• 2 years ago
Sarap Pinoy | Waknatoy
00:00 This is a very popular dish.
00:02 Almost all food in Marikina is served on this menu.
00:06 This is the "Wak na Toy", the Marikina version of Menudo.
00:10 And that is the recipe that we will learn today.
00:13 Let's not delay it any longer. Let's watch the "Sarap Pinoy".
00:18 Good morning, Rise and Shine Philippines!
00:25 Today, I will share with you a favorite Marikina specialty, the "Wak na Toy".
00:33 This is a version of Menudo, but it doesn't have potatoes, carrots, and other ingredients.
00:41 The main ingredient is still the "Kasim Menudo Cut".
00:45 [Music]
00:59 So, let's start.
01:00 I will add oil.
01:02 I will saute the garlic.
01:04 If you can already hear it, shhh.
01:08 It's time to add the other ingredients.
01:11 I will add the chorizo.
01:15 I will now add the pork kasim that has been cut.
01:19 When the pork cuts are no longer bloody, we will now add the pickles.
01:31 It's better if you have pickles.
01:35 There's also a pickle soup that we will include.
01:39 When it's soft, we will also add the tomato paste.
01:43 This is one of the favorite specialties of Marikina.
01:47 The name "Wak na Toy" is different.
01:50 In the past, in our river, Marikina, there were many Chinese traders who were on boats.
01:59 When they knew that the Chinese traders were going to Marikina,
02:04 their mothers would order them to sell the specialties of Marikina.
02:12 "Wak na Toy" is one of those.
02:14 The children would say, "Go ahead and buy it. They don't have a name for it yet."
02:19 But the Chinese traders would say, "Wak na Toy! Wak na Toy!"
02:26 That's why our Marikina dish is called "Wak na Toy".
02:33 When it's soft, we can add the sausage, red and green bell pepper.
02:40 I will add the "quick melt cheese" to make it more delicious.
02:45 What I'm cooking now is half a kilo of pork strips.
02:50 This is a family of six.
02:59 We spent a little less than 500 pesos.
03:03 There, "Wak na Toy" is now cooked.
03:06 [Music]
03:15 This is the best part. Let's taste the "Wak na Toy".
03:18 [Music]
03:25 It's delicious!
03:26 [Music]
03:31 It's just right soft.
03:33 There's a natural sweetness of the pickles and the taste of the cheese. It's delicious!
03:40 What are you waiting for?
03:42 Go ahead and cook "Wak na Toy".
03:44 I hope you learned so many things about "Wak na Toy" today.
03:48 And if you missed this episode, you can go back to the social media pages of Rice & Shine Philippines.
03:57 The same goes for our social media pages.
04:01 Again, I'm Irma San Miguel, always happy to cook for you. Bye!
04:07 [Music]
