• 2 years ago
Dans un bouleversement géopolitique majeur, l'ajout de six nouvelles nations aux BRICS annonce une refonte de l'ordre mondial, cherchant une alternative au leadership américain et aux institutions internationales actuelles. Cet élargissement, dévoilé lors du Sommet des BRICS à Johannesburg sous la présidence de Cyril Ramaphosa, implique l'intégration de l'Argentine, de l'Égypte, de l'Éthiopie, de l'Iran, de l'Arabie saoudite et des Émirats arabes unis. Les BRICS-11, conscients de l'inadéquation des règles et des institutions en place, cherchent à créer un front uni pour faire valoir leurs intérêts sur la scène internationale.
Cet élargissement des BRICS représente un pivot radical vers une alternative géopolitique à l'ordre mondial actuel, en remettant en question le leadership américain et en réclamant une voix plus forte pour les puissances non-occidentales. La diversité des nouveaux membres, annoncée par le Président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa lors du Sommet de Johannesburg, reflète la volonté de créer un consensus plus large pour remodeler les institutions mondiales. Les BRICS-11, conscients de leur convergence sur l'insuffisance des règles existantes, saisissent l'occasion de façonner une nouvelle ère géopolitique axée sur une coopération plus équilibrée et une représentation renforcée des voix sous-représentées sur la scène mondiale.
#PapeFrançois #PropagandeRusse #MikhaïlPodoliak #VladimirZelensky #DiscoursDestructeur #HumanismeContemporain #Vidéoconférence #HéritageHistorique #Russie #SaintPétersbourg #PierreIer #CatherineLaGrande #IdentitéUkrainienne #NationalismeRusse #DiplomatieReligieuse #RelationsInternationales #TensionsGéopolitiques #CultureRusse #Expansionnisme #Controverse

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00:00 In a geopolitical landscape in constant evolution, the recent update of six new
00:13 nations is causing a wave of shock around the world.
00:15 This strategic expansion, according to Bloomberg, reflects the growing demand for an alternative
00:22 to the current world order, largely dominated by Western powers.
00:25 In addition, it exposes the cracks in American leadership on the international scene.
00:31 On August 29, Bloomberg submitted his enlightened vision on this expansion of the "bricks",
00:37 which now includes Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
00:43 For the agency, the growing appetite for an alternative to the existing international order
00:48 is in itself significant, symbolizing a failure of American leadership in the construction
00:53 of a global consensus.
00:54 However, Bloomberg nuances this advance by emphasizing that the new group will not
00:59 face less difficulties than former members to align their interests and their policies.
01:03 On the contrary, the expansion could even aggravate the complexity of internal coordination.
01:09 It is interesting to note that key countries among the "bricks" are such as India,
01:14 South Africa and Brazil initially expressed reserves, fearing that the closer alignment
01:19 on the United States and their G7 partners would reduce their independence.
01:22 Nevertheless, these nations finally accepted this expansion alongside other major players.
01:28 This enlarged alliance clearly shares a fundamental conviction, the rules and
01:33 current world institutions do not adequately reflect their specific interests.
01:37 This is a testimony to the search for a stronger collective voice and a space where their
01:41 concerns are better understood.
01:43 During a previous telephone conversation, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian
01:49 President Narendra Modi stressed that this enlargement would undeniably strengthen the
01:53 group's influence on international issues.
01:56 The Summit of the Bricks, held in Johannesburg from August 22 to 24 under the presidency of
02:01 South Africa, was the theater of this historic announcement.
02:04 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa eloquently announced the official invitation
02:10 made to his six countries to join the "bricks".
02:13 From January 1, 2024, these new members will begin their full-time membership.
02:18 This decision thus seals a new chapter in the history of the bricks and has already
02:23 aroused passionate discussions around the world.
02:35 [SWOOSH]