30 Scariest Crocodile Encounters Ever Caught on Camera

  • last year


00:00 Survival, teetering on the edge, hearts pounding.
00:04 Prepare for the most terrifying crocodile encounters of the year.
00:09 This clip starts us off with a bone-chilling introduction to a crocodile pit.
00:14 [Crickets chirping]
00:23 And above that pit, a line walker is performing a stunt that is borderline suicidal.
00:30 Unsurprisingly enough, the man seems to lose his cool and nearly falls off.
00:35 That was a close call.
00:45 But as if that wasn't dangerous enough for him,
00:48 the man, getting cockier by the second, starts performing stunts.
00:53 [Wind howling]
01:01 And his arrogance is his downfall.
01:04 Because to everyone's shock and horror, everything that could go wrong, does go wrong.
01:10 [Crowd cheering]
01:20 That croc had murder on its mind.
01:23 This performer has his guardian angels to thank.
01:26 Here we see a crocodile swimming along menacingly,
01:30 coming for something that isn't really in view yet.
01:33 [Crocodile splashing]
01:42 The camera then pans to a man trying to draw the crocodile to himself.
01:47 It seems that we have another case of idiocy on our hands.
01:51 [Crocodile splashing]
02:00 After dropping a piece of meat into the crocodile's jaws,
02:03 this man attempts to lure it back again with a bigger piece of meat.
02:08 [Crocodile splashing]
02:14 Unsurprisingly enough, this fool's arrogance gets the better of him,
02:18 and what happens next will set your heart racing.
02:21 [Crocodile splashing]
02:23 "Oh shit!"
02:24 [Crocodile splashing]
02:29 The man manages to feed the reptile after teasing it, and it leaves.
02:34 It seems that crocs are allergic to genius after all.
02:38 We start off this clip at a crocodile farm in Thailand.
02:42 [Crocodile splashing]
02:47 The man continues to perform some sort of routine.
02:51 Presumably he's trying to get the croc to hold its jaws still.
02:55 [Crocodile splashing]
03:00 For the most part, the jaw seems to be obeying,
03:03 and that is exactly what makes the next part jaw-dropping.
03:08 [Crocodile splashing]
03:15 The crowd is understandably awed,
03:18 but it is what this trainer does next that truly shows how dangerous that stunt was for him.
03:24 [Crocodile splashing]
03:32 That is a man with balls of steel.
03:36 This clip throws us straight into the action with a man attempting to tease a crocodile with a slab of meat.
03:42 "Splash him, let's see how he reacts."
03:44 "Come on, you can come."
03:46 [Crocodile splashing]
03:48 Crocodiles, though, don't usually respond well to teasing,
03:53 and the way this one is snapping at the man is making its anger very, very evident.
03:58 "Come on, you can do it."
04:00 "Yes, come on, yes."
04:03 "Oh, wow."
04:04 "Come on."
04:05 "Come on."
04:07 That looks like one hungry croc,
04:10 but this man surprises everyone when he showcases his degree of calmness and control of the modern-day dinosaur.
04:17 "I'm going to show you what will happen if you get some on my hand, okay?"
04:20 "Watch."
04:21 "I'll be on the face of the mate, watch."
04:22 "Cut me. I got my hand back."
04:25 The man then sits down for some explanations on a scaly couch, I must say.
04:31 The croc, though, seems to have had enough and makes an attempt to escape.
04:36 "See how much bullshit's out there, we're working on the cycle, that's the trick."
04:40 "I'm getting out."
04:41 "And he's caught for a while."
04:42 I get the feeling that the croc is used to that.
04:45 This video starts off with yet another man dangling a piece of meat in front of a hungry croc.
04:52 [Wind blowing]
05:00 The man feeds the croc with that piece of meat.
05:03 You would think that's enough croc wrangling for the day,
05:06 but this man has another go with a second piece of meat with another croc.
05:11 [Wind blowing]
05:20 That seems straightforward enough, at least when it comes to hungry, snappy crocodiles.
05:25 However, the first crocodile then starts behaving erratically.
05:29 [Wind blowing]
05:39 After leaving the scene with presumably hurt feelings,
05:42 the first croc watches as the other crocodile is fed more meat.
05:46 [Wind blowing]
05:55 That is one brave and perhaps incredibly foolish man.
06:00 These men are sitting by a riverbank attempting to get some close-up pictures of crocodiles.
06:06 [Crocodile clicking]
06:08 "Oh, fuck."
06:09 [Laughter]
06:11 "Hey, hey, come on."
06:13 "Don't do it, Antonio."
06:15 They attempt to lure the reptiles by flinging pieces of meat dangerously close to the riverbank,
06:21 and in the process, dangerously close to their photographer.
06:25 [Crocodiles shouting]
06:34 More and more crocodiles start popping up at the riverbank,
06:38 and the tension finally comes to a head when this spine-tingling incident happens.
06:44 [Crocodiles shouting]
06:52 The man barely escapes the croc's attempt to grab him,
06:56 and his friend's quick thinking prevents more of the crocs from getting onto the riverbank to chase after the man.
07:03 [Crocodile shouting]
07:13 Looks like this man will have a hell of a tale to tell.
07:17 This clip starts off with a crocodile, having spotted something of interest,
07:22 moving ominously towards this tourist boat.
07:26 [Crocodiles shouting]
07:34 These tourists are dangling a piece of meat over the water for this crocodile to get to.
07:40 Perhaps they underestimate how high these reptiles can jump.
07:45 [Crocodiles shouting]
07:53 They continue to frustrate the croc.
07:56 Some of the tourists, realizing the weight of potential consequences, move away from the edge of the boat.
08:02 A wise move, considering what happens next.
08:06 [Crocodiles shouting]
08:14 If that croc had decided to grab a bigger, live piece of meat from the boat instead,
08:20 this tour would certainly have turned out sour.
08:23 Fortunately, though, the croc has no interest in that.
08:26 [Crocodiles shouting]
08:36 I suppose flirting with death does make for some good insta-stories.
08:41 These people are attempting to capture a crocodile with just rope.
08:46 A bold strategy. Let's see if it pays off.
08:50 [Crocodiles shouting]
08:58 Though these waters seem dangerous, these locals seem to know what they're doing.
09:03 This is proven further when, in a move straight out of a Hollywood movie,
09:08 the man manages to lasso a crocodile charging at his boat.
09:12 [Crocodiles shouting]
09:20 The crocodile dives underwater instead,
09:23 meaning these people once again try to tie its upper jaw with even more rope.
09:28 The croc, though, shows off its ferocious anger.
09:32 [Crocodiles shouting]
09:41 That is one angry croc.
09:43 But these people have managed to subdue the beast for the moment.
09:47 They end up bringing it onto the boat.
09:49 [Crocodiles shouting]
09:53 Those people are fortunate that the crocodile wasn't big enough to drag them all under.
09:59 This clip takes us on a speedboat ride down the Mahakam River,
10:04 where Eusterine crocodiles dwell.
10:07 [Music]
10:10 The man at the front of the boat is sleeping peacefully,
10:13 not realizing he is surrounded by death on all sides.
10:17 [Music]
10:22 That is when this duo passes by a croc resting on the riverbank.
10:26 Upon spotting the boat, the reptile makes a rapid charge into the water towards it.
10:32 [Music]
10:40 However, the boat is unsurprisingly too fast for it.
10:44 The duo then comes across another curious crocodile,
10:47 but for the most part, these crocodiles do not seem to be overly aggressive.
10:52 [Music]
11:02 Looks like the locals have great respect for the kings of the Mahakam River.
11:07 In this next clip, we find ourselves transported to a very urban setting,
11:13 the last place you want to meet a murderous reptile.
11:16 [Music]
11:18 This man has discovered something big in his sewer.
11:22 When he pans the camera into the sewer, though, what is down there will shock you.
11:28 I know I have an alligator in my sewer.
11:30 [Music]
11:36 There is a goddamn alligator in the sewer, where it could strike anyone passing by.
11:42 The reptile then sends the man recording a chilling warning.
11:46 [Music]
11:52 The man continues to record the alligator, but that is when the clip abruptly ends,
11:57 so we have no idea what happened to it.
12:00 I know I have an alligator in my sewer.
12:02 [Music]
12:08 Now that is one hell of a toilet clogger.
12:11 This clip shows a man standing by the edge of a pond, not knowing something menacing has been watching him.
12:19 Mom, I'm asking you a question.
12:22 Honey, look, here he comes.
12:24 The danger makes its presence known by raising its head out of the water and moving toward the unsuspecting man.
12:31 Honey, look, here he comes.
12:33 The man manages to spot the gator, but he's not out of trouble yet.
12:38 These things are fast, even on the ground, so what happens next is gut-wrenching.
12:44 [Music]
12:49 Unfortunately for us, that is exactly where the clip ends, so we have no idea what happened to the man.
12:58 These people are out in the Floridian Everglades, fishing for alligator gar.
13:03 However, they're about to catch something bigger.
13:07 [Music]
13:12 She's sniffing him.
13:14 [Music]
13:17 The family has set the bait and keeps wondering where the gars have gone.
13:22 They know that there could be some gators here, but they just don't see any around.
13:28 [Music]
13:35 Gators?
13:37 The woman recording is dangerously close to the edge, and she wonders where all the gators have gone.
13:43 Little does she know, her wildest death wish is on the verge of being granted.
13:49 Where'd he go?
13:51 [Music]
13:53 He said, "That's plastic."
13:56 The gator car was sniffing.
13:59 Nobody saw that gator until it chose to rise to the surface.
14:04 The woman and her family are understandably terrified that a gator was hiding in plain sight.
14:10 Guys, I'm not kidding, I shit.
14:12 Holy fuck!
14:15 Okay.
14:16 Okay.
14:18 Needless to say, that was a close call.
14:22 This man has found himself a wee crocodile while going about his business in a lagoon in Cancun.
14:29 [Music]
14:32 Found a wee crocodile.
14:37 The man attempts to get closer to the beast, as if crocodiles don't have the reputation for snapping limbs off of anything that gets into their range.
14:46 [Music]
14:54 This man seems to be safe, though, and the crocodile doesn't seem to be minding the man fanboying over him.
15:02 [Music]
15:10 Now that's a chill croc right there.
15:13 This clip puts us in prime view of an epic showdown between a fisherman who's caught some barramundi and a crocodile that wants his catch.
15:23 See, down that way, it's run about 40 k's to open sea.
15:29 The fisherman begins to reel his catch in, but that's when everyone spots a croc moving slowly but intensely toward the man.
15:38 [Music]
15:42 So naturally, the fisherman begins to speed the process up, trying to reel the fish in as fast as possible.
15:49 Does he succeed, or does the croc get to it?
15:52 Watch and find out.
15:54 [Music]
16:02 All in a day's work for this fisherman, I suppose.
16:05 This man is out kayaking on a river when he spots something straight out of a horror movie.
16:12 [Music]
16:14 And that is what I fish with.
16:17 A gator lining up its next meal is slowly moving toward the man in the kayak.
16:23 The man can't exactly get away anywhere fast either.
16:27 [Music]
16:28 For my guys, on the fly fishing forms.
16:32 But as the man sits still, the gator decides not to have human for the day.
16:37 That is one lucky man right there.
16:40 Gator's head is bigger than my arm.
16:43 He's probably a good six feet, seven feet easy. He's bigger than me.
16:47 That was a huge gator.
16:49 The man's got to thank his guardian angels after this.
16:53 This couple's playful lab decides to take a swim in the one place you should never go swimming, a gator's lair.
17:02 [Music]
17:03 Oh shit, that's a gator.
17:05 The dog goes deep into the water before his owner realizes that there is a gator headed straight for him.
17:11 Panic ensues.
17:14 Oh shit, that's a gator.
17:16 Rasta, come here. No.
17:18 The dog manages to recognize the panic in his owner's voice, but does it make it back in time?
17:25 Come here. No, come here. Come here.
17:30 Come here. Come here.
17:34 The dog is safe and his owner sure as hell won't be letting it out of sight anytime soon after this.
17:41 This right here is a huge saltwater crocodile and a tour boat that has had the misfortune of stumbling across it.
17:50 [Music]
17:59 The croc's size aside, this thing is simply not moving away from the boat.
18:05 It seems hungry and what it does next shocks many on the boat.
18:10 [Music]
18:20 The tourists then proceed to have some fun trying to feed the crocodile.
18:25 I wonder what would have happened had the crocodile decided to have fun.
18:31 [Music]
18:37 Get your back on him.
18:39 These people are fortunate that the crocodile didn't decide to go for a human buffet.
18:46 These two kayakers are trying to get their buddy's kayak back from under the nose of a crocodile.
18:53 [Music]
18:59 But as with every clip in this video, things don't go to plan.
19:03 The croc thinks these two have come too far into its territory and jumps into action.
19:09 [Music]
19:14 Oh my God.
19:16 The two kayakers turn tail and paddle like there's no tomorrow,
19:20 constantly looking back to check if the croc is still in pursuit.
19:24 [Music]
19:32 The duo is in the clear after it seems that the crocodile didn't want to follow the two after all.
19:39 [Music]
19:47 I find it incredibly cute though that they thought they could move faster than a croc in water.
19:53 The humans took its habitat, so this gator has decided to reclaim what is his.
19:59 [Music]
20:07 Just look at the size of this thing.
20:10 Even the deer watching in the distance can't help but watch the reptile royalty strut its way across the golf course.
20:18 [Music]
20:25 Needless to say, this game of golf will be taking a short break.
20:31 The gator, ignoring all the people and animals gawking at it, continues to slowly stomp its way across the course.
20:39 [Music]
20:47 Looks like this king has no time for his subjects.
20:51 These incredibly smart parents are letting their fledgling children enter the habitat of a freshwater crocodile.
21:00 [Music]
21:05 Is that a lily pad you snatched?
21:07 Unsurprisingly enough, a few minutes later, a freshwater crocodile does show up, mere feet from where the child had been.
21:16 [Music]
21:25 These model parents then proceed to let their children lean over the edge and let them get a real close look at the crocodile.
21:34 [Music]
21:43 Maybe everyone shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
21:47 This man is trying to feed a giant crocodile.
21:51 It seems a lot of people on this list just have a very different idea of fun than a normal person.
21:58 [Music]
22:07 This crocodile, though, doesn't seem to be as interested in the piece of meat the man is holding as it is in the man himself.
22:15 [Music]
22:23 The croc proceeds to snap at the meat the man is holding, and that's exactly when things start going very wrong for the man.
22:30 [Music]
22:38 Still, it seems the croc takes pity on the man and lets him go.
22:43 He lives to be foolish another day.
22:46 You might be wondering, why is this man underwater?
22:49 Well, sometimes the truth is much harder to look at.
22:53 [Music]
22:56 A gator has dragged in this man's three-month-old puppy.
23:00 The old man, without a second thought, jumped into action trying to wrestle his pet from the gator's jaws.
23:06 [Music]
23:14 The puppy's life is on a knife's edge, perhaps literally.
23:18 Still, this man continues to use all his strength to pry the reptile's maw open.
23:24 [Music]
23:32 Now, that is what I call a heroic rescue.
23:36 Imagine peering over the edge of a river and seeing a giant saltwater crocodile just lying in wait for something, something that might fall in.
23:47 [Music]
23:57 The croc seems to be attracted by something, and it moves to get a better view.
24:01 A hat, in particular, seems to have piqued its curiosity.
24:06 [Music]
24:14 The croc goes absolutely still, lulling these people into a false sense of security, so everyone is absolutely shocked at what happens next.
24:24 [Music]
24:32 Fortunately for these people, they're in a pretty safe place, so the croc shouldn't be a problem for them, unless they fall off.
24:40 This man is out fishing when he feels something tug on his line.
24:44 He seems to have caught a fish, one that he is desperately trying to reel in for some reason.
24:50 "I hear that noise."
24:52 "Daniel on a donkey."
24:54 [Music]
24:57 "Just keep pressure, keep pressure."
24:59 This duo is trying to get their fish back frantically, constantly panning the camera around to keep an eye out for something that might lunge out of the water.
25:09 Just keep the pressure on
25:11 When you get it up you just gotta run. That is when these two spot a shape in the water moving towards them
25:23 What happens next will terrify you?
25:26 Run back bro
25:28 Run back
25:30 Run!
25:32 Run Daniel! Run!
25:35 The two forgetting all about the fish turn tail and run for their lives
25:39 Unsurprisingly the fish they were trying to catch is the least of their worries right now
25:45 Run bro! Oh no he's got it!
25:47 Pressure on!
25:49 Keep the pressure!
25:51 No! No it's so big!
25:53 The crocodile gives up the chase after getting the fish it wanted
25:57 unfortunately and
25:59 fortunately for these two
26:01 These people are going down a river when they spot a horrifying shape keeping up with them
26:07 Saltwater crocodiles can swim at 24 to 29 kilometers per hour
26:17 Three times faster than the fastest human swimmers in the world these things can move
26:30 Just look at the majestic way that the croc moves these people are witnessing the beauty of nature
26:36 And they should be thankful they didn't have to bear witness to its skull crushing force
26:51 This group of tourists has spotted something ominous in the water surrounding them, and they are trying to keep it away
26:59 [Splash]
27:01 You can sense the fear in their voices and body language
27:12 It would not take a lot of effort from the croc to rip through the boat and drag everyone under it does not take a lot
27:19 of time to attack
27:21 [Splash]
27:23 These people barely ward off the giant croc with the reptile realizing it can also be hurt back the men
27:37 unsurprisingly celebrate
27:39 That's a big cut!
27:41 [Laughter]
27:43 Nice!
27:45 Nice one man!
27:47 Who wouldn't after having a near-death experience?
27:50 The video commences with a remarkably foolish incident a family
27:56 Leisurely floating on inflatable rafts in a river infested with alligators
28:02 Predictably the situation quickly transforms into a horrifying
28:15 Ordeal for the children as they realize they are in alarmingly close proximity to a bone crushing alligator
28:22 their father presumably
28:25 Also manages to make an impressively perceptive observation
28:30 It's an alligator guys
28:40 The alligator swims away leaving the children on the rafts in a state of panic
28:45 Unfortunately, it takes the frightened cries of the man's daughter to finally spur him into action and move to a safer location
28:53 The children display visible distress which is hardly surprising given the circumstances
29:08 Eventually, however, the family manages to swim away to safety
29:12 This man is banging his stick on the ground trying to get the attention of a saltwater croc
29:18 The way the croc makes its entry is straight out of a Hollywood movie
29:32 It scales rising out of the water before it makes its whole visage visible
29:38 The
29:40 Man seems to be experienced but even he isn't completely prepared for what the hungry reptile does next
29:50 The crocodile
30:01 Lunges at the man and the man barely manages to get away
30:05 After that the feeder continues to tease the croc and flirt with death
30:10 No mishaps this time around though, this man is trying to get the attention of a saltwater crocodile
30:28 The crocodile makes its presence known in
30:31 Spectacular fashion the way these beasts can camouflage themselves until the final moment is nothing short of incredible
30:39 This man however is interested in trying to pet the croc on the snout
30:53 Needless to say the croc doesn't appreciate that
30:57 *Crocodile noises*
30:59 The man keeps trying though and nearly gets his hand taken off in the process
31:10 That is one patient crocodile
31:22 These people are trying to get their boat through alligator infested waters
31:27 The atmosphere is understandably tense and the crocs on each side are watching these two men intensely
31:40 "Bunch of crocs"
31:48 For the longest time everything seems to be deathly calm and then the crocs explode into action
31:56 Fortunately for these two the gators fight-or-flight response
32:10 Chooses flight if you enjoyed this video make sure you check out some of the other ones on our channel. Thanks for watching
