• 2 years ago
Kolorowe Jeziorka ulubione miejsce turystów w Rudawach Janowickich


00:00 We came from Poznań, a little bit of sentiment, after 15 years we came back here.
00:09 A lot has changed, these lakes are not as colorful as they were then, but I think it's also a matter of the season.
00:16 But I still recommend that you see what it looks like here at least once.
00:21 I came from Rokitek near Chojnow. I'm here for the third or fourth time and I'm going to come here again.
00:28 I like the climate of this place.
00:31 It's good.
00:32 The climate of this place is nice, there are no crowds of people here.
00:36 At least today, today is Monday.
00:39 It may look like this.
00:41 What do we like the most?
00:42 The lake.
00:43 The lake, yes. The climate suits us, the air is very good, clean air and peace and quiet.
00:48 Better than ours.
00:51 Which lake do you like the most?
00:54 I think this one.
00:56 Yes, the biggest, right?
00:58 Yes, we like the Błękitne the most.
01:00 My name is Paweł, I'm from Białystok.
01:03 I came here with my family.
01:06 We are here for the first time, in these areas.
01:08 We are visiting colorful lakes that we like very much, although we are a little worried about the water level.
01:16 Too low, because there is heat.
01:19 In general, we like the area very much, especially all such post-German monuments or ruins, which can be visited, and the remains after the Second World War.
01:32 Adding to this the mountain landscape and the huge paths, I think we will come back here often.
01:39 you
