Anne Elisabeth Lemoine en danger dans C à Vous Phrase pas anodine, nombreux changements Une sai

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Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine en danger dans C à Vous ? Phrase pas anodine, nombreux changements... Une saison bien différente

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00:00 An emblematic host of this award since 2017, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne will be back in charge
00:13 of the France 5 Talk Show this season.
00:18 However, her future at the head of the program does not seem to be assured in the long term.
00:24 Former emblematic face of the Canal+ group, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne is now an essential
00:32 figure of France Télévisions.
00:36 Recruited to become one of the anchors of Anne-Sophie Lapix within the Talk Show "C'est
00:41 à vous" on France 5, she was a promoted presenter when the journalist was chosen
00:46 by the management of France Télévisions to take over the JT of 20h de France 2 in
00:51 2017.
00:52 Since then, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne has been a regular guest of France 5, as evidenced
01:01 by the excellent audience of "C'est à vous" in recent years.
01:06 During the past season, more than 1.1 million people followed the show daily according
01:12 to the numbers of Mediamétrie, which represents 5.6% of the average audience, over the entire
01:19 age range of 4 years and more.
01:24 However, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne's future at the head of "C'est à vous" does not seem to be
01:28 assured in the long term.
01:32 If she will still be at the head of "C'est à vous" next season, the hostess could
01:38 see her place threatened in the years to come.
01:43 "C'est à vous" in any case what Pierre-Antoine Capton, the producer of the show, left
01:49 to be heard in the columns of the Parisien Sunday August 20, 2023.
01:55 "My role is to anticipate, and we discuss freely with Stéphane Sitte-Bongomès, the
02:01 number 2 of France Télévisions, note of the future editorial, "he said.
02:09 In addition, the various changes that the creator of "C'est à vous" has put in place for the
02:14 season to come could well be a foretaste of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne's future replacement.
02:19 Indeed, the producer has recruited the journalist from BFM TV Aurélie Cass to take over the
02:27 orders of her leftovers at the start, which is nothing more than the weekly decline of
02:31 "C'est à vous".
02:34 The replacement of Ali Baddou will also intervene as a journalist within the program
02:39 embodied by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne.
02:43 But for the moment, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne is strong and far from threatened.
02:49 "C'est à vous", new faces around Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne this season among the
02:56 other notable changes, we can notably cite the departure of Mathieu Béliard, who should
03:01 have passed from "C'est à vous" to "C'est les dos" this season.
03:06 To replace him within Anne-Elisabeth Lemoyne's team, Pierre-Antoine Capton has recruited
03:12 the journalist from France Info Lorrain Sénéchal.
03:16 For his part, Émilie Tranen-Guyen, who has just lost the 12/13 of "Sur France 3", should
03:24 no longer appear only twice a week in "C'est à vous".
03:28 For his part, the programmer of the talk show "Déborah Veil" has been promoted to editorial
03:35 producer, while François Jouniou has been recruited to become the new editor-in-chief
03:40 of "C'est à les dos".
03:43 The return of "C'est à vous", like the one "Touche pas à mon poste" (C8) and "Quotidien"
03:49 (TNEC) is announced for Monday, September 4.
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04:48 ♪ Make it shine ♪
