• last year
The fourth installment of The Expendables series sees the return of the team of lethal elite mercenaries, including Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, and Randy Couture. Joining them for the first time are new members Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, Megan Fox, Tony Jaa, Iko Uwais, Jacob Scipio, Levy Tran, and Andy Garcia. In "Expend4bles," the team is tasked with a mission to avert World War III and safeguard the planet. Check it out.
00:00 "On September 22nd..."
00:10 Time for music.
00:11 "We heard you..."
00:12 This is gonna be fun.
00:13 "Loud and clear."
00:14 "Please make Expendables 4 rated R. There better be violence and lots of it."
00:29 "I want all the blood and guts."
00:33 Fuck it.
00:39 First things first.
00:40 Holy shit.
00:41 My mind is full of these brutal fantasies.
00:54 "Fantasies..."
01:00 That will now become a hellish reality.
01:02 That's a great idea.
01:03 Well, I ain't playing no more.
01:04 Hold on.
01:05 You almost fucking killed me!
01:06 You're welcome.
01:07 Now that's what I'm talking about.
01:08 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:09 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:10 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:11 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:12 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:13 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:14 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:15 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:16 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:17 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:18 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:19 "I'm not gonna let you do this."
01:21 Now that's what I'm talking about.
01:22 I'm glad to be back.
01:27 Enjoy the show!
01:36 Expendables.
01:40 Definitely.
01:44 Rated R.
01:48 In theaters September 22nd.
