.
17:14 He looks a little bigger, I think he's gained 20 pounds of muscle, but he's so tall that
17:19 it just doesn't kind of look like it.
17:21 I think that's a kid that really could, if you're looking at a player that hasn't
17:25 had a lot of production while he's been in Morgantown, that, to me, is a kid that
17:29 could have the breakout season.
17:32 He's come on at times when he was caught on last year earlier than probably they wanted
17:37 to, he stepped up at times.
17:40 So, and Malachi, he's been a great story this year, he's overcome a lot.
17:47 So I don't know if there's necessarily, again, kind of like, defensive lineman, I
17:52 don't know if there's that dog, I don't know if there's that go-to guy that, hey,
17:55 you go shut down their best wide receiver.
17:58 I don't think they have that.
18:00 That's yet to be seen.
18:02 But we'll see.
18:03 I do think all the guys on that depth chart are more than capable of getting the job done.
18:08 You're definitely going to see a heavy rotation.
18:10 I definitely like Jacoby Spells as well.
18:12 Really liked the way he came on at the end of last year.
18:14 And I think that's another kid that, hey, he's probably going to get burned at times
18:19 because he's still so young, but I think he's probably going to make more plays than
18:22 not when it's all said and done.
18:24 I think learning under somebody like Beanie Bishop and Malachi Ruffin, Montre Miller coming
18:29 in, I think players like that or Jacoby and even like Andrew Wilson-Lam, someone that
18:35 was a receiver and transitioning to a cornerback this whole time, he's been here for a while.
18:39 I think he's got a lot to learn from.
18:41 And I think right there in heavy rotation, I think, again, I think that kid, he may be
18:46 really good by the time it's all said and done.
18:48 That may be another kid by the end of the season, like someone to be excited about going
18:52 in next year.
18:53 Yeah, that's the key thing right there.
18:55 Patience.
18:56 Be patient with these young corners.
18:58 Jacoby Spells and Andrew Wilson-Lam, because they've got really good talent.
19:04 They're really talented players.
19:05 I think they could even emerge into being all league type players before they graduate.
19:11 But last year, they were kind of thrown into the fire.
19:15 They weren't really supposed to be on the field when they were.
19:19 They really were fed to the wolves and didn't have really much of a choice because of the
19:22 injuries and all that stuff.
19:24 But this is really that first year where they're expected to have a significant role, whether
19:30 it's as a starter or as a rotational guy.
19:32 So be patient.
19:34 I still think you're going to see some flashes in a pan of excellence.
19:37 You're probably going to see some boneheaded moments as well.
19:40 But I think when we get to that month of November, that's when you really want to see those two
19:46 guys turn the corner, play more consistent, not have those boneheaded plays pop up as
19:51 much.
19:52 If you don't do that, then all of a sudden you've got something cooking there.
19:56 So moving to the last part of this defense here, we all know about Aubrey Burks.
20:03 Everybody knows about Aubrey Burks.
20:04 All league player, preseason guy.
20:08 I think he's an NFL talent.
20:11 What else does West Virginia have in that room?
20:13 They got Keyshawn Cobb.
20:14 They brought in from Buffalo.
20:16 They bring in Anthony Wilson from Georgia Southern.
20:18 Marcus Floyd is back.
20:20 Christian Stokes is kind of in there in the mix, redshirt freshman.
20:23 I'm a big Anthony Wilson fan.
20:25 I know he's small.
20:26 I know he's tiny, but that kid can pack a punch.
20:31 What do you think of this safety group?
20:33 I mean, outside of Aubrey Burks, do you feel like there's enough there?
20:37 Yeah, I think there's plenty of that.
20:39 Marcus Floyd has played well since he's been there.
20:42 There's another one that's really developed.
20:43 And he's not bouncing around as much.
20:46 No, he's really developed.
20:48 And yeah, Anthony Wilson, he's a hard hitter.
20:51 His favorite player is Carl Joseph.
20:53 So he came to West Virginia.
20:54 That's why he's at West Virginia.
20:55 So if you're a big Carl Joseph fan, expect Anthony Wilson to emulate it within the rules.
21:01 Now, obviously, he can't go headhunting like Carl Joseph did, but playing within the rules.
21:08 But yeah, I like this bunch.
21:09 I like these safeties.
21:10 I think there's another unit that he could be multiple with.
21:14 And you can really kind of rotate guys in and out.
21:16 I know they're using some of the safeties and corners.
21:20 I think as a whole, overall, when you're looking at the second day, this is a group that can
21:24 probably confuse some teams, especially some younger quarterbacks.
21:27 They can start rotating.
21:28 You can start moving Anthony Wilson over to maybe the corner or nickel.
21:33 And you start piecing together, piecing guys around.
21:36 When a quarterback goes to look to try to recognize who's where and he's seeing a different
21:40 number in a different position, it can obviously be confusing for a young quarterback.
21:44 So I think overall, at this second day, when you can start throwing guys out there and
21:48 you don't have some huge drop off, you don't have to worry about, well, he can't guard
21:52 deep or he can't guard short.
21:54 You have to kind of protect it.
21:55 I think I'm not saying they go shake play man up.
21:58 But I think what you have here is you have guys that are more versatile, especially last
22:03 year, and we talked about it, just all the injuries, everything that happened, guys getting
22:07 thrown in the fire.
22:08 But all those guys that got thrown in the fire last year now have experience.
22:11 You don't have a year of offseason.
22:13 They do have that.
22:15 What is the pre fall camp offseason there?
22:18 They have a lot of practice.
22:19 Yeah, they're a little OTAs, I guess, which you can call them now.
22:22 So with all the experience, everything they've went through, I think that's a group that
22:27 can do more.
22:28 And they're not limited.
22:30 So it's gonna be interesting how it kind of all falls together.
22:33 And especially when you get in October, and you're like, all right, we can do this with
22:36 with this guy here.
22:37 And we can do this with this over here.
22:39 I think that's gonna be a fun group to watch as the season goes on.
22:43 Again, I definitely expect some bumps along the way.
22:46 But I think that's a unit is gonna get really strong by the end of the year.
22:51 Biggest question mark for this side of the ball is what?
22:54 Linebackers, I think that's still an undersized unit compared to everything else.
22:59 I know defensive lines are undersized, but I'd like to see linebackers get bigger.
23:04 There is some young guys that can get bigger.
23:05 I know Lee Cobo is stout.
23:07 He is a big kid.
23:09 But overall, I would like to see this group bigger.
23:11 I think that's your biggest concern is that second level, especially in the run game.
23:16 Can they utilize those PS lessons get around blocks, make sure they're not once they hit
23:21 them and they're not falling forward two or three yards, you got to stop them on the ground.
23:25 So are they attacking the downfield?
23:28 Are they playing fast downhill?
23:30 Are they getting in the back?
23:31 I think that's the unit right now that I was concerned going into fall camp, it was defensive
23:35 line still a concern because again, you never know with practice how really what's going
23:42 on.
23:43 There's a I think linebacker 100% is the biggest question mark going into the season.
23:50 I would agree with that, at least from a depth perspective.
23:53 I feel like the defensive lines maybe a little bit more from top to bottom a little bit better
23:59 piece together.
24:01 Last thing before we get out of here.
24:03 What is a realistic expectation for Jordan Leslie's unit?
24:06 I mean, we're talking 14 teams in the big 12.
24:09 Now, if we're talking total defense, where can they kind of fit in into the big 12?
24:17 You feel like they're a top half of the league defense?
24:19 Yeah, believe it or not, they were just outside top half last year.
24:24 It's bad statistically.
24:30 I think they can honestly finish top half out of problem.
24:33 I think it's gonna be a really improved unit.
24:36 Because again, last year, they had to lean on guys early that just, they weren't familiar
24:41 with the system.
24:42 They didn't have the same skill set as all these kids do now.
24:44 So when you when you get thrown in the mix right off the bat, and you lose confidence,
24:51 that's going to happen.
24:52 I worry with the linebackers there.
24:55 That's my big concern.
24:56 I worry that with the linebackers losing confidence in the run game, get pushed around because
25:01 once you kind of hit get hit in the face there, all of a sudden you play on your heels.
25:05 And that's not the unit you want to play on your heel.
25:08 I think overall, what they can do up front and what they can do in the back end, I think
25:12 they have enough to finish in the top half.
25:15 I think they have the opportunity to I don't know if they will.
25:21 It's gonna be interesting to see.
25:23 I think a lot of that depends.
25:24 You also have to look at who they're playing.
25:28 They're not playing Baker Mayfield.
25:31 They're not playing high octane offenses either.
25:34 They're missing out.
25:35 They don't have to play the great Texas.
25:37 Yeah, they don't have to play the great Texas is supposed to be so good this year.
25:42 That matters.
25:43 You know, they're probably going to put up points, but there's no, no case state.
25:48 And oh, they don't have to play Kansas this year.
25:50 But I would say, I mean, it makes a difference when you're looking at the offenses they play
25:57 and how much we can attack them.
25:59 I think they can be one.
26:01 I don't want to say one of the better, just the top half of the defense.
26:03 And to me, they have potential to be up there if the linebackers step up.
26:07 Now that I think about it more with the schedule.
26:10 Yeah, I think that that's definitely feasible.
26:13 So that's going to do it for our defensive preview.
26:16 Hopefully we covered everything for you.
26:18 If you have any questions for us, make sure to just hit us up on Twitter at Mountaineers
26:23 now and drop a question for our mailbag next week.
26:26 If you haven't checked it out, also, we also did our offensive preview yesterday, which
26:30 is also up on our site Mountaineers now and on YouTube, which you need to subscribe to
26:35 and hit that like button for on Mountaineers now.
26:38 We're going to get into our record predictions here soon.
26:41 We're going to talk about the schedule a little bit, breaking that down from toughest opponents
26:45 to easiest opponents, so on and so forth.
26:48 But hey, we're getting close.
26:49 We're 10 days away or no, nine days away now from kickoff in Happy Valley for the start
26:55 of the season.
26:56 So for Christopher Hall, I'm Scott Cowan.
26:58 Thank you guys for watching Between the Ears.
27:00 We'll be back tomorrow morning with another episode.
27:03 [music]
