00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (ducks quacking)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:08 (duck quacking)
00:10 (upbeat music)
00:13 (upbeat music)
00:16 (upbeat music)
00:18 (upbeat music)
00:23 (duck quacking)
00:31 (upbeat music)
00:34 (upbeat music)
00:41 (upbeat music)
00:44 - Birds, they are getting it in on this pole.
00:52 I've never seen that before either.
00:56 (upbeat music)
00:59 - Did you just crack?
01:09 (upbeat music)
01:12 (duck quacking)
01:15 (upbeat music)
01:21 (duck quacking)
01:32 (upbeat music)
01:34 (duck quacking)
01:37 - What a big compile.
01:43 - Oh my God, we went to Cinnamontown yesterday.
01:45 - Yay!
01:46 (duck quacking)
01:48 (laughing)
01:53 - Get it!
01:56 (laughing)
01:58 (laughing)
02:00 (upbeat music)
02:03 (duck quacking)
02:25 - I'm going to feed the seagulls with my shoe.
02:29 I put food on my shoe and I wait for them to come.
02:33 (upbeat music)
02:37 (speaking in foreign language)
02:56 (laughing)
02:58 - All right, put them all right here, all right?
03:06 (laughing)
03:08 - And now we just watch the magic happen.
03:09 (laughing)
03:11 (laughing)
03:13 (screaming)
03:17 (upbeat music)
03:20 (screaming)
03:22 - You got it.
03:30 You got it.
03:36 Ow.
03:37 (upbeat music)
03:40, (speaking in foreign language)
03:45 (upbeat music)
03:47, (speaking in foreign language)
03:52 (upbeat music)
03:55 (duck quacking)
04:07 (speaking in foreign language)
04:17 (screaming)
04:21 (upbeat music)
04:23, (speaking in foreign language)
04:28 (upbeat music)
04:31, (speaking in foreign language)
04:36 (upbeat music)
04:39 (duck quacking)
04:42 (laughing)
04:53 - Okay, ready?
05:01 - Yeah.
05:02 (screaming)
05:04 (laughing)
05:08 - Oh my God.
05:09 - Yeah.
05:13 I've never been more intimidated in my life.
05:20 Get off my car.
05:21 Give me back my chips.
05:27 (duck quacking)
05:30 Okay.
05:32 (laughing)
05:36 (upbeat music)
05:38 Eating fucking birds in the middle of the road.
05:58 Like, I gotta get to work though.
06:00 (speaking in foreign language)
06:04 (upbeat music)
06:07 (laughing)
06:13 - Help, help me, help me.
06:15 (laughing)
06:19 (speaking in foreign language)
06:24 (screaming)
06:26 (upbeat music)
06:32 (duck quacking)
06:35 (screaming)
06:40 (laughing)
06:46 - Give up.
06:54 (duck quacking)
06:56 (laughing)
06:59 - You can do it.
07:04 - Yes.
07:05 - You can do it.
07:06 - Oh my.
07:07 - You can beat the wind.
07:09 - Whoa.
07:10 - Beat the wind.
07:11 (upbeat music)
07:26 - See if it's gonna--
07:27 (screaming)
07:28 (laughing)
07:29 - How am I doing?
07:30 (upbeat music)
07:33 - Another chicken.
07:45 - Another chicken.
07:47 - Yeah.
07:48 (upbeat music)
07:51 (duck quacking)
07:54 (duck quacking)
08:02 (duck quacking)
08:08 (laughing)
08:12 - Okay, bullseye.
08:19 (laughing)
08:22 - Oh, it's got a whole sausage.
08:25 Oh.
08:26 (laughing)
08:29 - They do a swoop around.
08:34 Dad claims that a seagull took a cheese itch out of his--
08:41 (screaming)
08:43 - Hurry.
08:44 (laughing)
08:47 (laughing)
08:50 (upbeat music)
08:52 - I'm not doing it.
09:01 - Hold still, Ashlyn.
09:02 (laughing)
09:05 - I'm a fighter.
09:07 (upbeat music)
09:10 (laughing)
09:12 (wind blowing)
09:17 - This is way--
09:24 (laughing)
09:26 - Get out of here!
09:35 The birds!
09:36 - Oh, how you doing?
09:37 - Oh my God!
09:38 (screaming)