30 Scariest Animal Encounters of The Year (Part 2)

  • last year
00:00 A motorcyclist got the scare of a lifetime after he got face to face with a herd of giant
00:08 aggressive bison.
00:09 At the beginning of the clip, a man can be seen recording a bison and its calf being
00:14 infatuated by and sniffing their car.
00:27 After a while, a man on a motorcycle can be seen approaching the area slowly and eventually
00:33 stops so as not to anger or startle the herd.
00:44 Males are generally more aggressive than female bison, but in this case where the female is
00:49 nursing things can get out of hand quickly.
01:01 After the encounter, the man recording and the motorcyclist quickly drove off.
01:07 An elephant sighting in Nagahori Tiger Reserve, India escalated into a terrifying encounter
01:13 with a massive animal after a driver drives too close to danger.
01:19 This horror striking encounter starts with a driver driving toward an elephant peacefully
01:25 grazing grass, which irritates the animal making it do something that makes the driver
01:30 extremely terrified.
01:43 Trying their best to stay out of reach, the driver hastily drives in reverse attempting
01:49 to flee from the angry and aggressive giant in front chasing the car.
02:04 Thankfully the elephant eventually loses interest and leaves him or her alone.
02:11 These tourists were on a peaceful organized tour in Botswana when they encountered someone
02:17 who wasn't too happy about having its picture taken.
02:33 Luckily the angry hippo wasn't fast enough to catch up to their tour bus, but it still
02:39 successfully managed to chase them away from its territory.
02:45 In Otto Elephant National Park, a few tourists were unfortunate enough to encounter a territorial
02:51 male rhino and you won't believe what happens next.
02:56 In the beginning, nothing appears out of the ordinary as the tour guides can be seen taking
03:01 pictures and observing the seemingly calm animal from a distance.
03:05 However, the rhino does not seem to appreciate their presence as it begins approaching their
03:11 car in an aggressive manner.
03:26 At this point, the men enter an intense confrontation with the untamable beast as it continues to
03:32 repeatedly charge towards them for the next few minutes.
03:52 Eventually things start getting way too unsafe and they immediately attempt to make an escape.
04:13 Luckily the rhino never came back and everyone made it back home in one piece.
04:20 In Jim Corbett National Park, a few tourists witnessed a tiger come face to face with an
04:26 elephant and the outcome is horrifying.
04:30 The video initially starts off with a view of both the elephant riders and the tiger
04:34 intensely staring each other down.
04:44 Meanwhile the tourists continue to photograph the event as things seem rather calm at first
04:50 but after a few minutes though, things take a shocking turn.
05:04 With the huge elephant bravely holding its ground, the predator luckily decides to give
05:10 up and head back into the bushes.
05:14 What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing snowmobile tour speedily got out of hand after
05:20 the group encountered a herd of aggressive bison.
05:23 The video begins with a group of tourists stopping to take pictures and videos of the
05:28 large bison they encountered during their snowmobile tour.
05:41 These herbivores can run up to 35 miles per hour despite being large animals so everyone
05:48 gets a terrifying realization after the herd gets a little too excited.
06:07 The group, shook up from the encounter, suddenly gets another scare when they see a bull charging
06:13 straight towards them.
06:25 Fortunately the approaching bull does not pay any attention to them and everyone is
06:29 safe.
06:32 What was supposed to be a fun trip to Kruger National Park, South Africa turned for the
06:37 worse after a group of tourists were the victims of a horrible elephant attack.
06:42 This bone chilling clip shows a blue car leading a convoy attempting to drive past an enormous
06:48 elephant that is blocking the road, preventing them from moving forward.
07:03 Suddenly the group starts to panic due to the danger of the situation and tries reversing
07:08 away but they unfortunately catch sight of the horrors happening ahead.
07:26 Unfortunately the clip ends abruptly and what happens next remains a mystery.
07:32 These locals in Nepal witnessed something unimaginable when an unsuspecting man got
07:38 in the way of an aggressive male rhino.
07:41 The video starts off by showing the animal calmly walking down the street while the few
07:47 locals watch in disbelief.
07:58 Eventually though a man can be seen trying to cross the street up ahead and this is when
08:03 things take a shocking turn.
08:17 After proving its point, the rhino doesn't cause any more trouble and simply walks back
08:22 towards the gate of the park from which it originally came.
08:27 A few people encountered a furious tiger in Jim Corbett Park and what happened next is
08:34 absolutely wild.
08:36 The video begins with the videographer capturing a zoomed in shot of a tiger that can be seen
08:41 sitting behind some trees.
08:51 Minutes go by as the men continue to bravely observe the predator from up close.
08:57 Unfortunately things don't remain so peaceful for much longer.
09:12 The furious tiger charged toward the jeep and came a little too close for comfort.
09:18 However by the end, the beast can be seen walking away towards the woods.
09:25 Justin from the Limitless Outdoors YouTube channel had the fear of his life after coming
09:31 face to face with an entire pack of hungry wolves all while being completely unarmed.
09:39 Having heard howls on a nearby mountain, he decides to let out a few calls with the help
09:45 of his whistle in order to grab their attention.
10:02 After only five minutes, members of the pack already start appearing right down the hill,
10:08 seemingly curious to find out what that noise was.
10:13 This is probably where I'd call it a day and decide to run for my life, but Justin
10:19 still tries to get them to come closer by letting out a few more hunting calls.
10:36 The two hungry man-eaters stare at the man for a few tense minutes, but eventually decide
10:43 to spare him to go back with the others who already started leaving.
10:48 I truly hope that Justin realizes how lucky he is to still be alive.
10:55 While on a relaxing canoeing expedition in Central Africa, two unlucky men got to see
11:03 the local wildlife a little closer than they would have liked.
11:07 In the beginning, nothing seems out of the ordinary as they seem to be casually drifting
11:13 down the river while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
11:23 Just as they start turning the corner though, two hippo heads can be seen poking out of
11:29 the water in the distance.
11:31 What happens next is not what they expected.
11:45 The men begin yelling at the animal while they quickly work to get their boat back to
11:50 land in an attempt to save their lives.
12:03 Once the two men make it back to safety, they hide quietly in the tall grass as the hippo
12:08 thankfully makes its retreat.
12:13 Shot at Jim Corbett National Park, this video captures a violent tiger chasing and trying
12:19 to attack an innocent group of tourists.
12:22 In the beginning, the wild animal is seen calmly walking towards the tourists who grab
12:28 this opportunity to take multiple photographs, making their presence known.
12:39 The predator is then observed trying to walk away, but the bystanders in the jeep continue
12:49 to instigate it.
12:51 What happens next is truly terrifying.
13:07 Luckily the tourists were quick to drive away and give the animal the space it wanted, allowing
13:13 it to finally walk back into the jungle completely.
13:18 A peaceful campsite in Yellowstone Campgrounds was quickly turned into a place of disaster
13:24 after a new and unexpected camper joined in on the fun.
13:29 This clip shows a man walking back to his camp when all of a sudden the camera reveals
13:34 something waiting menacingly for him.
13:47 Despite seeing the large bison, the man with his friends following closely behind him continue
13:53 to walk towards their spot slowly.
13:56 Bison are confident and tough animals that react to perceived threats aggressively, so
14:01 it comes as no surprise when it decides to do this.
14:16 Thankfully the bison only bluff charges and leaves right after the incident.
14:22 A group of friends in Chitwan National Park got dangerously close to a young rhino just
14:28 trying to go about its day unbothered.
14:31 The clip initiates with the animal roaming around right next to the group of locals,
14:36 one of whom seems to be using a small tree for his protection.
14:50 To avoid provoking the fearless rhino, the group of friends do their best to stay out
14:55 of its way as it continues to stroll around carelessly.
15:14 After many tense minutes, the animal luckily decides to spare them and continues in the
15:19 opposite direction.
15:21 A supposed graceful and fun parade became the site of a terrifying incident after a
15:29 group of elephants involved in the parade decided to rebel and crash the event.
15:35 At the beginning of the video, a group of people can be seen parading around the streets
15:40 while onlookers record from their houses and on the sidewalks.
15:48 After a while, the event starts to turn for the worse as people start running away screaming
15:55 after the giant animals decide to do something extremely horrifying.
16:10 As if the roars and stomps aren't enough, the crowd begins to panic and scream louder
16:16 as one of the riders of the elephant suffers their wrath when this happens.
16:27 Sadly, the clip ends without showing what happens at the end of this terrifying encounter.
16:39 In Okavango Delta, Ed Stafford from the Discovery Channel had an absolutely jaw-dropping encounter
16:45 with a hippo that decided to invade his campsite.
16:49 The clip immediately starts off as the man can be seen hiding behind a tree, hoping that
16:55 the enormous beast doesn't notice him.
17:10 Fearing for his life, he proceeds to flee up a tree in the middle of his camp, staying
17:15 safely out of reach while he allows the intrusive animal to roam nearby.
17:35 Stafford waits for the hippo to walk back into the river before finally descending from
17:40 the tree and continuing his show as originally planned.
17:46 In Northern Ontario, an unarmed man on a simple snowmobile decided to purposely locate and
17:54 chase down a threatening lone wolf on a frozen lake.
17:59 Most likely scared by the noise emitted by the vehicle, the animal immediately sprints
18:05 away and begins running in zigzags.
18:22 The wolf comes close to losing the man a few times, but its speed is unfortunately no match
18:28 for the snowmobile.
18:30 At some point, the man comes inches away from fatally hitting the predator with his vehicle
18:36 a few times, but never succeeds in doing so.
18:54 Eventually the man gets fed up with chasing the animal and shuts off his camera to get
18:59 back to camp while he still can.
19:03 Let's hope that that wolf doesn't come back for revenge in the middle of the night.
19:12 At Tula Tula Game Reserve in South Africa, a few American tourists on a honeymoon encountered
19:19 the wrong pair of rhinos at the wrong time.
19:23 The clip starts off with the two animals briskly walking towards the jeep, however as the vehicle
19:29 continues to gain speed, the rhinos also begin running faster.
19:43 Now getting verbally provoked by the cameraman and his group, the wild animals can be seen
19:48 practically galloping towards the speeding vehicle.
20:01 Eventually though, the video suddenly comes to an end and the outcome sadly remains a
20:07 mystery.
20:10 A bunch of people in Yellowstone got to see a bison's true power after an incident involving
20:16 a minivan and a bison stuck in traffic together.
20:20 This clip begins by showing a road in Yellowstone being used by a herd of large bison, stopping
20:26 all the traffic.
20:27 Not a few seconds after the clip begins, a minivan gets too close for comfort, which
20:32 makes one of the animals angry.
20:44 The car's exterior proves to be inferior to the bison's muscular head and neck after
20:51 we get to see the damage when the car drives off.
21:04 Fortunately everyone is safe including the driver and no one gets seriously injured.
21:12 While turkey hunting by himself, a man completely froze in fear after being stalked by a rather
21:19 curious white wolf looking for breakfast.
21:24 This chilling clip starts off with the hunter filming something unknown roaming around the
21:31 tree line in front of him.
21:43 Still trying to identify the animal, he proceeds to let out a few turkey calls in order to
21:50 lure it closer.
21:56 Luckily, having probably spotted a different prey up ahead, the animal sprints away to
22:11 the left of the tree line and disappears in the wilderness.
22:16 This situation could have gone wrong in so many ways that I'd rather not think about
22:21 it.
22:22 A fun trip on a safari became extremely terrifying after a safari vehicle filled with tourists
22:33 came face to face with a herd of elephants.
22:36 This encounter starts off intensely as the video shows a large herd of elephants running
22:42 towards a jeep leaving the passengers terrified and concerned.
22:57 The driver surprisingly remains calm and maneuvers through the dirt road carefully despite the
23:03 herd of towering elephants running towards the group.
23:16 Fortunately the elephants stop chasing the group after they get far enough away.
23:22 In the vast forests of Nepal, a man was trotting his path on an elephant when a wild beast
23:29 surprised him from out of nowhere.
23:31 For a couple of minutes, the jungle appears empty with no sign of danger.
23:36 However, two minutes into this video, a tiger can be seen suddenly appearing in the distance,
23:43 which the man bravely decides to start following around.
23:59 After chasing the animal for a few minutes, the videographer spots it amidst the jungle
24:04 yet again.
24:05 This time though, it clearly acknowledges his presence as it can be seen staring him
24:11 down.
24:21 A few moments later, the beast decides that enough is enough and immediately asserts its
24:26 dominance by growling and charging towards the cameraman.
24:41 By the end, the man thankfully decides to leave the territorial predator alone and go
24:47 on with his expedition somewhere else.
24:53 On Nutka Island in British Columbia, YouTuber Dave Buzette and his friend had a shockingly
25:00 close encounter with a lone wolf looking for its pack.
25:05 Having just landed on the island, both men immediately start recording as they spot the
25:10 predator coming down from the forest up ahead.
25:14 It immobilizes not too far away in order to let out a few loud howls, most likely trying
25:21 to locate its pack.
25:36 Both parties continue howling at each other for a few more minutes before the predator,
25:43 unfortunately, decides to come get a closer look at its potential dinner.
25:49 Despite the wolf being right there and clearly showing no fear, the two friends continue
25:56 acting completely normally while still letting out a couple more howls.
26:08 Finally, having likely heard the calls from its pack in the distance, the animal thankfully
26:22 turns away and runs back up the beach into the woods.
26:27 Those two men should thank God every day that that wolf wasn't joined by its pack of man-eaters.
26:37 A man visiting an African safari had a nerve-wracking encounter with a full-grown rhino.
26:44 Keep watching to find out what happened.
26:47 At first, he is seen recording the pair of rhinos as they appear to be enjoying the tasty
26:52 grass when the mother suddenly starts approaching him.
27:09 With the man now absolutely frozen in fear, both animals continue to stare him down while
27:16 standing just a few inches away.
27:34 At some point though, the mother most likely gets tired of having a camera in her face
27:39 and decides to do this.
27:52 After many stressful minutes, things finally calm down as the rhinos can be seen walking
27:57 away for good.
28:00 A family that was camping in Yellowstone got to meet a terrifying local up close after
28:06 they failed to stop their dog from barking.
28:09 This terrifying clip opens with a man telling his son to control their dog's barking in
28:15 hopes of not angering the bison staring at them from a distance.
28:29 They fail to control their dog, which makes the bison walk up to their camp as they watch,
28:35 trying to remain calm.
28:47 Luckily for the family, the buffalo has its tail down throughout the encounter, signifying
28:52 a calm and docile nature instead of an aggressive mood.
29:07 The animal eventually leaves after a while, leaving them unharmed.
29:13 An exciting motorboat ride through the waters of Africa took a frightening turn when these
29:18 friends were suddenly pursued by a territorial hippo.
29:22 Initially, the driver begins slowing down the boat in order to allow the passengers
29:27 to observe the two hippos they had just spotted in the distance.
29:42 Nothing seems too alarming at first, until one of the men suddenly notices that they
29:47 are now being chased down by one of the animals.
30:05 The driver, luckily recognizing the danger of the situation, begins to speed away to
30:10 save his friends from the quickly approaching hippo.
30:26 After a few rather stressful minutes, the hippo finally decides to spare them and just
30:32 disappears back underwater.
30:36 A group of tourists got the experience of a lifetime after they were greeted by an aggressive
30:42 and angry elephant during a trip to Serengeti in northern Tanzania, Africa.
30:48 This clip begins with a group of tourists riding a jeep, getting up close to a herd
30:53 of enormous elephants, attempting to get to the other side of the road.
31:09 Unable to keep up with the herd, an enormous male bull does this after its path is blocked
31:15 by the tourist, making it unable to catch up with its herd.
31:29 The towering bull attempts to scare the tourists multiple times, but to no avail, making him
31:35 angrier and more aggressive as he tries to charge again and again.
31:40 In an attempt to calm the aggressive, raging animal, the tourists decide to drive far away
31:46 from the spot as the huge animal keeps chasing them despite their efforts.
31:54 Thankfully, it loses interest and stops chasing the tourists, leaving no one harmed.
32:08 A family of tourists got more than what they came for after they see something unexpected
32:14 happen during their wildlife feeding trip.
32:17 The video opens by showing their car approaching a Texas longhorn and stopping in front to
32:22 feed it.
32:33 While feeding the cow, an enormous bison can be seen watching and observing them from the
32:39 trees.
32:50 Despite being nearsighted, the bison knows well enough about what is going on and decides
32:56 to join in on the fun.
33:08 After being charged by the bison, the Texas longhorn gets out of the way and leaves the
33:12 spot, hoping to not anger the bull more.
33:15 Thankfully, no one, including the family, gets seriously injured and they continue feeding
33:20 the animals.
33:23 Somewhere in Namibia, a man came face to face with a massive rhino and things didn't quite
33:30 go as expected.
33:31 Initially, the gigantic rhino can be seen calmly walking towards his car, eventually
33:37 getting a little too close for comfort.
33:51 As the cameraman inside the vehicle pretends to be unbothered by the animal's presence,
33:56 something happens that quickly made him reconsider.
34:07 However, the man inside the vehicle, surprisingly, continues to maintain his composure as the
34:21 video unfortunately comes to an end.
34:26 A large group of tourists in Yellowstone National Park were taught an important lesson after
34:32 some of them got too close to a large bison.
34:35 Yellowstone National Park is the only place in the U.S. where bison have continuously
34:40 lived since prehistoric times, so people often go there to witness them.
34:52 Naturally, people around the area keep taking pictures and videos of it up close, which
35:00 annoys the animal, making it do this.
35:14 The tourists near the encounter manage to run away from the charge in time and decide
35:19 to keep their distance after what happened.
35:29 Thankfully, the park officers controlled the situation before it escalated.
