ELMS Aragon 2023 Van Uitert Chatin Amazing Battle Lead

  • l’année dernière


00:00 -Four course yellow removed, thank you.
00:02 -So we're back underway.
00:04 Let's hope we can stay green to the finish now.
00:07 That was our third caution in total.
00:10 Automatically closed the pit lane of course as well as a four course yellow.
00:13 The first of our cautions was a safety car.
00:16 And for all of the three safety car laps we had,
00:21 the pit lane was technically closed,
00:23 although we had one or two darting in for emergency service.
00:27 Then we had a four course yellow at the sort of mid-race point.
00:30 And since then, just now, another four course yellow.
00:33 But otherwise, long periods of green.
00:37 And that's the reason why this race has found quite a rhythm
00:41 from about the hour mark, yeah, about one hour into the race.
00:46 So there was well over an hour's running of green
00:48 after that first safety car.
00:50 And the green flag period that has just come to an end
00:53 was nearly 36 minutes.
00:56 -Goes to tail for the lead of this race.
00:57 And this has worked for Paul-Loup Chattain.
01:01 Goes to the outside, Yonatan Van Utert taking the inside line
01:05 and coming down to the hairpin here.
01:08 And can he make it work?
01:11 It's a long way around.
01:13 Van Utert gets the corner.
01:15 They keep out of sight of each other somehow.
01:18 And comes out to the fore, cracking stuff by this pair.
01:22 Where is Alex Lidd?
01:25 And right there is the answer.
01:26 And so is Oli Jarvis.
01:28 That gap, which I think I called as being what was that 8-9 seconds,
01:32 is 1.5, not for the lead, for the top four, Johnny.
01:36 -Top four absolutely together.
01:38 Edexport are applauding again, but they are not.
01:42 -It's gone to the front.
01:44 -Has it? -Yeah, it did it through turn one.
01:46 -So Paul-Loup Chattain and Yonatan Van Utert, first and second.
01:49 Now that was a slightly delayed reaction for that latest move.
01:54 And even though we've had a retake and then a repass again,
01:58 still not done, Linn on the inside line into turn seven
02:02 will get the 25 car ahead and into second position on Jop van Utert.
02:07 -So van Utert will be rearing that full-course yellow.
02:11 He was driving away a little from this group,
02:14 and they've caught and passed him.
02:16 And now it's Oli Jarvis with Jop van Utert.
02:18 It's going to be Alex Linn to see what he can do about Paul-Loup Chattain.
02:22 Paul Loeb chatte.
