'Daily Show' Writer Josh Johnson Talks About Everything He Has Learned Working With Trevor Noah

  • last year
00:00 Trevor Noah's famously been doing televised stand up for a minute.
00:05 I was wondering if there were any lessons that you learned touring with
00:10 and spending time with that dude that you've taken with you.
00:14 Yeah, there's almost too many to count, to be honest.
00:17 He's very gracious with the knowledge that he's willing to impart and everything.
00:25 There are some people who are super successful and don't want to share
00:28 their "secrets" or how they got.
00:32 He's always been very open and been a real mentor to me and everything,
00:40 which I can't even describe how much I appreciate that,
00:44 when he didn't have to, didn't need to or anything.
00:47 Watching him and watching his approach to both comedy and stage presence,
00:54 and getting to tour with him was like a real masterclass in how you handle
01:01 all aspects of how he's developed his career.
01:04 And then also what goes into a special and the thought process that you should
01:10 be working on as you build out a special and what's meant for an overall piece
01:18 to share with people once every year or two years and what's meant for touring
01:24 and making the room feel part of your act and part of an experience with them.
01:30 So all these little things started to come together for me that really shaped
01:35 how I felt about both my comedy and where I was with my writing and my performance,
01:41 and then what I wanted to do with the special.
01:45 And that's a lot of what I'm talking about even for the future,
01:48 is that there's like a new wave coming and I'm excited to be a part of it.
01:55 But I think that a lot of people are going to be doing beautiful things
01:59 with stand-up soon that some of it won't even break the traditional mold of like,
02:05 here I'm staying on stage and the camera's pointing at me for an hour.
02:08 But there's going to be people who make things where when you get done,
02:12 you're like, wow, that's very different.
02:16 You know?
