• last year


00:00 These five terrifying crocodile encounters will make you stay away from rivers for as
00:06 long as you live.
00:08 Number 5 On the edge of a river in Costa Rica, a group
00:13 of tourists witnessed something jaw-dropping when their courageous tour guide tried feeding
00:20 a hungry crocodile with his own hands.
00:24 Before anything, the tour guide taps the record button and then casually walks up to the river
00:29 bank in hopes of attracting the crocodile's attention.
00:39 Everybody then sees the head of a crocodile poking out of the water as the courageous
00:44 man starts feeding it some pieces of meat.
00:59 With the huge predator right in front of him, the tour guide for some reason stays just
01:05 inches away from its mouth as it keeps staring him down.
01:19 Everyone on board spends the next few moments observing the crocodile, but the guide eventually
01:24 starts walking to the boat and stops recording.
01:28 Number 4 This intense clip picks up right as a group
01:33 of fishermen steer their boat towards the shoreline to have a closer look at a massive
01:39 crocodile they just spotted.
01:41 Just as their boat draws near though, things suddenly take a horrifying turn.
01:53 Not wanting any more trouble, the group decides to leave the angry crocodile alone and carry
01:59 on with their day.
02:01 Number 3 While boating around somewhere in Indonesia,
02:06 two locals came across a huge crocodile that unfortunately didn't seem to be in a very
02:12 welcoming mood.
02:14 Initially, the video starts off after one of the men spots and decides to approach a
02:19 huge crocodile up ahead lying harmlessly in its nest.
02:38 Many minutes go by without anything crazy happening as the locals remain in their boat
02:45 right next to the predator, all while casually having a conversation.
03:05 Eventually though, things suddenly take a dangerous turn when this happens.
03:18 Luckily for them, the crocodile seems uninterested in the men and swims away in the murky river.
03:26 Number 2 On the Adelaide River of Australia, an expedition
03:31 took a sharp turn when a courageous tour guide tried feeding one of the largest crocodiles
03:37 in the country from up close.
03:39 The tourists turn on their cameras as the man can be seen splashing his tasty piece
03:45 of meat attached to a long pole in the water to attract the crocodile's attention.
04:02 The hungry predator takes the bait and slowly swims towards the river's edge where the
04:08 guide continues to put on a show by teasing the animal with his pole.
04:28 Now dangerously close to the boat, the guide carries on with his display by baiting the
04:33 crocodile with more meat and things start getting a little unsafe.
04:47 The video unfortunately ends there and the tourists, most likely, just went on with their
04:53 expedition.
04:54 Number 1 In the Grassy Waters Reserve Park in Florida,
05:00 an innocent couple was on an average walk in nature when they experienced something
05:05 that left them completely traumatized.
05:08 In the beginning of the video, the woman stumbles upon a poor white bird tangled in a fishing
05:14 line and slowly begins to approach it in hopes of freeing it.
05:27 Before she can go any further, something happens that makes her quickly regret her decision.
05:44 With the woman still in shock by what just happened, they proceed to record for a few
05:50 more minutes before they decide to put an end to their video.
05:54 Thanks for watching until the end.
05:56 Check out this other video that is sure to give you the chills.
06:00 I'll see you there.
