• 2 years ago
“Tesla has over 4 million cars on the road capable of training the AI. In a few years, we will have roughly 10 million,” Musk said. He responded to a user on X, formerly Twitter, who noted that Musk’s Tesla uses more videos to train AI. The user was talking about Tesla’s humanoid robot, Optimus.

“In 10 years, we will look back at the first public demo of a robot that learned to move around the world by watching only videos…Cameras just had a paradigm shift,” he wrote.

Musk agreed with the user, saying, “An accurate assessment.” He added that the inference compute power needed for eight cameras running at 36FPS is only about 100W on the Tesla-designed AI computer. “This puny amount of power is enough to achieve superhuman driving!,” the CEO wrote.


00:00 You know, we can't go far without talking about Elon.
00:02 Elon Musk's Tesla AI vision.
00:05 Tesla's visionary CEO, Elon Musk,
00:08 is making bold predictions yet again.
00:10 Musk envisions a future with around 10 million
00:13 AI-trained cars on the road,
00:16 with already over 4 million capable of AI training.
00:20 Musk emphasized the power of cameras in AI development,
00:24 enabling what he calls superhuman driving.
00:27 Despite acknowledging the challenges,
00:29 he stressed Tesla's edge
00:32 due to its extensive fleet on the road.
00:35 Can Tesla get the AI lift today?
00:38 - Well, it is.
00:40 It's not just can it, it is getting the AI lift here today.
00:43 So, I mean, you look here, obviously,
00:47 market likes what Elon Musk says.
00:51 I always take it with a grain of salt
00:53 because we know he has huge expectations for his company.
00:57 He shoots his mouth off more than he ought,
00:59 but I don't know, technicals don't look that bad.
01:02 I actually do have a position on it
01:04 and I've got it hedged up with XLY though, so.
01:07 - Busted up above 240.
01:10 I mean, 240, it kept a lid on this thing.
01:12 You're busting out out of it, right?
01:14 Even 239 was a high.
01:16 So if they can defend 240 here,
01:18 make some lows on top of these highs, then yeah.
01:23 You know, maybe move up 250, 260.
01:25 If they came in, they sell this thing
01:27 and can't get it back down under 240,
01:30 then, or if they do get it back down under 240,
01:33 then it's just another fade.
01:35 The other thing too, though,
01:36 that would get me less apt to fade,
01:39 this is the way the market's moving right now.
01:42 The S&P, this is a big component of the S&P 500
01:45 and it has momentum, it's back.
01:47 And if you're buying the, if the S&Ps are going up,
01:51 it's a big stock in the index,
01:52 they're gonna be buying along with it.
01:54 So as long as the S&Ps keep chugging along
01:57 in an area of very limited resistance,
01:59 then let it have its way.
02:01 As far as having 10 million cars on the road
02:03 with super driving, I mean, I don't know about that.
02:07 - This is his visions though.
02:09 And you know what?
02:09 He does work hard at his visions.
02:12 And this is what shareholders wanna hear.
02:14 They wanna hear where the next revenue streams coming.
02:17 They know they pay up, you know,
02:18 from valuation perspective, they wanna hear this stuff.
02:21 They wanna hear that Tesla is going to be the next Uber.
02:24 They wanna hear all this stuff.
02:25 So he tells them what they wanna hear.
02:27 I think it's just, you know, his real, you know,
02:29 it's like, is he gonna be there next week?
02:31 You know, full autonomous next year
02:33 that he was saying in the David Faber interview.
02:35 He sets very lofty expectations for himself.
02:39 Sometimes he doesn't meet those.
