Following Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part One , the new animated film from Rooster Teeth Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Animation, will see the Justice League and Team RWBY team up again in a whole new environment to take on Grimm, who has arrived on earth with even more powers.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 .
00:15 .
00:32 we need to stop him. He's working with someone stronger. Someone smarter. So what do we do?
00:42 We need to find Team RWBY. You know, it's bad all over, but why does it feel like they
00:49 have it out for us? Good to see you again, Ruby Rose. Clark! Here. It's Superman. We're
01:00 different here. I feel amazing! I wish we reconnected under better circumstances. But
01:12 our world hangs in the balance. What is that? They made a new Grimm. The Grimm have feet
01:28 of all. They're sort of powers to fight us. They can shift to our weaknesses. How are
01:36 you doing this? Whoever is working with Kilgore, what they're doing will destroy us. We need
01:45 to end this. Kilgore, come face us! You come into my territory and expect to win? Let's
01:52 go stop some monsters.
02:05 [music]