• 2 years ago
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Prophet Harun was born in 1238 BC in present-day Egypt and died in 1361 BC at the age of 123 years. He was 5-years older than his brother Prophet Musa

Harun is mentioned by name in the Holy Quran 20 times. In the Bible he is known as Aaron.
When Musa was commanded by Allah (?) to go to Firawn (Pharoah) he made dua for Prophethood to be bestowed on his brother Harun so he could help him. Allah (?) reproduces this dua in the Holy Quran in Surah Ta Ha:

“Musa (Moses) said, ‘Lord, lift up my heart and ease my task for me. Untie my tongue, so that they may understand my words, and give me a helper from my family, my brother Harun (Aaron) – augment my strength through him. Let him share my task so that we can glorify You much and remember You often: You are always watching over us.” [20:25-35]

Harun was a gifted speaker, and would often speak for Musa who suffered from a speech impediment. He was largely responsible with teaching the Israelites the way of worship as it was laid out in the Torah of that time.
Islam holds that Harun held no part in causing the Israelites to worship the golden calf. Rather, he was overpowered and was threatened with being killed by his people. When Musa returned from the mount, he immediately blamed Harun and seized him by his beard, but Harun then gave his explanation, after which Musa prayed to Allah to forgive both of them.
Amir bin Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas reported (on the authority of his father) that the Prophet (?) said: “You are in the same position with relation to me as Harun was in relation to Musa but with (this explicit difference) that there is no
prophet after me.“ [Muslim]

He was largely responsible with teaching the Israelites the way of worship as it was laid out in the Torah of that time. Islam holds that Harun held no part in causing the Israelites to worship the golden calf. Rather, he was overpowered and was threatened with being killed by his people.

His wife Zubaidah, and his Children were Eleazar, Abihu, Nadab, Ithamar

According to one Islamic tradition, the tomb of Aaron is located on Jabal Harun (Arabic: Mountain of Aaron), near Petra in Jordan, with another tradition placing it in Sinai

Egypt also hosted several great prophets including Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina Musa, Sayyidina Yusuf, and Sayyidina Haroon.

We have to know about our prophets name life and there tombs

Allah Hafiz

#islamic stories


