« J'étais perdue complet »  Chimène Badi revient sur son gros mal être au début de sa carrière

  • last year
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« J'étais perdue complet » : Chimène Badi revient sur son gros mal-être au début de sa carrière

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00:00 The life of Chimène Badi has changed after her participation in the second edition of the popstar show broadcast on M6.
00:15 At the time, her first single "Entre nous cartonne", but the young woman did not see her success as she entrusted it to Pure Charts.
00:28 Chimène Badi, already 20 years of career with debuts that went very fast.
00:33 In 2002, she joined the casting of the candidates for season 2 of Popstar.
00:40 Quite reserved, she quickly finds her way with her powerful voice, but does not win the show.
00:51 It was without counting one of the members of the jury, Valérie Zetoun, director of the label AS chez Universal Music, who did not want to miss this raw talent.
01:00 In the format "Pass to Pure Charts", the singer came back to this brilliant success.
01:08 "I went home on Tuesday and on Wednesday the phone rang" remembers Chimène Badi who had had Valérie Zetoun on the phone to evoke the rest of her career.
01:18 Then everything went very fast. The young woman will meet Rick Allison, the one who will compose her first song "Entre nous", if it is a love story.
01:27 "But I, I had not lived anything at that time in terms of love.
01:32 I projected myself in an imagination, and I said to myself that it was the meeting between the public and me ", tells the singer.
01:42 "In the back of me, I was broken. This first song meets a real success, but at just 20 years old.
01:48 The young Chimène Badi does not feel comfortable with this wave of popularity. I'm a lot in magazines.
01:55 They talk a lot about me everywhere. I do a lot of TV, like someone who succeeds at the beginning.
02:01 But they talk less about my music, they talk more about what I represent physically.
02:09 I was so uncomfortable that it took the top on everything else.
02:13 Her school career and the young woman have to move to Paris, but happiness is not there. In the back of me, I was broken.
02:22 If I could have taken a stick and left, that we do not know who I am, I would have done it.
02:31 If Esty was not easy to manage success, especially when you are young.
02:39 At 19, I was completely lost. I lived in Paris alone, I did not have my family, not my friends.
02:48 I was not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
02:57 I was not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:03 I was not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:10 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:15 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:22 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:29 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:37 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:42 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:48 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
03:54 I am not prepared for all this. This dark period is now well behind the one that resumes in the middle of the night.
04:00 ♪ Time ♪
