• last year


00:00 Sometimes things just don't make sense, like why am I indoors with my hood up?
00:04 Why am I punching a puppet version of myself in the face that also has a moustache?
00:07 Why is this Care Bear always grumpy?
00:10 This is especially true when it comes to professional wrestling and we all know this, because you've
00:14 been there, I've been there, your nan has been there.
00:16 Because you'll be watching something in WWE and one of two things will happen.
00:20 Firstly, it will just vanish as if it was a ghost, or two, the big answer to the whole
00:25 shebang will be, it was Hornswoggle.
00:27 Now it would be fine if there was any reason for it to be swogs, but there wasn't, it was
00:31 just WWE pulling stuff out of their ass because they didn't have a long term plan.
00:36 And sometimes the story would actually be putting faces into somebody's ass, because
00:40 we had a Vince McMahon ass club, I mean why do we even watch?
00:44 Anyway, the point is, WWE is about to make sense forever.
00:49 Why?
00:50 Here's why.
00:51 We all know that WWE is now under a new regime, led by Triple H, and if we look at the evidence,
01:02 it does seem like one Paul Levesque actually agrees with us and believes that stories should
01:07 have a start, a middle and an end.
01:09 Which is why he has just hired a long term creative storytelling director.
01:14 In short though, we now have someone who is going to be responsible for coming up with
01:18 longer term narratives, but also making sure that we don't veer into the sea when all we
01:23 had to do was turn right.
01:24 Even better, this person is Robert Fee, and you may not know this, but trust me, when
01:29 you do some research, I think this sounds like a good plan.
01:32 For starters, he is buddies with Bray Wyatt, and store that in your head because we shall
01:35 get to it later.
01:36 But his CV also tells us that he's worked for the likes of Disney, and he's worked for
01:41 the likes of Marvel Comics.
01:43 He's also been involved with the likes of Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Avengers.
01:47 So don't pretend that doesn't make you all tingly tangly.
01:50 Who the hell would want to be involved with them?
01:51 Why this matters so much is because if you are into graphic novels, you know there are
01:55 some similarities when it comes to wrestling in the sense that they can just go absolutely
02:00 bonkers with their stories, but also they never end.
02:04 They are infinite.
02:05 And anything can just go mad at any given time, which is why you can go out there and
02:09 read a tale about Batman teaming up with a dog.
02:12 And how the hell did that ever come to be?
02:13 And when you do get to those levels, it's kind of hard to keep up with everything.
02:18 Just go reread Civil War.
02:19 So now when, let's say, Karrion Kross has to vanquish Drew McIntyre and they end up
02:24 in a 'the loser can never eat cheesecake again' match, if Karrion does get defeated and his
02:29 shoulders are pinned to the mat for the 1-2-3, we are never going to see him eat a cake of
02:33 cheese again.
02:34 Basically to relate it to wrestling, you probably can start investing in stipulations again
02:39 and just trusting the product a little bit more.
02:42 How many times have we all fallen in the floor over that?
02:44 A lot.
02:45 So now if you can build that back up, I think it's going to make you feel warm and fuzzy
02:49 in your tum tum.
02:50 This has already started too because apparently Fee has been the guy behind all those white
02:54 rabbit skits we've seen recently, or at least he's been driving them, which is what people
02:58 in the industry like to say.
03:00 And in fact, some people have said, oh no, he wasn't on full time, but he did come up
03:04 with this story.
03:05 He did push it and everybody was so impressed.
03:08 They said, Rob, come here.
03:09 You got the gig.
03:10 I think we can all agree this is one of the best things that WWE has done in years.
03:14 And yes, I know there's the contingent who shout, no, Simon, it should have been revealed
03:18 on that first Smackdown because it did a mega number.
03:20 But I say screw the mega number.
03:22 There will be plenty of other mega numbers because what we're doing is said is re-educating
03:27 the audience that it's about patience and that WWE is now going to take their time.
03:32 And I would much prefer that because sometimes what they used to do is they go, oh, here's
03:36 a story.
03:37 And then two seconds later, they go, oh, it's done.
03:39 I mean, do you remember when CM Punk was gone for an afternoon?
03:42 So do I.
03:43 He'll be reporting it to Bruce Prichard if you care about those things.
03:45 And you don't even have to have one of those old worries where you're like, oh my gosh,
03:49 they just hired that person because they have experience in a different field, but they
03:52 hate wrestling.
03:53 This is not true.
03:54 Robbie is a big fan.
03:56 Some people have even referred to this as his dream job.
03:58 And I think that is crucial when it does come to the world of sports entertainment.
04:02 You don't have the passion.
04:04 I just don't really think you can get it.
04:06 That's mostly because it is a weird, weird business.
04:09 But let's not worry about that for the time being and go back to something that Mr. Fee
04:13 did a few years ago when he went to WWE HQ.
04:16 He was all like, hi, I'm going to pitch you a movie involving the Fiend.
04:21 Now, this actually raised a lot of eyebrows because the execs were like, oh, that actually
04:24 sounds pretty good.
04:25 The only reason we didn't pull the trigger on this is because somebody fired Bray Wyatt,
04:30 so it would have been impossible.
04:31 I think now, too, we can take all of this and say, surely, just surely, the White Rabbit
04:35 has to be Bray Wyatt.
04:37 Because look at all the circumstantial evidence that has just come out of my mouth when I'm
04:41 waffling.
04:42 I mean, if it's not Bray, people are going to have a meltdown.
04:44 As I've said before, I will absolutely love it because I'm mostly here for the chaos.
04:50 This is for all three brands, too.
04:52 So hopefully it means going forward, Raw, Smackdown, and NXT will have more synergy.
04:55 And yes, you're allowed to now hate me because I used the word synergy.
04:58 But I really do think this is a positive mood, especially when a damn show is going on for
05:04 52 weeks a year.
05:05 Because if you are going to watch every single time, you want your loyalty rewarded.
05:10 You want to be able to go, oh, I'm deep down in my tootsie toes.
05:13 I feel good now because I remember when this happened seven weeks ago.
05:17 And now, like I say, given I have stayed the course, it has paid off for me.
05:21 As opposed to, I don't know, when you're constantly kicked in the teeth, you just start to feel
05:25 like a sad panda.
05:26 I mean, we can even tie this back into Wyatt because he has come up a lot.
05:29 Do you remember when he just popped on screen one day with a veil over his head and said,
05:34 oh, I'm just Abigail now?
05:36 Did we ever find out why that happened?
05:38 No.
05:39 Remember that time Kevin Owens got hit in the face with a pie?
05:41 Did we ever find out who did that?
05:43 No.
05:44 I mean, who tried to kill Vince McMahon when he was doing his Million Dollar Mania giveaway
05:48 and the stage just fell to the floor?
05:50 Did we ever find out who did that?
05:52 No.
05:53 Why was Shelton Benjamin doing promos and then staring off into the distance like he
05:56 just figured out the secret of life?
05:58 The answer is, I don't know, and I never want to not know again.
06:03 It doesn't mean I have to like it, it doesn't mean everything has to be good, but my gosh,
06:07 if it all connects together, I'm going to have a field day.
06:10 It really is something that all promotions could benefit from, and not just WWE, so I
06:14 for one welcome our new director of long-term creative and hope that it's something that
06:18 stays around forever.
06:19 Do you know how excited I am for wrestling to actually make sense for once?
06:23 Well, I tell you, it's around about 50/50, and the first 50 is bigger than the second
06:28 50, but I do like a bit of nonsense in my wrestling, but we don't have to worry about
06:32 that going away entirely.
06:33 I mean, for goodness sake, scissor me daddy ass.
06:36 Ultimately, I think this may actually hark back to the Attitude Era where it felt like
06:39 everybody had a concurrent storyline that would go on week to week to week, and that
06:44 is what the roster needs now.
06:45 I don't care if you're main event or opening match or in the mid card, I want to be able
06:50 to invest and know that's an okay thing to do, and as far as I can tell, that's what
06:55 Rob's job is, hence why I'm making this video and saying oodle-ally.
06:59 It won't work, and it will be absolute gibberish all the time, but we've had that for the last
07:05 20 years, I can handle it for a few more.
07:08 Now be sure to leave a comment below and let me know what you think about all of this.
07:11 Maybe you don't like the role, tell me why, that's what the comments are for.
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07:15 Then let's go over to whatculture.com we can read wrestling articles and news.
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07:20 Then we can go to social media, haha.
07:21 At WhatCulture WWE and SimonMiller316.
07:24 I know Simon you nerd, you put 316 on your twitter name.
07:26 Yes, I'm an absolute idiot.
07:28 And then we can stay on YouTube and we can click and watch other videos.
07:31 I don't care if you click and then you just leave, YouTube doesn't know, it'll think you
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07:37 My name is Simon from WhatCulture, thank you very much for joining me as always.
07:40 And now we cross our arms and we shall watch this with a fine toothed cone, which is not
07:44 the saying but I've said it anyway.
07:46 And if I can do another video, like a recap in 12 months going, oh man, all this long
07:51 term storytelling rocked, I will be a happy man.
07:56 Let's watch this space.
07:57 (upbeat music)
