• 2 years ago
La jeunesse nigérienne a répondu massivement à l'appel pour la défense du pays lors d'une mobilisation sans précédent au Stade général Seyni Kountché de Niamey. Des milliers de jeunes volontaires se sont rassemblés pour affirmer leur engagement et leur détermination à protéger le Niger. Cette mobilisation témoigne du patriotisme vibrant de la jeunesse et de sa volonté de défendre la mère patrie. Cependant, en raison de l'affluence inattendue, les organisateurs ont reporté l'événement et prévoient de le déployer dans les différentes communes pour une meilleure organisation.
Parallèlement, la CEDEAO s'est engagée à intervenir, montrant ainsi sa solidarité envers le Niger face aux défis sécuritaires. Cette mobilisation massive et l'engagement de la CEDEAO envoient un message fort aux groupes armés, affirmant que le Niger ne sera pas laissé sans défense, et que la région est prête à unir ses forces pour rétablir la paix et la stabilité.
#Niger #CEDEAO #mobilisation #putschniger #nigerputsch #nigerfrance #franceniger #ebenemediatv #mgm #MobilisationJeunesseNigérienne #DéfenseDuPays #CEDEAO #VolontairesDéfenseNiger #DéfisSécuritairesNiger #OrdreConstitutionnel #InterventionCEDEAO
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00:00 Following the call launched for the recruitment of volunteers for the defense of Niger
00:12 (VDN), Nigerian youth mobilized very early in the morning since Saturday, August 19,
00:18 2023 at the Senikounche Stadium in Niamé.
00:20 There were thousands of young people to respond favorably to the call of the Front for the
00:24 Defense of the Fatherland.
00:26 It is for these young people present to mark their total commitment to the defense of Niger.
00:32 Faced with this great mobilization of a youth determined to defend the motherland, the organizers
00:37 of this event had difficulties in proceeding with the review of these young volunteers.
00:41 Subsequently, they had to inform this impressive crowd of young people that for reasons of
00:46 good organization, this event is postponed and it will now be done in the different
00:51 municipalities.
00:52 According to one of the co-organizers of this mobilization of volunteers for the defense
00:56 of the homeland, Mr. Yunus Ayma, the objective of this event is to mobilize young people
01:00 over 18 years old for the defense of the homeland.
01:03 "We have just started the review at the Senikounche General Stadium, but with this
01:09 large crowd of young people that you see, we had to stop to continue at the level
01:12 of the municipalities with a very detailed program, because there, we are really overwhelmed
01:17 ", he explained.
01:18 In addition, he added that this recruitment of volunteers for the defense of Niger, VDN,
01:24 is a way of telling all those who think they can attack us, including the CDAO, that
01:29 they are really wrong, because we are going to sacrifice ourselves to defend our country.
01:32 Today, in less than two hours, more than 50,000 young people mobilized.
01:37 This is why we thank them because they have just shown their love for the homeland, and
01:42 that they are also ready to defend the country, "Mr. Yunus Ayma concluded.
01:46 The military leaders of the Economic Community of the States of West Africa (CDAO) have decided
01:52 on a date to send troops to Niger, "said Friday the Commissioner for Political Affairs,
01:56 Peace and Security, Abdel Fatto Musa.
02:00 "We are ready to leave as soon as the order is given ", Musa said to the journalist
02:04 after a two-day meeting of the Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the Defense of the
02:08 Accra Block, in Ghana.
02:10 The day is also decided.
02:12 We have already agreed and refined what will be necessary for the intervention.
02:16 Let no one doubt that if all the rest fails, the valiant forces of West Africa, both
02:22 military and civilian, are ready to respond to the call of duty, "said Musa.
02:28 Expressing himself during the closing ceremony of the military meeting, Musa mentioned the
02:32 previous deployments of the CDAO in Gambia and Liberia as successful intervention examples,
02:37 and promised that "the constitutional order will be restored, in Niger, by all means available. "
02:53 (air whooshing)
