ADP  Karine Le Marchand a dû stopper le speed dating d'un candidat en urgence, cette séquence non d

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ADP : Karine Le Marchand a dû stopper le speed-dating d'un candidat en urgence, cette séquence non diffusée

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00:00 In the columns of Pure Media, Karine Lemarchand revealed that a candidate for the 18th season
00:13 of Love and in the Pre was so bad during the speed dating that she was forced to
00:17 interrupt the sequence.
00:19 Discover without further ado who it is.
00:24 What would love and in the pre be without Karine Lemarchand?
00:27 Since she inherited the show in 2010, the hostess is inseparable from the program
00:32 of the dating.
00:33 Over the years, she has even taken a place more and more important since she now
00:41 commands the speed dating of the candidates live.
00:44 Set in her lodge, Alia's mother carefully watches the exchanges of her protectors
00:53 and then distributes the good and the bad points.
00:55 And if she had to name a canker in this 18th season of the program, it would be without
01:02 any doubt ...
01:03 Romeo.
01:04 In an interview with Pure Media, Karine Lemarchand indeed revealed that he had been
01:11 catastrophic during the speed dating stage.
01:14 To the point that the 55-year-old hostess had to take things in hand.
01:21 It was not kept in the editing, but I intervened, because he was totally screwing up his speed
01:26 dating.
01:27 He was stressed.
01:31 He was talking about death, about life which was difficult.
01:34 He was not at all in seduction.
01:39 If and if just if he did not tell the pretender, oh yes, it would be a good war.
01:44 It was sad.
01:47 It was terrible.
01:49 With these three, four first pretenders, it was catastrophic.
01:53 I was on my sofa backstage and I said to myself, "My God, my God, if this is not possible,
02:03 explain to the one who also animates France has an incredible talent on M6.
02:08 "
02:09 Romeo embarrassed by the shooting conditions Karine Lemarchand is convinced, Romeo would not
02:15 have probably received any pretender at the farm if she had not chosen to intervene.
02:20 The farmer does not deny it, he who admittedly had a lot of trouble getting ready for the
02:27 game.
02:28 Being in seduction in these conditions, when you are surrounded by cameramen, technicians,
02:36 lights, it is not obvious.
02:38 I had never done speed dating in my life.
02:44 It was weird, he admitted after pure media.
02:48 Let's hope the farmer is more comfortable once the pretenders have joined him
02:55 at the farm.
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