Master Predators of the Sea Land of 10,000 Grizzlies

  • last year


00:00 Upwelling currents filled with nutrients make the Bering Sea one of the richest in the world.
00:07 In early June, thousands of capelin fish wash onto the shores, drawn by the instinct to mate.
00:23 Within a week, most of the fish will be dead. More nourishment for the living.
00:30 With the sea so full of fish, it's not surprising to find predators who specialize in catching them.
00:42 Each summer, tufted puffins arrive on the islands off Kamchatka to nest.
00:51 On Toporokov Island alone, 100,000 puffins catch millions of fish each month.
01:13 Puffins lay a single egg that must be incubated for two months.
01:20 While one parent cares for the egg, the other heads for the sea.
01:27 [music]
01:54 Puffins are awkward flyers and need cliffs to get airborne.
01:59 It's once they dive underwater that puffins truly fly and become master predators of the sea.
02:08 In the world below the waves, the otherwise awkward puffins perform a graceful water ballet.
02:23 (water bubbling)
