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Keiona est la grande gagnante de la saison 2 de Drag Race France

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA


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00:25 Kei Onassis is facing Sara Forever after an epic lip sync.
00:29 After 9 weeks of competitive spirit, we finally know the name of the winner of Dragrace France.
00:39 This Friday, August 25th, Kei Onassis was facing 3 contenders, Ponani, Mamivata and Sara Forever, for the title of Queen of France.
00:52 The grand final was broadcast on France 2 from the Grand Rex hall in Paris and was shot on Sunday, August 20th.
00:59 As the tradition of Dragrace wants, two alternative endings were recorded during the shooting.
01:07 One dedicated to Sara Forever, the other dedicated to Kei Onassis.
01:16 CST at the time of the broadcast on France 2, which brought together nearly 700
01:22 000 viewers, that the public discovered which of the two was the real winner.
01:30 During this grand final, the four contenders each delivered an individual performance on unpublished songs.
01:44 CST then the presenter Nikki Doll who revealed that the last two contenders face to face were Sara Forever and Kei Onassis.
01:52 They then had to face each other on a lip sync of David Guetta and Sia's Titassium.
01:59 While she was crowned by Paloma, the young drag was very moved.
02:05 I don't know what to say, CST a lot of emotions.
02:11 CST a long way, saying that I do that and I can only say thank you to the people who have been there for a long time, to whom I confided before concluding, by entering the competition, it was something I wanted, I didn't hide it from her from the beginning.
02:30 Merci. A childhood between Lawson and Abidjan thus, Kei Onassis won the crown of season 2 of the Télé-Crochet in front of the benevolent gaze of the members of the jury, Daphne Burki and Kiddy Smile.
02:41 The big winner is actually named Kevin and is 31 years old.
02:48 He was born in the 20th arrondissement of Paris and spent his childhood between Draveil, in Lawson, and Abidjan, in Ivory Coast.
02:59 Throughout his adventure, Kei Onassis, who is from the Seine-Boulevard, community of vogueurs and drag queens born of African and Latin American LGBT subcultures in the 1920s, was notably inspired by the greatest black models of the 1990s and 2000s, like Naomi Campbell, Iman or Katusha.
03:21 In the end, Kei Onassis won the crown of season 2 of the Télé-Crochet in front of the benevolent gaze of the members of the jury, Daphne Burki and Kiddy Smile.
03:28 The end
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