10 AEW Stars Who Desperately Need More TV Time

  • last year
AEW is a wrestling buffet! But the table is getting pretty crowded.
00:00 Do you know what all wrestlers love?
00:02 Television time.
00:03 Because the more television time you have, the more over you're probably going to be,
00:07 and the more over you are, the more cash is going to go into your pocket.
00:11 Maybe.
00:12 The truth of the matter is though, no matter what promotion you are in, there are going
00:15 to be some people going "please sir, can I have some more?"
00:19 And that is what we're going to talk about today.
00:21 Because hello, my name is Simon from WhatCulture.
00:23 Please hit the subscribe button.
00:25 Please ignore my very, very wounded throat.
00:27 And this is 10 AEW stars that desperately need more TV time.
00:32 10.
00:33 Ruby Soho
00:34 While Ruby Soho has been a constant presence on the likes of AEW Dark and AEW Elevation,
00:39 I think sooner or later she should be shoved back in the direction of AEW Dynamite.
00:43 She came in with such a bang and had such a wonderful reaction before she did take on
00:47 Britt Baker for the AEW World Championship, and as soon as she lost, she kind of disappeared.
00:53 And I do get it because you need to rotate the roster, but now that Baker is no longer
00:56 the champion, surely we can cycle back round to this at a given point.
01:01 Especially because when she did debut, she was just so damn happy, and that goes a long
01:07 way.
01:08 9.
01:09 Scorpio Sky
01:10 As of me talking, Scorpio Sky is still the TNT Champion, and this is a good thing.
01:14 This guy has been consistently good ever since AEW was born into this world, and it kind
01:18 of feels like all of this is about to pay off, it just needs a bit more TV time.
01:24 And to be fair, he does pop up on our screens a lot, but even now when he does have gold
01:27 around his waist, it's usually Dan Lambert doing the talking for him.
01:32 Don't get me wrong, Dan Lambert is very good at this, but I know Scorps can speak,
01:36 I've heard him do it.
01:38 I really do hope he gets a proper feud eventually that he can sink his teeth into too.
01:42 While I really do like his tag team with Ethan Page and I don't want to break them up,
01:46 at the moment he should be walking the path of a single star.
01:50 8.
01:51 Colt Cabana
01:52 There are few wrestlers that can always light up your heart when they get into the ring,
01:56 and Colt Cabana is one of such people.
01:59 The man just knows how to add entertainment into his matches and he is genuinely funny,
02:03 and I get it, I understand.
02:05 If you don't like comedy wrestling this will go over your head, but if you do, you
02:09 can pretty much pick anything that Colt has ever done and eventually you'll go "hahaha".
02:15 Coming into the promotion in 2020 and swiftly joining the Dark Order, he has had matches
02:20 against the like of Bryan Danielson, but his time on Dynamite has most definitely been
02:24 limited.
02:25 He's so busy I'm sure he's just happy to add an extra string to his bow, but given
02:30 that he has more than 20 years plus experience, I just think there's something we can do
02:35 with that.
02:36 7.
02:37 Jake Hagar
02:38 When Jake Hagar debuted in AEW he had a lot to prove.
02:41 He was coming from the WWE where he had been the misused Jack Swagger, but realigning himself
02:47 with Chris Jericho who is a proper friend of his, well I don't think we could have
02:51 done much better than that.
02:52 Hagar is also a proper big huss wrestler too as we've seen when he tangles with the
02:56 likes of Wardlow, and he has absolutely perfected the art of lesbian more.
03:00 And while that does directly tie into what this video is all about, we can absolutely
03:04 find more uses for him, he's a unit that can go.
03:08 I mean just go and watch any of the tag team matches he has had alongside Chris Jericho,
03:12 and I would suggest the majority of these are underrated.
03:14 And if he did start to be featured more I don't think he's going to outstay his welcome.
03:19 Not that he minds I bet, he's a wrestler, he's an MMA fighter, he's doing it all.
03:23 6.
03:24 Dustin Rhodes
03:25 How does Dustin Rhodes keep doing it?
03:27 I mean here is a man that is north of 50, and if you want to come up here into my house
03:32 and say "Simon, I think Dustin Rhodes is better now than he ever has done" I may
03:36 agree with you.
03:37 And given that he is in the twilight of his career, I don't think he needs to be going
03:40 after a world title or anything, but the man is always just good to go.
03:44 I mean take recently when we needed a substitute to take on Sammy Guevara, Dustin Rhodes did
03:49 it and smashed it.
03:50 And all of this means that he is a legend that can absorb a lot of losses, and when
03:54 you are in that position you can absolutely once again work with the younger guys and
03:59 ensure that they get over.
04:00 Dustin has already done a lot of that too, but I tell you if we just gave one of them
04:04 a proper story and let it play out, I think the results would blow our brains.
04:09 5.
04:10 Red Velvet
04:11 For anyone who seemingly would just pop up on Dynamite out of nowhere, the best thing
04:14 about Red Velvet is that ever since she debuted in AEW, we have basically witnessed her pro
04:20 wrestling journey get better and better every week.
04:24 She has also had some serious roles up to this point as well given that she teamed with
04:27 Cody Rhodes to take on Shaquille O'Neal and Jade Cargill, and I really enjoyed that
04:31 programme between her and Layla Hirsh and Chris Flatlander.
04:36 If Red can be worked into a bigger programme though, I think it will benefit her no end.
04:41 And look, she doesn't even need to win at this stage.
04:43 She just needs a high profile future so she can establish herself a little bit more.
04:47 But I do totally believe this will happen eventually.
04:50 AEW seems pretty damn high on her.
04:53 4.
04:54 Private Party
04:55 Private Party are awesome.
04:57 When they started in AEW they were quintessential good guys, but now they are mega asshole heels
05:03 and it doesn't matter what they do, I enjoy both sides.
05:06 This all happened too when they turned on Matt Hardy, but given that they had had a
05:09 relationship with him and now they have a relationship with Andrade, they do turn up
05:14 on TV a lot, but often these days it's just a little bit like their sidekicks.
05:19 It also means a lot of their best matches are happening on dark and elevation, which
05:22 is why sometimes they're just magically in line for a title shot.
05:25 What I'm essentially saying to you is I want to see more of their bouts on Dynamite.
05:29 And of course all of this is better than disappearing entirely, which sometimes does happen, and
05:34 mark my words, the future is so bright for these two, they're going to do great.
05:41 3.
05:42 Miro
05:43 What the flub is going on with Miro?
05:44 After nursing an injury the rumours are he is good to go, and you know he's still on
05:48 good terms with AEW, because the last piece of news that came out there is that they have
05:52 extended their deal.
05:54 Here's the thing though, he is the best, be it his matches or his TNT title run, everything
05:59 he touches turns to gold, and I'm just going to be honest with you, here right now in April
06:03 2022 I miss it.
06:05 He will now pop up before this video goes live, which is always the way, but he hasn't
06:10 actually stepped foot into All Elite Wrestling since November 2021, and my heart can't take
06:16 it anymore.
06:17 There are just so many feuds waiting for him now, especially because the roster has got
06:21 bigger and bigger, so let's make him the world champion and just have him on television every
06:27 single time.
06:28 2.
06:29 Sami Guevara
06:30 Sami Guevara is featured a lot, I think this is true, it's just when it comes to the television
06:34 time he is getting, well I think he may be a little bit miscast.
06:39 Because ever since AEW decided to team up with Ty Conte it just seems like all the fans
06:44 want to boo him, and if that is the case he should just turn bad guy, because the last
06:49 thing we need is yet another disconnect between the fans and a wrestler.
06:52 And don't come up in here and be like "oh man we can't turn him heel because he flies
06:56 around in the ring, everybody flies around the ring in 2022".
07:02 This also ties into the fact that he has just lost the TNT Champion, so we can use that
07:06 as a catalyst.
07:07 But yeah, Sami Guevara eventually really does need to be a villain again.
07:12 I just think he plays it so much better.
07:15 1.
07:16 Hangman Adam Page
07:17 An interesting one this, because of course at the moment Hangman Adam Page is the AEW
07:21 World Champion and is on television every single week.
07:24 He has also become the man when it comes to maximising his minutes, but there's just
07:29 a teeny caveat to all of this.
07:31 When you compare him to the men that preceded him, Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega,
07:36 they were always popping up the whole programme, whereas when it comes to the Hangman he is
07:41 kind of just filling up a little bit.
07:42 I mean sometimes he's not even in the main event angle, and while this isn't a problem
07:46 because it allows him to develop into the role, eventually we are going to have to place
07:51 this pressure on top of his shoulders so everybody can start seeing him in the same way we saw
07:55 all those people that just came out of my mouth.
07:57 It does likely make more sense to do it this way, because otherwise you run the risk of
08:01 shoving him down people's throats, and we know how that goes in the wrestling world.
08:05 But if you do want to turn Hangman Adam Page into a truly top, top main eventer, well I've
08:11 just underlined all the things that you probably need to do.
08:14 Know of any other AEW stars that need more TV time?
08:17 Make sure you let us know in the comments below and don't forget to like the video,
08:20 share the video and subscribe.
08:21 And head over to whatculture.com where you can read articles like this, you can also
08:25 follow us on social media on Twitter @whatculturewwe or I'm @simonmiller316 and we have more videos,
08:32 please watch one because it will make me feel better about my voice which honestly is on
08:36 the verge of going.
08:37 My name is Simon from WhatCulture though, thank you for watching me as always, see you
