David Ayer Candid Reflection: Hollywood Executives' Choices Broke Me Regarding Suicide Squad

  • last year
Suicide Squad, Released In 2016, Failed To Make A Significant Impact At The Box Office, Facing Audience Rejection.
00:00 Director David Ayer has openly expressed his frustration towards Hollywood executives regarding
00:05 the handling of Suicide Squad.
00:07 During an appearance on a podcast, the filmmaker vehemently conveyed how the alterations made
00:11 to his highly acclaimed project led to its downfall.
00:14 Ayer remarked, "Hollywood, I tell people, is like watching someone you love get f**ked
00:19 by someone you hate."
00:20 He further added, "The big one is Suicide Squad.
00:23 That s**t broke me.
00:24 That handed me my a**."
00:27 Throughout the podcast, Ayer emphasized that he took the helm of Suicide Squad following
00:32 the success of his 2014 film Fury.
00:35 He recalled, "Coming right off Fury, right, I had the town in my hand.
00:39 Could have done anything.
00:40 And I did do anything.
00:42 And I go on this journey with Suicide Squad.
00:44 And the same thing, authentic, truthful, let's do all the rehearsals.
00:48 Let's really get in each other's soul.
00:51 Let's create this amazing, collaborative thing, right?"
00:54 He continued, "And then Red Bull opened, right, and they never tested Batman v Superman.
00:59 So they were expecting a different result.
01:01 And then they got hammered by all the critics.
01:03 Then it's like, 'Okay, we are going to turn David Ayer's dark, soulful movie into a f**king
01:09 comedy now.'"
01:10 Suicide Squad, released in 2016, failed to make a significant impact at the box office
01:15 facing audience rejection.
01:17 "I'm not going to do it."
01:23 (upbeat music)
