Diana and Roma Follow the Rules _ video compilation

  • last year
Diana and Roma show important rules of conduct, safety and hygiene. Collection of videos about the rules for children.
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00:00 (siren blaring)
00:02 Oliver, I need to study.
00:07 (pen scratching)
00:09 You need to study too.
00:12 Okay.
00:14 (toy squeaking)
00:17 Are you ready?
00:21 (toy squeaking)
00:24 First, we'll teach shapes.
00:28 (toy squeaking)
00:30 This is cute.
00:40 Oliver, Oliver, not interested?
00:43 Okay, let's go.
00:48 Wow!
00:51 (children exclaiming)
00:55 We need to collect.
00:56 (children laughing)
00:58 Square.
00:59 (children cheering)
01:03 Circle.
01:04 Trapzoid.
01:07 Rectangle.
01:11 Triangle.
01:16 Rhombus.
01:19 Good job, Oliver.
01:22 (children laughing)
01:25 Next lesson, colors.
01:26 Purple, green, pink.
01:31 (children singing)
01:35 You're not interested?
01:38 No.
01:39 Maybe big balls?
01:42 Yellow.
01:48 Blue.
01:49 Pink.
01:50 Green.
01:52 Red.
01:54 (children laughing)
01:57 Wow!
02:00 We need to put them in correct colors.
02:08 Good job, Oliver.
02:12 Yeah!
02:15 Come on.
02:23 (children laughing)
02:26 Next lesson is about animals.
02:31 Elephant.
02:33 Hippopotamus.
02:35 Cheetah.
02:37 Pookie.
02:42 Cool.
02:44 Someone's crying.
02:48 We need to find our parents.
02:52 (children laughing)
02:56 Nuggets.
02:57 Thank you.
02:59 Cat.
03:02 Eda.
03:07 Hippos.
03:10 Elephant.
03:13 Now, next.
03:17 This one.
03:22 Oliver?
03:23 He likes to play cars.
03:29 Okay, okay.
03:30 Do you like big cars?
03:32 Oliver, are you ready?
03:36 Yes.
03:37 One.
03:44 Two.
03:48 Three.
03:49 Three.
03:54 Four.
04:00 Four.
04:03 Five.
04:07 Yay!
04:10 You learned everything.
04:13 (children cheering)
04:16 Bye.
04:20 Hello, summer.
04:25 Come on, come on.
04:28 Wow!
04:28 Change in the room.
04:33 Come on, come on, come on.
04:35 Yay!
04:37 First try.
04:43 Come on, come on, come on.
04:45 My turn.
04:54 Stop.
04:59 What?
05:01 Guys, one by one only.
05:03 Okay, sorry.
05:04 Wait, wait.
05:13 You can go.
05:13 Come on.
05:15 Next ride.
05:23 Come on, come on, come on.
05:25 We arrived.
05:37 Hello.
05:42 (laughing)
05:44 Me, me.
05:52 Come on.
05:53 No sharp objects inside the ball.
05:57 Okay.
06:00 Hello.
06:11 (laughing)
06:13 Hello.
06:18 Hello.
06:21 Come on, get up.
06:26 One, two, good.
06:27 Stop, stop, stop.
06:36 What?
06:37 No sliding upside down.
06:39 (playful music)
06:42 Okay.
06:44 (laughing)
06:49 I want to eat.
06:52 My best lunch box.
06:57 Stop.
07:07 No food in the pool.
07:09 Sorry.
07:14 Go to the food court.
07:17 Come on, come on, come on.
07:19 (baby babbling)
07:21 Bon appetit.
07:22 Ooh.
07:27 Rihanna, Roma, come on, come on.
07:38 (cheering)
07:40 Good little girl.
07:47 One, two, three.
07:48 Yay.
07:57 (laughing)
08:07 No fighting.
08:08 Okay.
08:10 (cheering)
08:17 It's boring.
08:21 (screaming)
08:35 Stop, stop, no fun in fun.
08:37 My phone.
08:41 No fun.
08:46 I found it.
08:49 (cheering)
08:51 That's my phone.
08:52 Wow, it's cool.
09:01 It's cool.
09:02 Rihanna, you playing?
09:10 Yes.
09:11 You need to study.
09:13 Okay, okay.
09:14 Magic, magic.
09:19 Do you want magical adventures?
09:25 Yes, yes.
09:26 (magical music)
09:28 Wow, magic bottles.
09:34 No, no, no.
09:42 At first, you need to study.
09:44 Okay.
09:47 Need to think.
09:50 Dog can't nap time.
09:55 (sniffing)
09:57 That's easy.
10:03 Yeah.
10:04 Woohoo.
10:14 Yay.
10:16 This is fun.
10:17 I like it.
10:18 Yay.
10:23 Ready?
10:24 I found something.
10:30 Wow, gold egg.
10:33 Let's open.
10:35 Wow.
10:40 This is incredible.
10:51 I want more.
10:52 (cheering)
10:54 It's cool.
11:00 No, no, no.
11:05 You need to study.
11:06 Hmm.
11:07 Wow.
11:10 This is cat.
11:16 Yay.
11:21 Okay.
11:22 Yellow.
11:27 Yellow ball.
11:30 Maybe you can find gold egg again?
11:40 Uh-huh.
11:41 Cool.
11:45 I found it.
11:51 Wow.
11:51 Pink donuts.
11:54 (laughing)
11:57 Yay.
11:59 I found it again.
12:03 Ah.
12:12 Apple.
12:17 Chair.
12:20 House.
12:21 Sun.
12:23 Cool, I like it.
12:28 Blue like water.
12:34 There's something.
12:42 My mouth.
12:46 Wow.
12:51 Marshmallow.
12:52 I think there's more.
13:01 What?
13:01 Oh.
13:06 Study.
13:09 I know.
13:10 No.
13:13 Eight plus five equal.
13:18 What?
13:19 No, no, no.
13:28 Cool.
13:40 Let's play lava.
13:42 (laughing)
13:47 Lava.
13:47 Wow.
13:56 Cool.
14:01 Super magic adventures.
14:05 Good job, Diana.
14:06 Shh.
14:07 Shh.
14:08 (groaning)
14:10 Diana, how are you?
14:15 I'm dizzy.
14:16 I learned everything.
14:18 Fantastic.
14:18 (laughing)
14:23 (screaming)
14:44 (laughing)
14:46 What happened?
14:54 My tooth hurts.
14:55 We need to go to the dentist.
14:58 No way.
14:59 (screaming)
15:05 Diana?
15:06 Where are you?
15:10 Diana?
15:11 (humming)
15:13 (screaming)
15:17 Diana, don't worry, okay?
15:22 Uh-huh.
15:23 Are you ready?
15:33 Diana?
15:40 Hmm.
15:41 Diana?
15:47 Don't worry, don't worry.
15:50 (screaming)
15:55 (laughing)
15:58 Hi.
16:03 Huh?
16:10 Oh boy.
16:10 Hi.
16:13 No, no, no.
16:25 (screaming)
16:31 What problems do you have?
16:39 Thank you.
16:40 (screaming)
16:44 Don't worry, don't worry.
16:46 Finish.
16:51 Good job.
16:54 Thank you, doctor.
16:58 Finish?
17:01 Yes.
17:02 Oh.
17:03 Bye-bye.
17:04 Diana, one moment.
17:08 Yes?
17:09 You must brush your teeth at morning and at night.
17:12 I will show you.
17:13 And your tongue.
17:19 Can I try?
17:22 Okay.
17:22 Great job.
17:28 Thanks, doctor.
17:29 Bye-bye.
17:30 Kids, are you brushing your teeth at morning and at night?
17:36 Hmm.
17:38 Wow.
17:38 Our video must be protected.
17:43 (laughing)
17:46 (gasping)
17:50 Lola?
17:52 What?
17:53 You can't watch TV that close.
17:56 I know what to do.
18:00 (laughing)
18:06 (upbeat music)
18:08 Three features.
18:16 Hmm.
18:23 Hmm, popcorn.
18:25 Popcorn.
18:30 No, no, no, no.
18:32 (singing)
18:34 (laughing)
18:36 There's our popcorn.
18:40 Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
18:42 (upbeat music)
18:44 There's our very good food for you, baby.
18:50 Okay.
18:51 Hmm.
18:54 Wow.
18:58 (laughing)
19:04 Lola.
19:05 What?
19:06 I need to wear the glasses under sun.
19:09 Thank you.
19:13 Hmm.
19:18 (upbeat music)
19:22 Lola.
19:33 Lola, Lola, no, no, no.
19:35 No, no, no, no, no.
19:37 Stop, stop, stop, stop.
19:39 (gasping)
19:41 Do you like that?
19:42 This is best for your eyes.
19:44 I know what we will play.
19:46 Wow.
19:48 (laughing)
19:53 Yeah.
20:02 (upbeat music)
20:04 iPhone?
20:08 No, no, no.
20:11 Cool.
20:17 Yeah.
20:23 (laughing)
20:27 Huh?
20:31 What is that?
20:32 Lola, this is not correct.
20:39 No reading, ignite with light.
20:45 Huh?
20:47 Come on, I will show you.
20:48 Okay.
20:49 Look, this is our eyes.
20:55 And this is also.
20:57 Cool.
20:58 We should care about our eyes.
21:00 Uh-huh.
21:01 Hi, I'm going to check my vision.
21:04 Yeah.
21:16 Thank you, Diana.
21:19 You are welcome.
21:20 Guys, are you kidding about your eyes?
21:23 I did it.
21:27 Yeah.
21:28 Yeah.
21:29 Diana?
21:33 Mommy, mommy, I want to be superstar.
21:36 Wow.
21:38 Cool.
21:40 Let's play.
21:41 But first, you have to learn music.
21:44 I know, I know.
21:45 Good luck.
21:46 Yeah.
21:48 Oh.
21:55 It's boring.
21:57 Diana, let's learn fun.
21:59 Yeah.
22:02 Wow.
22:06 Boom.
22:10 Let's start fast.
22:12 Stop.
22:16 Green.
22:18 Red.
22:19 Green.
22:21 Blue.
22:23 Oops.
22:25 Stop.
22:26 Black.
22:27 Blue.
22:29 Black.
22:31 Green.
22:32 Do, re, mi, fa, so, re, ti, do.
22:37 Well done.
22:40 Yeah.
22:41 Diana, you need to learn the ball to the suit.
22:46 I will never remember this.
22:55 Let's do it with more fun.
22:57 Yeah.
22:58 Where's remote?
23:01 Hmm.
23:02 This is my song.
23:06 ♪ You like to dance all day ♪
23:09 ♪ You like to dance, yeah ♪
23:11 ♪ You like to dance all night ♪
23:14 ♪ You like to dance, yeah ♪
23:16 Woohoo.
23:17 Yummy.
23:23 One.
23:24 Let's play fun.
23:25 Two.
23:26 Me and two.
23:27 Three.
23:28 We are three.
23:29 Four.
23:30 Give me more.
23:31 Five.
23:32 This a life.
23:33 Six.
23:33 Woo.
23:34 Again.
23:35 Ten.
23:36 Once again.
23:37 Nine.
23:38 I'm trying.
23:39 Eight.
23:40 No more.
23:40 Eight.
23:41 Seven.
23:42 Sing forever.
23:43 Six.
23:44 Next time, six.
23:45 Five.
23:45 This a life.
23:46 Four.
23:47 Give me more.
23:48 Three.
23:49 Now I know the song.
23:50 Yeah.
23:53 Where instrument is right for me?
23:55 Hmm.
23:56 [Upbeat music]
23:58 I do like this instrument.
24:15 [Slow music]
24:18 It's hard.
24:26 It hurts.
24:27 [Upbeat music]
24:30 I like it, Ibot.
24:38 It's not easy.
24:40 [Slow music]
24:42 [Scream]
24:52 [Upbeat music]
24:55 Woohoo.
24:56 This is good for all day.
25:00 [Laughs]
25:02 [Gasps]
25:04 Yeah.
25:05 Cool.
25:06 Okay, okay.
25:09 Yes.
25:10 [Upbeat music]
25:12 Do you like piano?
25:13 Yes.
25:14 Wow.
25:16 [Upbeat music]
25:18 [Slow music]
25:21 Great job.
25:35 [Laughs]
25:36 Piano is my favorite instrument.
25:39 [Laughs]
25:40 Vocal lesson.
25:41 [Vocalizing]
25:44 It's not interesting.
25:52 [Buzzer]
25:54 Yeah.
25:55 Vocal is very tasty.
25:57 I will show you.
25:58 Let's go.
25:59 Wow.
26:02 This is a home studio for vocals.
26:05 [Upbeat music]
26:08 Now you are super star.
26:22 [Cheers]
26:24 [Vocalizing]
26:29 Welcome.
26:30 [Vocalizing]
26:32 Yes.
26:33 [Cheers]
26:35 [Cheers]
26:40 Wow.
26:42 [Cheers]
26:44 Wow.
26:48 [Cheers]
26:50 [Gasps]
26:55 The young romance style.
26:57 [Cheers]
26:59 Shh.
27:00 You need to be quiet in the hotel.
27:02 Okay.
27:03 [Upbeat music]
27:04 Uh-oh.
27:05 [Laughs]
27:07 Ew.
27:12 [Vocalizing]
27:16 [Gasps]
27:17 [Gasps]
27:19 What is that?
27:20 [Gasps]
27:21 You can do it in the hotel.
27:23 Okay.
27:24 [Upbeat music]
27:27 [Upbeat music]
27:29 Yay.
27:34 [Upbeat music]
27:36 [Cheers]
27:40 [Laughs]
27:44 [Gasps]
27:45 What is this?
27:46 Stop, stop, stop, stop.
27:47 Uh-oh.
27:48 No jumping on the bed in the hotel.
27:51 Okay.
27:51 [Laughs]
27:53 [Laughs]
27:56 Oh.
27:58 [Laughs]
28:00 [Laughs]
28:02 Hello.
28:02 [Vocalizing]
28:04 [Vocalizing]
28:06 [Vocalizing]
28:08 Gianna.
28:09 No need to play this sport in the hotel.
28:12 [Vocalizing]
28:14 [Upbeat music]
28:16 [Upbeat music]
28:19 [Upbeat music]
28:22 Hmm.
28:22 [Upbeat music]
28:24 Not bad.
28:25 Roma.
28:27 Huh?
28:27 Don't use flash when taking photo.
28:29 Animals and fish don't like it.
28:31 Of course.
28:32 [Camera shutter]
28:35 [Camera shutter]
28:36 [Cheers]
28:38 [Upbeat music]
28:41 Animals in the hotel?
28:46 Physics toys.
28:47 Oh.
28:49 [Upbeat music]
28:52 Hmm.
28:53 Wow, fruit.
28:55 [Vocalizing]
29:01 [Vocalizing]
29:04 [Laughs]
29:12 [Upbeat music]
29:15 Oh.
29:15 Roma, Gianna.
29:17 What's a fish?
29:18 You can't do that.
29:20 [Vocalizing]
29:22 Sorry.
29:23 [Upbeat music]
29:25 I need to check.
29:28 Stay here.
29:29 Okay.
29:30 [Upbeat music]
29:32 [Upbeat music]
29:35 [Gasps]
29:36 [Baby crying]
29:38 Nice.
29:39 [Upbeat music]
29:42 [Gasps]
29:44 [Vocalizing]
29:46 Don't forget your stuff.
29:47 [Vocalizing]
29:49 [Baby crying]
29:51 Bye-bye.
29:52 (door creaking)
