• last year
Durante o porgrama Alterosa Esporte desta quarta-feira (30), Hugão trouxe comentou a possibilidade de Paulo Autuori, diretor do Cruzeiro, assumir o comando técnico da equipe. Hugão trouxe a informação de que Autuori não será treinador do Cruzeiro.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/futebol/brasileirao-serie-a/time/cruzeiro/noticia/2023/08/30/dirigente-do-cruzeiro-e-especulado-no-flamengo/

Pelo menos por enquanto, Autuori será um dos responsáveis por definir o novo técnico do Cruzeiro.

Autuori foi um dos muitos nomes cotados para assumir o lugar de Pepa, mas ele negou em entrevista à ESPN essa possibilidade. “Chance zero. Nem agora e aqui, tampouco em outro lugar e momento. Minha função no futebol, hoje, e até o fim da minha vida profissional, não será mais como treinador”, disse. A Raposa definiu que o treinador da categoria sub-20, Fernando Seabra, assume a equipe principal até a definição do novo técnico.

Acesse o site: https://noataque.com.br / https://uai.com.br


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#Hugão #Cruzeiro #Autuori #treinador


00:00 we anticipated the possibility of at least one conversation on Monday.
00:04 But that would be the current coach of Cruzeiro,
00:08 the chosen one to succeed Pepa,
00:11 with the word "roll the ball" now for Hugão.
00:16 Leopoldo Siqueira, backstage information from the inside.
00:19 For some time, I didn't bother this friend of mine who works there.
00:21 But this time I said, "Bro, today the business is beyond normal."
00:26 Because after Cruzeiro became a safe,
00:28 maybe it's the first time,
00:30 except for Pepa's situation, which was different,
00:32 because Pezzolano had already shown he didn't want to stay,
00:35 where there was so much turbulence regarding the resignation of a coach.
00:40 Especially because of what Ronaldo said before,
00:43 that he didn't like it so much on the podcast,
00:44 he said he didn't want this thing of the coach's resignation
00:47 in the middle of the season.
00:49 And yes, I was resistant to this idea of Paulo Ottori.
00:53 "Hugão, are you digging that it's going to be Paulo Ottori?"
00:55 No, I'm not digging. Look at the information that came.
00:58 Leopoldo, it's a fact that Cruzeiro has some names that work,
01:01 that he thought about replacing Pepa,
01:04 and some of them, even some time ago, started talking.
01:08 But at this moment, anywhere you go,
01:10 and say, "Cruzeiro has a conversation with so-and-so,
01:11 he has a conversation with Beltran, he has a conversation with Ciclano."
01:14 Cruzeiro didn't look for anyone.
01:15 He didn't look for Coiaba's coach, he didn't look for so-and-so's coach,
01:17 he didn't look for Bruno, he didn't look for anyone.
01:18 That's the information I got from the inside.
01:21 What happened?
01:22 After Pepa's collective interview,
01:25 Ronaldo's idea wasn't to fire Pepa.
01:29 When he saw the collective interview,
01:30 he kind of gave up,
01:32 he gave the responsibility to the cast, saying,
01:34 "If I could replace the 10, and so on, so on."
01:37 Ronaldo looked at the goalkeeper, who was a star,
01:39 and said, "This guy lost this cast now."
01:42 And then the idea came,
01:44 "Fire him because there are no conditions
01:47 for what can happen from now on."
01:50 And then what happened?
01:51 Well, let's go after those names that we already thought about,
01:53 that we already had a pre-conversation.
01:55 Someone from Cruzeiro said,
01:57 "No, we have someone here who has the possibility
01:59 to do this second round,
02:01 we have a technical commission that already knows the players,
02:05 it can be continued until the end of the year,
02:09 and we would have time to think about this condition
02:13 of a new coach, and the coach would arrive."
02:16 The new coach would arrive at the end of the year
02:18 and prepare for the 2024 season.
02:23 That's the information I got from inside.
02:27 And then there's that song from the 80s,
02:29 "In the balance of the hours, everything can change."
02:31 In 24 hours, everything can change in football.
02:34 You can paint a new guy, and so on.
02:35 But the truth is that Paulo Tori is a little resistant
02:38 in relation to this invitation,
02:40 because he already has another career perspective,
02:44 which is not to be on the edge of the field.
02:46 Can it be Paulo Tori?
02:48 It can be.
02:49 Can it be another coach?
02:50 We have to wait, but that's the information I got from inside.
02:53 He, as a coach, has other information.
02:56 It seems that Paulo Tori...
02:59 "In the balance of the hours, everything can change."
03:02 But the information that comes from Cruzeiro
03:04 is that Paulo Tori will not take over the team of Cruzeiro.
03:07 [BEEP]
