Brandt's Cormorant momma gives chick some 'tough love' while feeding it

  • last year
When you actively participate in bird-watching, you're bound to come across comically strange visuals, just like the one Monique Dao did while filming this video.

The head-scratching footage shows a Brandt's Cormorant momma trying to feed her baby. However, the way she's trying to put food in the youngling's mouth could easily confuse anyone, making them think the birdies are having a scrap!

"Had a magical time watching this Brandt's Cormorant parent trying to feed her big chick," Monique stated in her chat with WooGlobe. "Cormorants feed chicks by regurgitating food to them, but they just look like they're swallowing their babies' heads!"
Location: San Diego, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA528063
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