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00:00 The Doctor and their TARDIS can go just about anywhere in time and space, and as it turns
00:05 out, so can Doctor Who itself.
00:08 Various bits of Hooniverse iconography, from the TARDIS to the Daleks to bow ties to specific
00:14 lines of dialogue, have been appearing in non-Hoo movies and video games for decades,
00:20 not to mention the insane number of TV shows that have also sneaked in Doctor Who references
00:26 over the years.
00:27 In fact, there are so many examples of the latter, that our first list covering this
00:33 subject just simply wasn't enough.
00:36 Our pop culture savvy viewers left us so many suggestions in the comments of our original
00:42 video that we decided to make a second list, using examples left by our very own WhoCulture
00:48 audiences.
00:49 And so, with that in mind then, I'm Ellie with WhoCulture, with 10 times Doctor Who
00:56 appeared in other TV shows, the commenter edition.
01:00 Number 10, Red Dwarf.
01:02 Classic British sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf doesn't take itself too seriously, and so it is exactly
01:08 the type of TV show that you would expect to contain a fun Doctor Who easter egg.
01:13 In the episode "Demons and Angels", the Red Dwarf crew accidentally creates good and
01:18 evil copies of their ship, which leads to the original ship blowing up.
01:23 As the crew escapes this explosion by blasting through the cargo bay doors using the Starbug,
01:28 you might be able to spot a certain blue box tucked away in the background.
01:33 Of course, we know that time travel does indeed exist in the Red Dwarf universe.
01:37 The gang discovers a time travel device in the episode "Out of Time", and with the
01:41 TARDIS also kicking around, we can only assume that the Doctor is somewhere out there too,
01:46 munching jammy Dodgers and kicking Sontaran butts.
01:49 Red Dwarf and Doctor Who also crossed over in the 1998 special "Red Dwarf A-Z", where
01:55 two Daleks claim that the works of Shakespeare were written by a Dalek.
02:00 Ah yes, who could forget that famous Shakespeare quote, "To exterminate or not to exterminate,
02:07 that is the question."
02:08 Number 9, Mr. Bean.
02:11 Mr. Bean star Rowan Atkinson famously played an Elseworlds version of the Doctor in Stephen
02:17 Moffat's 1999 charity spoof "The Curse of Fatal Death", but that wasn't the first time
02:24 the comedy legend had crossed paths with Doctor Who.
02:27 Seven years earlier, the bumbling Bean got his very own Christmas special titled "Merry
02:32 Christmas, Mr. Bean", in which he ventures into town for a spot of Christmas shopping,
02:37 but of course he ends up causing a fair bit of havoc along the way.
02:41 His first mischievous act is to smash some baubles on the floor by playing with them
02:45 like bouncy balls, which he then follows up by meddling with the store's miniature nativity
02:49 scene.
02:50 Not exactly keeping with tradition, Bean introduces various different toys to the scene, including
02:55 a group of soldiers, a dinosaur, and eventually a rather chunky Dalek, which Bean uses to
03:01 blow a small lamb to smithereens.
03:03 Now, we've seen the Daleks do some pretty heinous stuff in Doctor Who, but almost murdering
03:09 Jesus in the crib?
03:10 That's got to be a new evil gold standard.
03:13 8. Milo Murphy's Law
03:15 Now, Disney seems to have quite a few Doctor Who fans in its stable, with movies like Encanto,
03:22 Cars 2 and Big Hero 6 all containing some sort of Doctor Who nod.
03:28 On the TV side of things, the people who created Disney Channel's Milo Murphy's Law are also
03:34 clearly Doctor Who fans, as evidenced by the ongoing mentions of a sci-fi franchise called
03:40 Doctor Zone.
03:41 The character of Doctor Zone, an eccentric time traveller with a very Doctor-esque fashion
03:46 sense, has appeared in various movies and TV shows within the Milo Murphy's Law universe.
03:53 Milo and his friends are big Doctor Zone fans, even having a marathon of the Doctor Zone
03:58 files in the season 1 episode of the same name.
04:01 Even just by looking at it, it's clear that the Doctor Zone franchise is a riff on Doctor
04:05 Who, and other more specific details, like the trash can droids resembling Daleks, mentions
04:12 of Doctor Zone being around for over 50 years, and the fact that one episode of Milo Murphy's
04:18 Law involves Doctor Zone's missing Black and White pilot episode from 1965, only hammer
04:24 the parody home.
04:26 7. Leverage
04:27 Leverage is an American show that UK audiences probably aren't familiar with.
04:33 Despite running for five seasons from 2008 to 2012, and proving popular enough to warrant
04:39 a 2021 revival, it never really made a huge splash globally, although its favourable critical
04:46 reception does make it worth checking out for fans of crime drama shows.
04:50 It may also be of interest to sci-fi fans too, with Star Trek alums Jerry Ryan and Will
04:56 Wheaton appearing in recurring roles, alongside one-time Doctor Who star Mark Shepard, who
05:02 played Canton Everett Delaware III in The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.
05:07 Oh, and Russell, since you're probably watching this, we'd like to see more of Canton, so
05:12 if you'd like to bring him back…
05:14 Leverage is also chock full of Doctor Who references that even casual Whovians will
05:19 definitely catch, from "bow ties are cool" to "Smith, Tennant, Davison, McCoy, Sarah
05:25 Jane and Baker" being used as aliases, and even a Black and White scene containing a
05:31 remix of the Doctor Who theme tune.
05:33 Not exactly subtle, but it's great to see nonetheless.
05:36 Number 6.
05:37 Rick and Morty
05:38 Now, Rick and Morty obviously contains a number of parallels with Doctor Who, from Rick being
05:44 the eccentric supergenius, to Morty being the more relatable companion, to the general
05:49 idea of exploring the universe through time and interstellar travel.
05:54 Creator Dan Harmon has even mentioned Doctor Who as a primary influence for the show, so
05:59 it was really only a matter of time before a direct nod to the Whoniverse appeared in
06:04 one of Rick and Morty's crazy adventures.
06:07 That time came in the season 3 finale "The Rickturian Morty Date", where Rick basically
06:12 spends the entire episode trying to get one over on the President of the United States.
06:17 Not known for his humility, Rick soon proceeds to brag about how awesome he is, directly
06:22 telling his rival "You don't know who I am or what I can do.
06:26 I'm Doctor Who in this mother…
06:28 Now, not to split hairs Mr Harmon, clearly you wrote it this way to make the reference
06:33 clear.
06:34 But it's "The Doctor", not "Doctor Who".
06:37 But pedantic nitpicks aside, it's a really cool line acknowledging the fact that the
06:42 Doctor is one of the most badass, fearsome characters in all of pop culture.
06:48 Number 5.
06:49 The Librarians
06:50 Despite having a solid run of over 40 episodes across four seasons, fantasy series The Librarians
06:56 seems to have been largely forgotten about since its cancellation in 2018.
07:02 Largely being the operative word here, because we did get a lot of comments from people who
07:06 seem to be not only genuine fans of the show, but also noted that it contains a pretty cool
07:13 Doctor Who reference in its season 2 finale.
07:16 Here our lead characters explore a room they call the Time Machine Room, which as you may
07:21 have guessed is littered with various time machines.
07:24 It's quite hard to spot due to the dark lighting of the scene, but one of these machines
07:29 happens to be the TARDIS, which is visible for a few brief frames when Cassandra lifts
07:34 a sheet.
07:35 If you look closely, you can make out several distinctive TARDIS features, from the handles,
07:40 to the windows, to that ever-present white plaque on the left door.
07:44 Shortly after this TARDIS cameo, we then get an appearance from Back to the Future's
07:49 DeLorean, giving us a quick double whammy of iconic pop culture time machines.
07:54 Number 4 - The Big Bang Theory
07:56 With the Big Bang Theory revolving around a group of geeks who frequently reference
08:00 different pop culture properties, it would almost be a crime if Doctor Who didn't make
08:05 the cut.
08:06 Fortunately, Sheldon and the gang deliver, with the show dropping numerous Doctor Who
08:10 easter eggs throughout its impressive 12 season run.
08:14 In fact, there are almost too many examples to mention.
08:16 There's Stuart's fourth Doctor cosplay in season 4's The Justice League recombination,
08:21 Penny, Amy, Sheldon and Leonard watching a Doctor Who episode in season 5's The Beta
08:26 Test initiation, along with Sheldon mentioning a Doctor Who convention called WhoCon, and
08:31 Vincent van Gogh's exploding TARDIS painting appearing in season 6's The Bakersfield Expedition.
08:36 And of course, there are obligatory cameos from the TARDIS and the Daleks.
08:41 Again, the Big Bang Theory is a treasure trove of pop culture nods, and Doctor Who fans are
08:46 served some of those delicious easter eggs on a regular basis.
08:50 3.
08:51 My Little Pony
08:52 Now, My Little Pony was the most popular pick in the comments of our original video.
08:59 And as those commenters pointed out, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, which aired a staggering
09:04 200 episodes over the course of the 2010s, features a character who goes by several different
09:12 names including Doctor Hooves and Time Turner.
09:15 Whatever you prefer to call him, this little guy bears several visual similarities to the
09:20 Doctor, from his brown and spiky tenant-esque hair, to his penchant for bow ties and multicoloured
09:25 scarves, to the fact that he literally has an hourglass mark on his back leg, alluding
09:31 to the Doctor's timey-wimey tendencies.
09:33 Hilariously, some My Little Pony fans actually refer to him as the last survivor of Gallop
09:39 Frey.
09:40 Although, it is kind of difficult to imagine this innocent little pony murdering his own
09:44 kind in a brutal war against the Daleks.
09:46 2.
09:47 It's a Sin
09:48 Just like Stephen Moffat sneaked Doctor Who references into Sherlock, former and future
09:53 showrunner Russell T Davies has also included nods to the beloved sci-fi series in some
09:59 of his other works.
10:01 In his 2021 drama miniseries It's a Sin, RTD didn't just include a small line of dialogue
10:07 or a little background easter egg.
10:10 Oh no.
10:11 Being the superfan that he is, he decided to create a fictional 80s Doctor Who serial
10:18 called Regression of the Daleks, film it, and then include that in the storyline of
10:24 It's a Sin.
10:25 This occurs in It's a Sin's fourth episode, with lead character Richie Tozer, an aspiring
10:30 actor, appearing in Regression of the Daleks, fighting off an onslaught by the unstoppable
10:36 plunger-wielding foes.
10:37 RTD created this scene in honour of the late Dursley McLindon, an actor who appeared in
10:43 the very real Doctor Who serial Remembrance of the Daleks as Mike Smith, and was also
10:48 an ardent campaigner for various AIDS charities.
10:51 In a direct tip of the hat to McLindon, Richie's character is called Trooper Lyndon.
10:56 It's a really touching backstory, but even those who aren't familiar with the heartfelt
11:01 subtext will find Regression of the Daleks to be an entertaining, convincingly made love
11:06 letter to the cheesier, more low-budget 1980s days of Doctor Who.
11:11 And RTD has even hinted that Regression of the Daleks may be novelised, and so Trooper
11:16 Lyndon's war against the Daleks may yet be fleshed out even further.
11:21 Number 1.
11:22 Extras.
11:23 Ricky Gervais's critically acclaimed comedy series Extras was not afraid to poke fun at
11:28 some absolute Hollywood legends, such as Patrick Stewart, Ben Stiller and Samuel L. Jackson,
11:35 and so literally nothing was off limits when Gervais was picking his targets.
11:41 Doctor Who became one of those targets in the show's 2007 Christmas special, when Gervais's
11:46 character Andy Millman, a down-on-his-luck background actor, reluctantly takes a role
11:51 in the Who-niverse as an alien called Shlong.
11:54 Clearly intended to mock Doctor Who's often questionable production values and unconvincing
11:59 monster costumes, Shlong, who somewhat resembles the Absorbaloff from New Who's second series,
12:04 is ultimately defeated by the Tenth Doctor, who hilariously is actually played by David
12:10 Tennant.
12:11 The whole thing is intentionally stupid and laughable, with the Doctor vanquishing his
12:14 mighty foe by hitting him with table salt.
12:17 Full credit to Tennant, who somehow manages to sell the sci-fi babble he's been given,
12:22 and Gervais, who overacts his socks off to a rather amusing degree.
12:26 Ultimately, though, Shlong was simply no match for the Time Lord Victorious.
12:32 And that concludes our second list.
12:35 If you can think of any others that we've missed, then do let us know in the comments
12:38 below and maybe we'll have a third edition.
12:41 While you're there, also remember to like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
12:46 And you can also head over to Twitter and follow us there, and I can be found across
12:50 various social medias just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
12:53 I've been Ellie with WhoCulture, and in the words of River Song herself, goodbye, sweeties.
