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Welcome to Tues Your Own Adventure! Join Jules and James as they take a look at video games that should have been movies! From home cinema to the silver screen. #TuesYourOwnAdventure


00:00 Hello all of you little demons, Jules here for WhatCulture.com back again with another
00:04 episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted Choose Your Own Adventure, the weekly
00:08 medieval themed format where I, the crown jewels of WhatCulture.com, take a list chosen
00:13 by you.
00:14 Yes, you the person who is just looking so god damn beautiful today that I had to stop
00:18 this video and mention it.
00:20 Ah, you look good mate.
00:22 Yes, you get to decide what list I dole out to you each and every week and this week we
00:26 have none other to thank than Easy Logic for their suggestion of video games that play
00:34 kinda like movies.
00:35 Now, obviously I've done my usual YouTube twisteroo on the subject and I've come up
00:40 with a good idea of video games that should have been movies.
00:44 Because after all, with the Sonic 2 movie that's doing the rounds at the moment, what
00:48 better time is there to celebrate the beautiful marriage between video games and cinema.
00:53 Oh god, they're about to intersect.
00:54 James, cut away!
00:55 We can't show this!
00:56 As video game budgets balloon to almost Mr. Creosote levels in the current day and age,
01:00 so too do their ambitions.
01:02 As time has moved on, many a video game has mined deep into the realm of the 'cinematic'
01:07 in the hopes of being seen as 'art' alongside their silver screen counterpart.
01:11 But with so many video games taking a step forward towards this cinematic approach, there
01:16 comes a point where you have to throw your hands up in the air and say, well why weren't
01:19 you just a bloody film?
01:20 So let's take a look at them as I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and these are 8 video
01:24 games that should have been films.
01:26 And before anyone says anything about my thoughts on these games, maybe inferring that these
01:30 games are bad, I'm not saying that at all, I'm just saying that maybe the medium could
01:33 have been different and could have been better for the game and the franchise overall.
01:37 But you know what, let's get on with this list, you know the drill by now, say hi to
01:40 me here in the live chat and let's get on with it.
01:43 Number 8, L.A. Noire.
01:44 With Team Bondi sinking a sizable portion of their budget into their facial capture
01:49 technology which would allow players to "see the lie", a lot was riding on L.A. Noire,
01:54 a lot of pressure was on them to deliver the crime-capered goods.
01:58 And in that one area, that one facial recognition area, they definitely succeeded.
02:03 But the rest of the game?
02:07 Because while looking for facial tics and sweaty brows was a novel and interesting feature,
02:12 the rest of the title did feel like it was dragging a heavy load to keep pace, as the
02:16 gunfights often felt clunky and the very world around you felt empty and devoid of anything
02:20 truly interesting to do.
02:22 This is an almighty shame, because the tale on show here really is one for the ages, and
02:27 one that fits perfectly with the noir film genre.
02:29 It's got everything, corrupt cops, scandals, murders, and of course, betrayal and a very
02:35 depressing dour ending.
02:38 But unfortunately, all of that was set to the backdrop of driving 50 miles an hour around
02:42 Cardbox City.
02:48 Come on guys, you actually hired actors for this game and then painstakingly digitised
02:52 them, so why not use the exact same cast and shoot a big budget movie instead?
02:56 And likely, you wouldn't have had a massive fallout with Rockstar and had to deal with
03:00 their crunch culture.
03:01 So yeah, making LA Noire into a film probably would have been better for everyone involved.
03:05 7.
03:06 F-Zero Climax
03:08 So I know what you're thinking to yourself by now, James, that why the hell would you
03:12 choose F-Zero Climax to turn into a movie?
03:15 Surely this game's story is about as deep as space cars go zoom zoom, right?
03:19 Well wrong James, you idiot!
03:21 I'm sick and tired of you trying to interrupt me on these things.
03:24 I'm sick and tired of it, Jazz, don't even try and get involved.
03:26 I'm sorry Jazz, I apologise James, that was a bit out of line.
03:29 But yes, the point still stands that Jules, you're an idiot, why are you talking about
03:32 this game you small eyed toad?
03:34 Well the joke is on you my friend, because actually my eyes are normal sized, it's
03:38 just that my head is absolutely massive.
03:40 Look at it.
03:41 And secondly, because deep within this pixelated handheld game is a story worth telling on
03:46 the big screen.
03:47 Plus, I mean, let's face it, F-Zero Climax is the weakest game in this franchise, but
03:51 only because of the fact that every other entry into the franchise is an absolute banger,
03:55 and plus plus because the world needs more F-Zero.
03:59 So come on, gimme this.
04:00 So the story in question centres on a brand new cast of characters, one of which is Rick
04:04 Wheeler, who admittedly debuted in the prior GB game, but truly takes centre stage here
04:10 as he dons the mantle of the new Captain Falcon.
04:13 This moment could provide the entire drive of the movie, seeing Rick grow up watching
04:17 the original Captain as a kid, mastering racing himself, and then finally continuing on the
04:22 Captain's legacy.
04:23 Plus plus plus, tell me that I'm wrong here if this took any notes out of the absolutely
04:28 almighty masterclass film that is Redline, that you would have an animated film that
04:33 would do absolute gangbusters, look utterly amazing, and feel as fast as it did on the
04:39 silver screen as it does on your little handheld game device.
04:42 6.
04:43 Afro Samurai 2 - Revenge of Kuma
04:46 Ah, this game, eh?
04:48 What a f***ing disaster piece.
04:50 So for those of you not in the know, and quite possibly for those now looking for a copy
04:54 of this game, seeing as the IP that it's based on is quite literally the coolest thing
04:58 going, Afro Samurai 2 - Revenge of Kuma was a title so unanimously hated by critics and
05:03 fans that the devs out and out apologised for its existence before then deleting digital
05:08 copies of it from every single storefront possible.
05:10 Yes, it was that bad.
05:12 And yes, I have played it.
05:14 However, what truly sucked about the entire experience was that there was actually a brilliant
05:19 story here, yet was just one so covered in total and utter horses***.
05:23 The narrative picks up after the first season, with Kuma seeking revenge against Afro.
05:28 His hatred for the titular character stems from the fact that Afro killed the Pair's
05:32 master in order to take the number 2 headband from him in order to challenge the number
05:36 one and avenge his father.
05:38 This tale of revenge fits beautifully next to the wider, cyclical nature of violence
05:43 that Afro finds himself in, and to have to murder his childhood friend not once, but
05:47 twice is one that would make for a tragic and emotional tale in equal measure.
05:51 As a film sitting alongside the other animated media in the franchise, it would have allowed
05:56 fans another opportunity to delve into the cyber-Wild West style of this IP.
06:00 Instead, we just got a lukewarm dollop of nothingness slammed on a plate that tasted
06:05 like what could have been.
06:08 5.
06:09 Mega Man Legends
06:10 Now, I won't lie to you here.
06:11 The only reason that I'm really putting Mega Man Legends on this list is because of
06:15 the fact that I want more people to know that Mega Man Legends exists because it is a game
06:19 that makes me say "HOO BOY" unironically.
06:23 It was a real break from the Mega Man formula, came with a beautiful new coat of paint, and
06:27 tried to push forward in new and innovative ways.
06:30 So of course, it died a commercial death.
06:33 Oh, the two-thumbs seal of approval is back.
06:37 Yay!
06:38 Off, off!
06:39 Only this is on a bad thing.
06:40 Wait, get down.
06:41 Now, before I bemoan that this game was a gem that was unfairly buried, there is one
06:44 point of contention that many had with this title that I do have to concede didn't
06:48 help in the slightest.
06:49 The bloody camera controls.
06:52 In a world of ropey, slippery, and clipping camera angles, Mega Man Legends sits right
06:57 up there with Drake of the 99 Dragons.
06:59 And I did not need to think about Drake and the 99 Dragons.
07:03 And for many, this was the sledgehammer that broke the camel's back, meaning that they
07:06 never truly got to immerse themselves into this charming world.
07:09 Now, as a film, this would obviously remedy this key issue, while also allowing us more
07:13 time to get to know the wonderful cast of villains in the form of the Bond family, and
07:17 allow for kid-friendly action to play out on the big screen, which you just know that
07:21 fans would eat up.
07:23 And here's the big twist of this list, the, uh, evil finger temple of doom as it were.
07:27 I'm not saying that these games here should just be turned into films and then never be
07:31 made into video games, because what would happen here, in this alternate reality, is
07:35 that Mega Man Legends, the film, would go on to massive critical acclaim, and then you'd
07:40 make a video game about it, and people would be ready for the dynamic switch in gameplay.
07:45 And thus, it would sell gangbusters.
07:47 That's right, Jules, I've saved the industry once more.
07:49 Huzzah!
07:50 And now I fly away.
07:51 Whee!
07:52 4.
07:53 Anything by David Cage
07:54 Okay, so let's be honest here.
07:56 David Cage is a man who is clearly just trapped in the wrong industry, because whatever project
08:01 that he puts out always seems to come with the underlying message of "Please, for the
08:04 love of God, let me make a film."
08:06 I say this because all of his projects possess a cinematic focus which often comes at the
08:11 detriment of any actual gameplay.
08:13 I mean, think about it, at most, in titles like Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls, all you
08:17 really do is move a character from one space to another, and any action within is presented
08:22 in QTE form.
08:23 It's just a series of decisions taking you from one admittedly beautifully created set
08:27 piece to another, and when the term "a plays like a movie" is often thrown about with
08:31 these projects, that is a clear sign that maybe somebody should just give him an actual
08:35 camera and crew to work with.
08:37 Now, this isn't to slight the games in question, but you have to admit that the air quotes
08:41 gameplay of these titles is so minimal and sometimes feels so tacked on that it can sometimes
08:46 take away from the stories being told, especially when they're used to pad out the run time.
08:50 I mean, is there any wonder that the terms "full movie" are amongst the highest searched
08:54 things when it comes to his projects?
08:56 People just want to see what it is, and that is a movie.
08:59 Number three, Death Stranding.
09:01 Okay, okay, okay, so hear me out on this one.
09:03 I actually quite like what Death Stranding is, and what Hideo Kojima was trying to do
09:07 with this project, but I definitely think that this should be a film.
09:13 Because it would mean that he would have to tell a f***ing story more concisely.
09:16 I mean, come on, did we really need a two hour cutscene at the end of the game?
09:21 That is a literal movie in itself, and the repetitive missions in the third act really
09:25 did feel like things were being phoned in somewhat, so what about we take this massive
09:30 whale, cut out all the blubber and fashion a two, maybe three hour movie, but that's
09:34 it Hideo, you go on any longer and we're coming after you, and use all of the wonderful
09:38 characters and the rich world that's been created to tell a more focused tale.
09:42 And all the pieces are there as well, a man looking to rebuild humanity, an ever-present
09:47 threat of very explosive death, and giant BTs that could make for entrancing set pieces.
09:52 Chuck in your baby buddy cop pal and you've got a movie with heart, danger, and also wouldn't
09:57 overstay its welcome by about ten hours.
10:00 Number two, Lost Odyssey.
10:03 So after completing Lost Odyssey on the Xbox 360, I sat back and exhaled deeply before
10:08 commenting "ah, well that was the most fun I've ever had with such a boring game".
10:13 And you know what, that is true, because at its core Lost Odyssey has a great story to
10:17 tell but does so in the most padded and bland way possible.
10:20 With endless reams of dialogue repeating the same story points over and over, plus enough
10:25 filler to make some Naruto arcs feel concise, Lost Odyssey dragged itself out for at least
10:30 ten hours more than it should have.
10:31 Now I get that JRPGs are usually a long form storytelling format, but there were so many
10:36 moments where you could just feel that all the gameplay department had to work on from
10:40 the writing team was "apathetic shrug for two hours" that was written on a post-it
10:45 note.
10:46 The combat system might have been nicely conceived, but it was relied upon too much to the point
10:50 where battling felt like a chore come the end of the game.
10:53 Now on the big screen, this tale of amnesiac, immortal heroes of corrupted civilizations
10:59 and of course mighty monsters probably would have done pretty well, but on the 360 all
11:04 it really felt like was "we've got Final Fantasy at home".
11:08 Big bang of energy like that.
11:10 Nobody wants that.
11:11 And number one, We Happy Few.
11:13 Now before I tear this game apart, I do have to concede the fact that a lot of tweaks and
11:18 patches and the expansive DLC that was added to this game post-launch have made We Happy
11:22 Few into a very enjoyable world to explore.
11:25 But when it came to its launch, there was only one word to describe this game and that
11:29 was...
11:30 *siren*
11:31 Disappointing.
11:33 The disconnect between the outstanding setting of a pilled up, swinging 60s Britain clashed
11:38 incredibly hard with the tried, tested and let's face it, boring survival and stealth
11:42 driving mechanics.
11:44 Which is such a shame because the lead-in marketing for this game had me falling in
11:47 love with the style and eerie tones.
11:50 It was like the big book of Bioshock being read to me by a cockney.
11:53 "Alright, guv'nor, let me tell you about Rapture".
11:56 There's also a great story at play here too, with our hero Arthur trying to find out
12:01 what happened to his brother and indeed the world around him, and the flashes between
12:05 what those see on the drug Joy versus their reality could have been used to great effect
12:09 in a film as it was one of the few factors that really worked in the game.
12:13 It's just a shame then that the actual gameplay of We Happy Few just sapped the very Joy out
12:18 of the experience and was so janky in places that many didn't even finish it.
12:23 So yeah, this definitely should be a film because there's a great story to tell here.
12:27 And there we go my friends, those were 8 video games that should have been movies.
12:31 I hope you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the
12:34 comments section below as well as your suggestions for next week's episode as I would love
12:39 to hear from you all.
12:40 But if you want to chat to me in the meantime you can go over to Twitter and type in @RetroJ
12:44 but the O is a zero and you'll find your lovely egg daddy over here.
12:49 Or you can swing by Liv and Let's Dice, there's me spelling it out again, completely
12:53 wrong, where I do all of my board game content.
12:55 But before I go I just want to say one thing, I hope that you are treating yourself well
12:59 my friend because much like the movies, Alien Ant Farm reference, you are the true star
13:04 of the show here and you deserve love, happiness and success.
13:08 This is not a tragedy my friend, this is going to be a happy ending for everyone involved
13:13 because you are a big ledge and you deserve all the good things in life.
13:16 Don't let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise alright?
13:19 Go out there and smash your life goals today because I believe in you and you need to believe
13:22 in yourself as well.
13:24 As always I've been Jools, you have been awesome, massive love as always to James Dowers
13:28 for his editing work and we'll see you soon my friends.
