Qu'est ce que l'entérocolite nécrosante, la maladie dont pourrait souffrir la fille d'Amandine Pelli

  • last year
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Qu'est-ce que l'entérocolite nécrosante, la maladie dont pourrait souffrir la fille d'Amandine Pellissard ?

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00:22 The world of the premas, one step forward, two steps back.
00:30 If the choice of Alexandre and Amandine Pellissare to work in the world of adult content after
00:38 their departure from many families has been commented on and widely criticized, the Internet users
00:42 will today be largely behind them while the couple is going through a difficult time.
00:46 The Pellissare tribe was supposed to grow for the fall but the little one finally arrived,
00:55 almost without crying, on August 6, with more than three months in advance.
00:58 From the height of her 33 cm and her 810 grams, Maena is launched into her fight for life.
01:11 Amandine Pellissare admires her valiant and accompanies her journey from many skin to skin
01:16 that allows mother and daughter to continue to tie the knot.
01:19 But the struggle is exhausting and the mother of many families admits to being frustrated
01:25 by her discovery of the world of the great prematurity, made of a few steps forward
01:30 and many steps back.
01:31 An emotional elevator that gives her the feeling of being in a laundry since the birth
01:40 of her daughter.
01:41 The necrosis enterocolitis, a serious disease common in premature and in three weeks of
01:49 life, the laundry has worked to the full.
01:51 The girl contracted a yellowish skin that forced the neonatal service to put her under
01:59 the lamp.
02:00 If the baby struggled, she then experienced a few scary episodes of tachycardia before
02:08 triggering an infection at the end of last week.
02:11 In Instagram Story on August 29, Amandine mentioned the two days that had just passed
02:20 explaining that it had been complicated.
02:22 Her infection was getting better, she said.
02:27 But yesterday at the end of the day the staff was a little worried because she was balled up.
02:32 And there is an infection in premature babies like Maena which is the necrosis enterocolitis
02:39 which is really to be monitored closely when there are symptoms and the air in the digestive
02:44 system is dead.
02:45 And to continue last night so it was not going too well, so she was fed in perfusion instead
02:53 of the probe.
02:54 They put her on a diet to avoid digestion and limit swallowing.
03:02 They give her abdomen massages, they are very careful, Amandine explained.
03:10 And if the nursing staff is so cautious, it is explained by the fact that this disease
03:19 is the most common gastrointestinal emergency in the newborn and it can be fatal.
03:23 Despite all these concerns, Amandine Pellissara, on August 29, celebrated a nice victory in
03:32 front of her daughter's care table.
03:34 Maena now weighs 1.025 grams.
03:40 A victory that calls for more.
03:42 Thank you for watching.
04:08 Bye.
04:14 Bye.
04:27 Bye.
