'Chaos Walking' Interview With Daisy Ridley

  • last year
"Chaos Walking" actress Daisy Ridley discusses her upcoming film, in which she co-stars with Tom Holland, in this interview with CinemaBlend's Sarah El-Mahmoud. Ridley explains how her performance was affected by having to play to other characters' thoughts, why she likes doing additional photography and more.
00:00 I get so much cinema blend on my newsfeed.
00:03 I'm like constantly reading cinema blend.
00:05 Yeah, I'm really in the know about what's going on in films.
00:08 Whoa, stop! Don't come any closer!
00:10 It's a girl.
00:12 Oh my gosh, girl.
00:14 I'm sorry.
00:15 No, Louise.
00:16 I've just never seen a girl before.
00:17 Who are you?
00:20 I want to start with this really cool concept you get to work with,
00:25 which is interacting not only with the performance,
00:28 but their thoughts at the same time.
00:30 I was wondering what the kind of challenges were on set
00:33 with working with that concept of the noise.
00:35 I mean, a sort of initial, and it sounds so silly,
00:40 but it was a bit of a challenge,
00:41 is I always had to remember to be like giving my eye line differently,
00:45 because obviously there always had to be room for the noise,
00:47 because we knew it was going to come in visual effects.
00:49 But I was also contending with Doug shouting the noise.
00:53 So me and Tom would be like doing a scene,
00:55 and Doug would be like shouting, "Dog! Dog!"
00:57 But like random stuff throughout the whole scene.
01:00 So I became like weirdly okay with, you know,
01:03 during a scene everyone's like, "Everyone be quiet. Everyone be quiet."
01:06 But not this.
01:07 So I became very okay with talking to another actor
01:11 while our director shouted things at us.
01:12 I'm tired. Maybe I should have turned back.
01:15 Crack!
01:15 There's such an interesting, I think, discourse around reshoots,
01:18 where I've also heard that it's kind of just a norm
01:21 in big budget movies for reshoots to happen.
01:24 So I was just wondering for you,
01:26 like what's something that you've learned about reshoots
01:29 that we may not realize from like the outside looking in?
01:32 I think to be honest, to be able to do additional photography,
01:36 you're already in a really like lucky space,
01:38 because basically there's the budget to do it.
01:40 I'm sure that there are films where they were like,
01:42 "Oh, it would be great if we had another day."
01:44 And sometimes the budget is just restricted.
01:46 I've done additional photography on all the Star Wars films and on this.
01:51 So for me, it's like it just is what it is.
01:55 And I think there's a really amazing way to take a step back in between times
02:03 and give you a little bit of perspective.
02:05 And also a lot of the time people have seen an edit
02:07 and they're like, "Oh, you know what would really help this?"
02:09 So it ends up being really helpful
02:11 because you can add things that might help a relationship.
02:14 So we did mine and Todd, the kiss scene,
02:18 that was in additional photography.
02:20 And it's such a sweet moment
02:21 and really shows the sort of them bridging the understanding of the noise.
02:28 And Fiola's like, "I can deal with this.
02:29 And we can go off on this adventure together."
02:32 So I think it usually is really helpful.
02:35 Yeah.
02:36 It's strange to see everything you're thinking.
02:38 You know, it's strange for me too, not knowing what's going on in your head.
02:40 I mean, I don't know, you might not like my dog
02:42 or you want to hit me over the head with a rock or something.
02:44 I like your dog.
02:46 I think it's really cool that you and Tom Holland
02:50 kind of came up around the same time with Marvel and Star Wars
02:53 and then got to kind of pause and be on a few months on Chaos walking together.
02:59 I was wondering how that experience maybe allowed you both
03:02 to kind of check in with each other
03:03 and take stock of like your fame that was happening at the time.
03:07 I genuinely think Tom has like a way different time than me.
03:11 I was like part of a group of wonderful people
03:14 and I always felt part of a group.
03:15 And you know, Star Wars is like, is its own thing.
03:19 Like it has a life of its own.
03:20 And I was always with John and Oscar and Adam.
03:24 Like it was always like a group thing.
03:25 I think like Tom plays Spider-Man in Spider-Man.
03:29 Like it's mega.
03:32 It's not like, I know I've had like a mega opportunity and it's amazing.
03:36 But in terms of that, like it's so different.
03:40 Like he is literally the face of Spider-Man.
03:44 Which I'm like, that is intense.
03:47 But he deals with it very well, very well.
03:50 And he gets like approach and everything a lot.
03:53 And he's great and so gracious and yeah, great.
03:56 Thank you, you guys for having me.
