The best and worst weather of the day for Aug. 24

  • last year
AccuWeather's Ariella Scalese and Bernie Rayno take a look at the best and worst weather of the day across the United States.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - All right, welcome back to AccuWeather Early.
00:05 Thanks for joining us.
00:06 I'm Bernie Randolph.
00:07 - And I'm Ariella Scalise.
00:08 And for some transparency,
00:10 Bernie got to pick first
00:11 and pick the exact cities I did yesterday.
00:13 So, and I lost yesterday.
00:15 - You've already given everything away.
00:17 - Yep, okay, we'll see you after this break.
00:18 - You've given away the farm,
00:19 so you might as well just go first today.
00:22 - And I don't even feel as confident with mine.
00:24 I don't even remember what I picked now.
00:26 Oh, Best, ooh.
00:27 - Burlington. - Yeah, Burlington.
00:28 - May not be a bad day.
00:29 - Well, there's already showers in the back.
00:31 - Let's take a look at it.
00:32 - Okay, 79. - Oh, just a shower
00:34 in the spot.
00:35 - Yeah, as we get into the afternoon,
00:36 I don't have really much to bargain with here.
00:39 So I'm gonna let you go.
00:40 - I took Portland, Maine.
00:42 - Yeah.
00:43 - It was a beautiful day yesterday.
00:44 - It was.
00:45 - Not as nice as Portland, Oregon,
00:47 but it was a nice day yesterday.
00:49 - According to Tony, it was the nicer of the two.
00:51 - And look at this, 75 degrees today.
00:54 That's our high temperature AccuWeather
00:55 real field temperature of 80.
00:57 - Yeah. - All right.
00:58 - All right, let's go to the worst.
00:59 - That looks good.
01:00 Okay, maybe this will help separate things.
01:02 I'm going Jackson, Mississippi,
01:03 which this was a direct quote from Bernie.
01:05 Any day of the year.
01:06 - Any day of the summer.
01:07 - Yeah, 103, and then you're accurate,
01:10 the real field temperatures are just so uncomfortable
01:12 this afternoon. - About 111.
01:13 - Yeah, not great.
01:14 - All right, let me take you a little farther north.
01:16 Chicago, this is gonna be the hottest day
01:19 they've had in a decade.
01:20 100, and actually, we just took this down to 101,
01:24 by the way. - Yeah, here.
01:25 I'll help you out.
01:26 - AccuWeather real field temperature around 110.
01:29 This will break the, thank you.
01:31 This will break the record, by the way,
01:33 of 100 back in 1947.
01:35 The last time we were over 100 degrees in Chicago,
01:38 July 6th, 2012.
01:40 - And not only does Bernie have a good forecast,
01:43 he comes with all this information about it.
01:44 - How about that?
01:45 - Barry, let's just give it to him.
01:49 Yeah, well-deserved, Bernie.
01:51 I didn't come as prepared.
01:52 - You can come back.
01:53 - I'm gonna try again for round two.
01:55 You'll be booking for a final next time, right?
01:57 - We got it, we got it. - All right, stay with us.
