Bonanza S2E2 The Mission-SD

  • last year


00:00 [laughter]
00:02 Now, now can I have that drink?
00:12 Not until you finish your story, Charlie.
00:14 You have to tell us about General Fremont.
00:16 Let me see, where was I?
00:18 Oh, yeah.
00:19 Hey, well, that was the time that me and the general
00:22 come through here together.
00:23 That was in the summer of '47.
00:26 As a matter of fact, it wouldn't have been
00:28 no Virginia City if it hadn't been for me and the general.
00:33 [laughter]
00:35 I told you to shut up your lying, didn't I?
00:37 I ain't lying.
00:38 You are lying.
00:39 I-- I--
00:40 Ain't you?
00:41 Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
00:42 Now, wait a minute, mister.
00:43 Old Charlie here don't mean any harm.
00:45 He's just an old man hanging around the saloon.
00:48 We'd like to hear his stories.
00:50 Well, I don't like to hear them.
00:55 Now, did anybody ask you to put in your two bits worth?
00:59 [laughter]
01:05 Where are you going to leave me be?
01:07 I tell you, I did scout for General Fremont.
01:09 I tell you, I did.
01:11 Why did you leave me be?
01:12 All right, old man.
01:14 Let it go.
01:15 Give me a knife.
01:17 What you aiming to do?
01:22 Well, now, anybody that's fought as many Indians as you claim you have
01:28 ought to have a few scars, shouldn't he?
01:30 No.
01:31 Suppose we just scratch off some of this beard and--
01:35 Ow!
01:36 [laughter]
01:37 So that we can--
01:38 Ow!
01:39 Come on, man.
01:40 We're just going to carry the king, pal.
01:41 People!
01:43 [music playing]
01:46 [gasp]
01:57 [thud]
01:58 Come on, Charlie.
02:15 Let's get you out of here before you get in any more trouble.
02:18 Thank you, Lord.
02:19 Thank you.
02:21 [footsteps]
02:23 My friend Charlie don't like to be treated like that.
02:37 I don't like it neither.
02:40 [footsteps]
02:42 Drop something.
02:52 Fremont expedition, 1847.
03:02 Presented to Charles Trent, chief scout, for services
03:09 above and beyond the line of duty.
03:11 Charlie, you wouldn't want to lose that.
03:17 [music playing]
03:23 [music playing]
03:27 [music playing]
03:30 [music playing]
03:46 [music playing]
03:49 [music playing]
04:04 You're about the only real friend I got in town.
04:13 All I seem to do is to cause you trouble.
04:16 Charlie, you promised me solemnly you wasn't going
04:18 back in that saloon again.
04:19 I-- I didn't mean to.
04:20 Just them fellas wanted to hear some of my stories or something.
04:23 Yeah, for a couple of drinks.
04:25 I guess-- I guess you won't give me another chance, will you?
04:29 Bernie, Charlie, how many chances you going to have to have?
04:32 I talked Paul into giving you a job on the ranch.
04:34 And what do you do?
04:35 The first payday, you take off.
04:36 And we don't see you again for a week.
04:37 And you come back drunk.
04:39 That was-- that was a mistake, Hawk.
04:41 Charlie, it's that way with every job you got around here.
04:43 Ain't nobody around here going to give you a chance now.
04:47 I-- I guess you're right.
04:49 But I ain't going to bother you no more.
04:51 I can promise you that much.
04:53 Because I'm-- I'm going to take up scouting again.
04:55 [chuckles]
04:56 General Fremont, he'll be sending for me any time now, today,
05:00 tomorrow for sure.
05:01 Charlie, I-- I wouldn't count on it too much.
05:03 General Fremont's a busy man.
05:05 There's war talking all over.
05:06 Oh, I know.
05:07 I know.
05:08 He-- he wouldn't go back on me.
05:09 Him and me, we crossed a great, solid flat together.
05:12 I better-- better go fix up a little, though, I guess.
05:16 Charlie, it just ain't no use.
05:18 I-- I done made up my mind what I'm going to do with you.
05:22 What?
05:23 Well, I'm-- I'm going to go in there and get some money.
05:25 And I'm going to-- I'm going to fix you all up nice and clean.
05:28 I'm going to put you on the first stage coach
05:30 out of here for San Francisco.
05:31 That's mighty kind of you, Norris.
05:33 I-- I appreciate it.
05:36 But I can't go to no big city.
05:39 I belong out here.
05:40 I got to stay here.
05:42 Charlie, I-- I've been all wrong about maybe
05:45 you getting a new chance here.
05:47 It's-- the big city's the only place for you.
05:49 I--
05:50 You stay right here.
05:51 Don't you go no place here.
05:53 Horace!
05:56 [grunt]
05:57 Hold on, Cutter.
05:58 Where are you going?
06:04 I heard a couple of friends of mine was passing through.
06:06 Thought I'd talk to them is all.
06:07 Well, I have a strict schedule on this mission.
06:09 You be back here and ready to lead out in one half hour.
06:13 Cutter?
06:15 Captain, I think it's about time you and me
06:20 had us in understanding.
06:22 Now, I've been loaning it through this territory
06:24 for a goodly time, and I ain't never taken no orders yet.
06:27 Not from a savage and not from no soldier boy.
06:30 You sign an army contract to scout trail.
06:33 You're going to fulfill it into the letter,
06:35 or you'll be relieved.
06:38 Why, mister, you've got about as much chance
06:41 of crossing that desert without me
06:43 as a blind hootie bat has of reaching the sun.
06:45 [laughter]
06:47 All right, carry on, men.
06:51 Captain, Captain, I know that whole desert.
06:54 I mapped out the first trail of Salt Lake City.
06:56 I know the whereabouts of every waterhole.
06:58 Yeah, well, I-- I can't sign on anybody
07:00 just because they claim to be a scout.
07:02 Oh, you-- you don't-- you don't believe me, huh?
07:05 Here, here, look at that.
07:07 Look at that.
07:09 Fremont expedition.
07:12 Yeah, you can read what's written on the other side, too.
07:15 Presented to Charles Trent, chief scout for services.
07:21 Trent?
07:23 Yeah.
07:25 Are you the same Trent that scouted
07:28 for the border expedition against the Apaches?
07:31 Yeah, that-- back in-- back in '53.
07:34 I wouldn't have known you.
07:36 I mean, it's been so long.
07:39 Of course, you wouldn't remember me.
07:41 I was just a shavetail, but that was my first assignment.
07:45 I guess it would have been my last
07:47 if you hadn't let us out of that Apache trap.
07:50 Charlie Trent.
07:52 Ah, you'll give me a chance, then?
07:55 Not Charlie.
07:57 That gold shipment's vital.
07:59 Maybe with a war coming on,
08:02 you've got to scout.
08:05 Perhaps next time I make a trip, Charlie.
08:12 Captain.
08:23 That old bum's pretty drunk
08:25 thinking he can scout for you, sir.
08:29 Corporal, that old bum
08:33 was the finest scout in the United States Army.
08:37 Whatever I know about this territory,
08:39 I learned from him.
08:41 Oh.
08:42 I'm sorry, sir.
08:44 I am, too.
08:46 Give us a bottle.
08:55 Give old Buzzard Bay the drink here, too.
08:59 Wake up. The man's buying you a drink.
09:05 (gulping)
09:08 (laughing)
09:12 (laughing)
09:15 Charlie.
09:37 Oh, did I ever tell you about the time
09:40 I led an expedition up the Columbia River?
09:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah, you told me, Charlie.
09:45 Come on, let's go down to the stable and clean it off.
09:48 I tried.
09:50 I was honest.
09:52 Honest, I tried hard.
09:54 You ask them soldier boys if I didn't.
09:57 That captain, he just didn't want me.
10:02 (sighs)
10:04 Joe, give me a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
10:11 Cutter's in here, Captain.
10:23 You ain't making no friends with none of us, Cutter.
10:26 Where you treating the captain?
10:28 All right.
10:31 I told you to be back and ready in half an hour.
10:34 Hmm?
10:36 Seems to me I do remember you saying something like that.
10:39 Well, don't you mind now. I'll be long, little while.
10:42 Barkeep!
10:44 Set my friend the captain here up a drink.
10:47 The last man that grabbed me like that
10:57 was a Blackfoot.
10:59 I cut his liver out.
11:01 A man don't live long without a liver, Captain.
11:04 That's a pure medical fact.
11:06 I'm giving you a direct order.
11:08 Get outside and join the detail.
11:11 Now.
11:13 Or what?
11:15 Or you're through.
11:17 Well, now, that don't seem so likely, mister.
11:20 You need a scout, and I'm the only one there is.
11:23 You're a long way from being indispensable, Cutter.
11:26 There's a man who knows the wasteland country
11:29 better than you or any scout alive.
11:31 Charlie Trent.
11:33 Trent? Where you gonna find him?
11:36 Charlie?
11:39 That Charlie Trent?
11:44 The great Charlie Trent, huh?
11:50 Remington massacre.
11:52 You remember, Charlie?
11:54 He let them soldier boys right into an ambush.
11:57 Right smack dab up to where them Indians was waiting.
12:00 [laughing]
12:02 He's just the kind of a scout you need, Captain.
12:05 Collect your gear from the wagon and clear out.
12:08 Take along plenty of water, soldier boy.
12:21 Plenty of water.
12:23 [laughing]
12:25 Charlie.
12:36 Charlie, you asked me for a chance.
12:42 This is it.
12:44 Now, don't give me any cause to regret it.
12:47 We'll provide you with your mount and your gear.
12:51 Get anything else you need.
12:54 We'll move out as soon as you're ready.
12:57 Well?
13:03 Captain.
13:13 Captain, I...
13:15 He'll do it, Cap.
13:19 Hey, Charlie.
13:21 Captain.
13:28 My name's Cart Rider.
13:30 I'm a friend of old Charlie's.
13:32 I'll see to it he's ready to go in no time.
13:35 We rode together.
13:38 Captain.
13:43 Let him ride with you again.
13:47 I haven't much choice.
13:49 Thank you, sir. I'll get him.
13:54 Charlie. Charlie.
14:10 I've been looking all over this town for you.
14:12 The captain's down there waiting for you.
14:14 You gotta get your gear and...
14:16 Leave me alone, please, sir. Please leave me alone.
14:19 Just go... go tell that captain man you couldn't find me, that's all.
14:23 Charlie, he's offering you the chance you've been waiting for.
14:27 If it was just me, I wouldn't mind.
14:29 But, you see, it's Pender and all his men depending on me.
14:33 Charlie.
14:35 You led the first map party across that desert.
14:40 The first white man that ever crossed it.
14:43 Now, if you can do that...
14:45 You can leave Pender and his men now.
14:48 Or... or was that just one of your lies about leading that map party?
14:55 No. 'Cause that was true, Hoss. That was true.
14:59 All right, then. Now, Charlie, you listen to me, and you listen real good.
15:03 If you let Captain Pender and those men go out across that desert...
15:06 Without somebody to scout the trail for 'em...
15:08 You are gonna be a coward and a murderer.
15:11 Charlie, you got to do it.
15:14 If you... if you help me...
15:17 If you come with me...
15:19 Charlie, I...
15:21 Just like... just like you... just like you said yourself...
15:24 This here's the chance I've been waiting for.
15:27 Will you please help me? Will you please come with me?
15:30 Yes, sir. I'll go with you.
15:34 Ah, thank you.
15:36 All right.
15:40 Goodbye, Captain, and good luck.
15:42 Thank you, Mr. Johnson.
15:44 - Tigtail! Forward! - Forward!
15:47 - Ha! - Ho!
15:49 Hey, Charlie.
16:01 This time, don't go letting them Indians get your scalp.
16:04 [ Laughing ]
16:06 You stand there laughing like you're just sending something great, Cutter.
16:17 But all you've done was to mess up things real good.
16:20 It's working out just the way I want it, Buck.
16:23 And how do you make that?
16:25 We had a plan, a plan to get the gold. Now we've got nothing.
16:28 I changed plans for a better one.
16:31 We still get the gold.
16:33 Maybe you'd better tell us what you got in mind.
16:36 The way it works out now...
16:39 I don't have to explain me surviving.
16:42 They get lost, sand covers everything.
16:45 Ain't a trace of nothing left.
16:48 And everybody figures it's old Charlie Trent led 'em wrong.
16:53 You were gonna lead them soldiers out into the desert.
16:56 What if this Charlie takes 'em another way?
16:59 Them renegade bands down south would like nothing better...
17:02 than to get their hands on that gold.
17:04 Cheyenne on the war path up north?
17:07 They got nowhere to go but across that desert...
17:10 with us following 'em.
17:13 Detail! Detail!
17:22 Ho! Ho!
17:25 Ho!
17:27 Forward! Forward!
17:34 Ho!
17:37 Get out of the way!
17:49 Detail! Detail!
18:11 Ho! Ho!
18:14 Detail!
18:17 Detail!
18:51 Looking for something, Charlie?
18:54 Oh, no, no, I wasn't looking for nothing.
18:59 - I was just looking. - A bottle?
19:02 What bottle?
19:05 You ain't gonna find it.
19:08 Of course.
19:13 Of course, that was all I had.
19:16 I didn't want to drink it.
19:18 I just wanted to know it was here, that's all.
19:21 I wasn't aiming to drink a drop of it.
19:24 I promise, it cost my heart.
19:32 I poured it out this morning, Charlie.
19:36 I can't make it without a drink, horse.
19:43 - Horse, I can't make it. - Charlie.
19:46 You done made it almost a week now, just on a pint.
19:49 Yeah, what we've come through is nothing...
19:51 taking a walk down a boulevard on a bright, sunshiny day.
19:54 You wait till we get across that mountain and hit the great salt flats.
19:59 A man's gotta have something in his insides if he tackles that desert.
20:04 And you done took and poured my insides right out on the ground.
20:08 Charlie, you're just gonna have to grow some new ones.
20:12 'Cause if you don't take us across that desert, we're all gonna die and rot out there.
20:17 All right, I'll try, horse.
20:20 Honest, I'll try.
20:23 Here.
20:25 You drink your coffee and quit worrying. You're gonna make it.
20:30 Hi.
20:39 My.
20:42 There they be.
20:44 Getting ready to bed down like nice soldier boys.
20:48 Come dark, we're gonna ride.
20:52 From here on out, we stay ahead of 'em.
21:07 What's our line of march?
21:09 Uh, due east.
21:11 You see, once you hit that desert, there ain't no landmarks to guide you.
21:15 You have to kind of sense things, you know, kind of feel your way along.
21:20 Charlie, Charlie, that's what we're depending on you for.
21:24 You take us to that first waterhole in a two-day march.
21:27 And then after that, you'll have to lead us to the next waterhole.
21:30 Then on to the last one.
21:33 Can you do all that, Charlie?
21:36 I'll tell you what.
21:38 I've been thinking it over, and I reckon it might be our best bet to head due north, you see.
21:44 And that way we can circle the desert entirely, you see.
21:47 With Yellow Star and the whole Cheyenne Nation on a war path?
21:50 Look, I didn't bring you along to tell me how to get us all killed.
21:53 We have to cross that desert.
21:55 Now, you signed on as a scout to lead us over it.
21:58 Now, can you do it?
22:00 I can't.
22:02 You have to lead us over it.
22:04 Now, can you do it?
22:06 Me and Horse will lead out.
22:14 Prepare to move.
22:18 Prepare to march.
22:22 Forward!
22:27 Forward!
22:28 Out!
22:29 Out!
22:30 Out!
22:31 You aiming to take them on tonight?
22:54 Nah.
22:56 You ever see the Zunis hunt fox?
22:59 Well, they just let them keep on running till their tongues are all swole up and hanging out.
23:04 Then they walk up to them real peaceful like clubbing to death.
23:08 Yes, sir, we're going to let those soldier boys just ride on a piece.
23:13 Far enough so there ain't no way back.
23:17 [music]
23:20 [music]
23:24 [music]
23:50 Sort of like being out on the ocean, eh?
23:54 Only difference is that we're looking for water instead of land.
24:00 You got your baron yet, Charlie?
24:05 You don't reckon we could circle back on ourselves, do you?
24:12 Gotten lost?
24:13 No, no, no.
24:19 Ain't much daylight left, Charlie, and you said we'd sure find that waterhole before sundown.
24:23 That there waterhole has got to be within an hour's march of here, I'm telling you.
24:28 You go back and tell the captain.
24:31 And tell him to bring them soldiers a-hissing up here right away.
24:35 You sure, Charlie?
24:36 Sure, no, of course I ain't sure.
24:39 But I gotta act like I was.
24:40 I gotta fool them soldiers into thinking I'm sure.
24:43 'Cause if just one man panics, it'll spread like wildfire.
24:47 We'll find ourselves a bunch of buzzard bait.
24:50 You... you said you had faith in me, didn't you?
24:55 Yes, sir, I do.
24:58 Well, hang on to it, son. Hang on to it.
25:01 'Cause that's all I got to hang on to myself.
25:04 I'll tell him.
25:08 No, when I find that there water, I'll fire three shots in the air.
25:13 Yes, sir.
25:15 [ Engine Starts ]
25:17 Detail! Detail!
25:31 - All... - Ho!
25:32 - Captain. - Dismount.
25:34 Dismount!
25:36 Captain, just a little piece further.
25:43 I made a mistake trusting him.
25:46 I think it's time we admit it.
25:49 Both of us were lost, and you know it.
25:53 Captain, you're wrong.
25:55 With the captain's permission...
25:58 me and the men would like the captain to tell us straight out how we stand.
26:02 Captain.
26:06 And you've got a right to know.
26:09 [ Gunshot ]
26:12 It's Charlie.
26:14 He found the water!
26:17 [ All Cheering ]
26:19 We'll turn him on!
26:23 Go, Harson!
26:27 Ho!
26:33 Onward!
26:35 [ All Cheering ]
26:38 [ All Cheering ]
26:40 Ho!
26:52 Hold your fire!
26:54 [ All Chattering ]
26:56 - Keep that men back, Captain. - Hold him!
27:01 - I'm here. You'll find him, boy! - Easy, O'Leary.
27:04 [ All Cheering ]
27:06 - Dismount! - Dismount!
27:08 What's wrong?
27:12 That there water's been poisoned.
27:14 See that animal over there?
27:22 It was the same thing that'll happen to any of us that drinks this here water.
27:27 We don't need a scout to find poison water for us.
27:32 - Sergeant. - Yes, sir.
27:34 Move the detail to that area up ahead.
27:38 Make camp.
27:40 Issue half rations of water to the men in the mules.
27:44 Men to the mounts.
27:47 Detail.
27:49 Forward.
27:51 All right, Charlie. How far to the next waterhole?
27:57 It's about a day's march.
27:59 But me and nobody else can say whether that water...
28:02 will be any more fitting to drink than this is.
28:05 Can you find it?
28:07 I found this one, didn't I?
28:10 What do you think, Captain?
28:22 We can make our water last another full day.
28:27 We'll have to lose our mounts.
28:29 Mules can keep going as long as they get some water.
28:34 You gotta make the decision, Captain.
28:39 If we turn around and go back, the men in the gold will be saved, but...
28:44 if you go on up ahead and that water's poisoned, too...
28:47 it'll be too late to turn back.
28:50 There's nothing in my orders about turning back.
28:57 Charlie, we'll move out just before dawn while it's still cool.
29:01 Let's go.
29:06 (GASPS)
29:10 (GROANS)
29:36 You gonna poison this one, too?
29:38 That's what I'm gonna do, but they'll get suspicious.
29:41 That don't make no difference.
29:43 Besides, they can't never know just how it got done.
29:47 Now go on, do like I told you. Start brushing out our tracks.
29:51 Look, all we've been doing is riding around this miserable desert.
29:54 Now I say we stay here and finish off them soldiers.
29:56 All I want is to split that gold.
29:58 And I ain't got nothing so far but sunbaked.
30:02 Ready to go? I'll side with them.
30:05 Them soldiers have got to come here.
30:07 All we got to do is wait for 'em.
30:09 But if you feel you'd rather not make the stand with us, you can clear out.
30:13 No hard feelings.
30:15 Hmm!
30:16 No hard feelings, huh?
30:18 Now you listen to me.
30:23 Ever last one of you.
30:25 There ain't one of you got a chance of leaving these salt flats alive
30:29 less than I lead you.
30:31 I lead you!
30:33 Now where would you ambush eight men on flatlands like this?
30:43 But up ahead, there's places where we can pull it off.
30:46 Now go on, do like I told you. Start brushing out our tracks.
30:49 Ha!
30:51 [footsteps]
30:53 [dramatic music]
30:58 [dramatic music]
31:00 Spies.
31:26 [dramatic music]
31:28 [grunting]
31:29 Kenny! Get out of that water! It's poisoned!
31:32 Get out of there! Get out!
31:34 Get out of there! It's poisoned!
31:36 Get a lock on your head!
31:38 The water's good! It's not poisoned!
31:40 Let me have some water!
31:42 You just drunk your death, man!
31:44 The water's good! The water's good!
31:46 It's not poisoned!
31:48 I'm trying, Pat.
31:53 Kenny, make sure...
31:56 test that water again.
31:58 No need to, Cap.
32:00 Kelly himself will prove I was right.
32:02 You drunk and all that!
32:04 Billy's alone with so much poison down from liquor,
32:07 you don't know what you're doing!
32:09 You're pimping away for this water!
32:11 You don't...
32:13 [screaming]
32:15 [dramatic music]
32:22 [gasping]
32:24 Sergeant, bring a canteen.
32:26 We know you're doing that, Cap.
32:28 He can't swallow none, no how.
32:30 Move him over under the wagon. Cover him with a blanket.
32:42 There's four riders and one spare horse.
32:50 All headed away from here,
32:52 riding fast for the next waterhole.
32:55 And poison that one, too.
32:57 Yeah.
32:59 Another thing, Captain.
33:03 Only a scout would know his way around here
33:05 like them bushwhackers are doing.
33:07 A scout?
33:10 Might have to be cutter.
33:12 Go ahead while we still have some water left
33:17 and try to fight our way through.
33:19 Captain, Captain, there's rocks around that there waterhole.
33:23 Best place in the world for an ambush.
33:25 They'd pick us off before we ever seen 'em.
33:28 We're not gonna stay here and die, not without a fight.
33:31 You got an idea better than that?
33:33 Yeah. If they're still at that waterhole,
33:36 that water will be good until after they finish us off.
33:41 That makes sense, Charlie. Go on.
33:43 Yeah, but we gotta make sure they're still there
33:46 so when the moon sets, I'll start out, see?
33:49 I should make it in, oh, an hour or two.
33:52 No, Charlie, no. I'll go with some of my men.
33:55 Sergeant, you and Johnson will go with me.
33:58 Corporal.
34:00 No, Captain.
34:02 I'm a... I'm a scout.
34:08 I can do a better job alone.
34:10 All right, Charlie.
34:13 But after you get there, what then?
34:16 Well, if they ain't there and the water is still good,
34:20 I'll fire three shots.
34:22 Oh, well, Carter may have heard that signal before.
34:26 So this time I'll fire three shots,
34:28 wait a while, then fire two more.
34:30 And, Captain, when you hear them five shots, you come a-runnin'.
34:34 And if I don't hear the five shots?
34:37 If you don't hear 'em, you head due north.
34:40 Force march, travelin' by night.
34:43 Now, with any luck, you ought to make the highlands and water
34:47 in about two days.
34:49 Of course, the, uh, Cheyennes might be there too.
34:53 But then maybe, maybe it's better to be scouting
34:56 than die of thirst, huh?
34:58 I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Charlie.
35:07 Oh.
35:10 Thank you, Captain. Thank you.
35:13 Bye, horse.
35:25 Charlie, when I promise to come along with this deal, I'm in all the way.
35:29 No, no, you've done enough for me already. I just ain't worth it.
35:32 Can't you understand that?
35:34 If you leave me here, I'll just tag along after you.
35:37 Horse, you ain't a-comin' with me.
35:39 Besides, I travel faster alone.
35:42 Charlie, if I let you go out there alone,
35:45 I'd feel guilty the rest of my life.
35:47 That's better than being dead, ain't it?
35:49 You know better than that.
35:51 Here.
36:03 Five shots, right, Captain?
36:05 Charlie, there sure ain't no sign of 'em.
36:25 I don't mean them fellas up there hidin' in them rocks.
36:29 I don't like it. It just don't feel good.
36:32 We're gonna have to take a chance on them anyhow.
36:35 Let's go.
36:40 All right, but you be careful, son.
36:43 [ Panting ]
36:45 That Bernie Charlie's gonna take your old age to make up your mind?
37:06 - [ Screams ] - [ Horn Blows ]
37:10 [ Screaming ]
37:12 [ Screaming ]
37:18 Now you give a happy pimple.
37:38 Drink your fill, boys.
37:40 Then we're gonna have a nice long talk about my good friend Captain Pender.
37:44 Why didn't them soldier boys come with you?
38:04 How many of them are there left?
38:06 I reckon that's something you're gonna have to find out, mister.
38:09 Well, that's something I'm just gonna find out.
38:11 Cut it out!
38:13 - There. - They're back in the other waterhole.
38:17 - Charlie. - There's five of 'em.
38:20 One of 'em died.
38:22 They're waitin' for my signal to come on ahead.
38:25 Charlie!
38:27 Captain Pender, got any suspicion of me?
38:31 No, of course not.
38:34 Well, if we had any suspicions, you don't suppose that me and the horse...
38:38 would have come walkin' in here the way we done, do you?
38:41 No, I reckon not, being the scout you once was.
38:44 What's that signal?
38:46 - I ain't a-gonna tell you. - You ain't a-gonna tell me.
38:52 [ Laughing ]
38:54 Here, Laddy go. Fetch me my saddlebag.
39:03 You ain't a-gonna tell me.
39:05 Charlie?
39:10 This ought to make you talk, huh?
39:13 [ Laughing ]
39:16 It's all yours, Charlie. You just tell me what that signal is.
39:20 [ Laughing ]
39:22 My, I bet you got mighty dry for this, too.
39:26 Mmm. Smell it, Charlie, huh?
39:29 - What's the signal now, huh? - Don't you tell him, Charlie.
39:32 [ Laughing ]
39:34 Mmm.
39:36 That's too good to waste on you.
39:39 But...
39:41 - Tastes good, huh? - Yeah.
39:46 What's the signal, Charlie? And it's all yours, every last bit of it.
39:50 Signal. Three...
39:53 Three...
39:55 - Louder, Charlie. Louder. - Three shots.
39:58 Charlie. Charlie.
40:01 Three shots.
40:03 The signal is three shots.
40:06 I'm-I'm betting to hear some...
40:09 They'll move out.
40:11 And Jiner's here.
40:13 Three shots. Just like before.
40:16 But I want to make sure.
40:18 Hey, just like before, huh?
40:21 Yeah, that's right.
40:23 [ Laughing ] Hey, Buck, untie him.
40:27 [ Footsteps ]
40:29 - What about him? - Eh, one time.
40:36 He ain't going no place.
40:38 Now.
40:42 Now. Now.
40:44 - [ Laughing ] - I'll give it to you.
40:46 - Give it to me. - Here's your reward, Charlie.
40:49 [ Laughing ]
40:51 Hey, uh, is it all right, horse?
40:54 Yeah. I reckon you earned that one, Charlie.
40:58 This ought to bring 'em running like a flock of dumb sheep.
41:02 [ Gunshot ]
41:04 Three.
41:08 Go on, Charlie.
41:11 Just fire two more times.
41:15 Five shots, he said.
41:21 He's trying to warn us. They ran into trouble.
41:25 [ Laughing ]
41:41 We sure fooled him that time, didn't we, huh?
41:44 Okay. Well, the...
41:46 ...the cutter thought he was tormenting me into telling the truth.
41:51 And all the time, it was the cutter himself that gives the signal...
41:55 ...for Pender to start moving north.
41:58 Yeah.
42:00 They're gonna find out in a minute.
42:03 When they do, they'll ought to be real mean, Charlie.
42:07 Yeah, well, I-- I--
42:09 You know, here's the funny thing.
42:14 I got plenty of this dog-gone stuff.
42:17 I don't seem to want it.
42:19 You know, it kind of, uh-- kind of burns me inside.
42:23 Hey, cutter!
42:25 Cutter.
42:30 Look. Here they come.
42:32 Three soldier boys.
42:37 Only three.
42:42 Ain't none of them Pender.
42:44 He's a smart one.
42:48 Maybe he figures them going behind this butte and having himself a look-see.
42:52 Hey, Laddergoat, you get up among them rocks. Keep your eyes peeled.
42:55 You let me know, but don't you do no shooting, you hear?
42:59 You know, I-- I guess the only reason I drink that dog-gone stuff...
43:06 so that I can stop remembering that.
43:08 I just don't understand it.
43:11 That wasn't a signal for them to come up here.
43:13 It's yours.
43:15 Years ago, I led a whole detachment of cavalry into a kayaway trap.
43:21 They was all butchered, and they died cursing me.
43:25 Wasn't your fault, Charlie.
43:28 Yeah? That ain't good enough.
43:31 Look.
43:35 You keep watching that wagon.
43:38 Morgan, you take those two and you keep them out of sight.
43:41 I may need the old man later to weigh these on.
43:44 You two get over behind those rocks.
43:48 And don't try to let them know we're here. I'll break this gun barrel right over your heads.
43:52 Stay low.
43:54 No time at all now. We're gonna be divvying up that gold.
44:00 He must have spotted the others.
44:02 Now, you stay here, Buck. No shooting till I start it.
44:05 You be mighty careful how you go hitting them mules.
44:08 Two of them coming from the playhouse behind us. One of them's the captain.
44:12 That makes it easier for us.
44:14 We'll just let them sneak up on us before we start shooting.
44:17 We gotta do something, Horace. We gotta--
44:19 Shut up!
44:21 Old man.
44:27 Don't be so hoggy with that whiskey.
44:30 Fill that cup.
44:38 Sure.
44:40 Bring it over here.
44:46 Careful.
44:48 Careful.
44:50 Good work, Charlie. You go get Buck. I'm going after Cutter.
45:06 Aye.
45:08 I don't know if they're down there.
45:15 I'm not giving it away.
45:18 Let's get down to those four big rocks down there. See 'em?
45:23 Yeah. I'll go first.
45:43 Doggone it. I had him dead right.
45:46 We got him pinned down now. We can blast him out of there easy.
45:50 [Gunshots]
45:54 [Gunshots]
45:57 [Gunshot]
45:59 [Gunshots]
46:04 [Gunshots]
46:10 [Gunshots]
46:14 [Gunshots]
46:22 [Gunshots]
46:25 Cutter!
46:44 [Gunshots]
46:51 [Gunshots]
46:54 Here's the water. The water's good, Captain.
47:14 You can drink it.
47:16 It's just a crease, Charlie.
47:18 Corporal!
47:20 Corporal!
47:22 Bring up the wagon.
47:24 Get yourselves a drink.
47:27 Yee-haw!
47:47 Detail at hand.
47:50 Hut!
47:53 Scout.
48:02 Lead us out.
48:04 Sure, Captain.
48:07 Detail.
48:10 Forward. Forward.
48:12 Ho!
48:15 Ho!
48:18 [Music]
48:22 [Music]
48:25 [Music]
48:46 [Music]
48:49 [Music]
49:05 [Music]
49:08 [Music]
49:16 [Music]
49:19 (dramatic music)